Although Jia Limin's official position in the Education Bureau is not big, he has a good understanding of the inside ways, and he is even familiar with the promotion of various titles and the selection of cadres in universities.

As soon as he said it, most of the students were convinced.

"It has to be Lao Jia, as expected of working within the system!"

"No, we work at the same time. It's the first time I've heard what Lao Jia said. It's really insightful!"

"Mu Xiaoyu is blessed! The school happens to be a subordinate unit of the Education Bureau. If there is anything going on in the future, just talk to Lao Jia!"

"Hey, if I had known that I would also take the teacher certification test to be a teacher, we can't be a university teacher like Mu Xiaoyu, we can be a junior high school teacher! We can also get some credit from Lao Jia!"

"Just thinking about good things. If you were the teacher, do you think Lao Jia can help you? Hahaha..."


After speaking, the group of people burst into laughter, but what they said revealed their admiration for Jia Limin and envy for Mu Xiaoyu.

But Mu Xiaoyu shook her head: "It's really unnecessary, I think it's enough to rely on myself, if not..."

Mu Xiaoyu glanced at Sheng Tang, then lowered her head shyly, "There's him!"


Sheng Tang was stunned, and didn't know whether Mu Xiaoyu's sudden shyness was real or just pretending.

But even if it's fake, it's still very useful!

"Him? A student?"

Jia Limin scoffed at this.

Having said so much just now, Jia Limin became confident again. He felt ashamed when he thought that he was bluffed by a freshman just now. Think about him as a poor boy, what is he afraid of?

"What's wrong with the student, did the student eat your rice or drink your water? Have you ever been a student?"

Sheng Tang didn't come here to be friends with this group of people, especially this Jia Limin, who would directly attack when he could.

Then he taunted: "My family's Xiaoyu's affairs are up to me, so there's no need to bother outsiders? Besides, you're a Han University and a primary school, so it's under the control of your education bureau?"

"Who said our Education Bureau can only manage primary schools?"

Jia Limin's face turned red immediately, and he retorted.

"Oh, yes, besides the elementary school, you can also manage the kindergarten, right?"


This was obviously a joke, and Jia Limin's face turned even redder.

Sheng Tang continued: "It's a shame that you are still working in the Education Bureau, and the class is all in your stomach? You just have an Education Bureau, and you can manage the elementary schools, and the universities are under your Education Bureau's management?"


Many people don't understand this, and Jia Limin naturally feels that a freshman who doesn't understand is eloquent. In fact, it is the same as what Sheng Tang said. The Municipal Education Bureau manages the city's junior high school. Their level is not enough, so it is under the management of the Education Department, because the level of the principal of the undergraduate university is the main office, and the level of the principal of the junior college is the deputy office. what?

Especially Han University is more special, because Han University is a key university directly under the Ministry of Education, and the principals of Han University are all at the vice-ministerial level, one level higher than the director of the Education Department, so Han University is directly under the management of the Ministry of Education Yes, Jia Limin said that he can manage the affairs of Han University in the Education Bureau, which is simply a joke in the world.

Even if Ding Jie, Director of the Education Department, came to Han University, he could not be said to inspect the work, but to investigate the work of the students, and Han University sent the vice-principal Zhang Xiansheng of a similar level.

Jia Limin was okay with others, but he was useless when he was in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The other students all looked at Jia Limin, because they felt that what Sheng Tang said seemed more reasonable.

Jia Limin said in a panic, "This... the university is indeed not under the management of our Education Bureau, but under the management of the Education Department—but do you know that we are all in one system. I have worked in the Education Bureau for several years and have been to the Education Department many times. , I’m very familiar with it! If something happens to Xiaoyu, I can find someone from the inside, and I can talk to him!”

Sheng Tang squinted at him, and said with a sneer: "Then you are amazing, everyone in the Education Department knows it, but what about the Ministry of Education?"


Now, Jia Limin can't boast about his awesomeness. It's okay to talk about the Department of Education, because it is also in Jinnan, but the Ministry of Education...he can't even brag if he wants to, because it is too fake!Just blow it off!

Sheng Tang saw that he was still a little self-aware, so he didn't say much at the Ministry of Education, but asked him: "You said that you are very familiar with the people in the Education Department, Xiaoyu can ask you to do something, can it be done?"

The awesomeness was blown out, and Jia Limin could only bite the bullet and nod in agreement at this time.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Then you are amazing, Director of the Department of Education, you don't know him too, do you?"

"That's natural!"

Jia Limin held his head high, and in order to show that he understood, he began to talk: "The original Director Han of the Department of Education, because of his age, has now retired to the second line, and our Deputy Director Ding is in charge of the work. After the Chinese New Year, Director Ding will be able to become a full-time employee!"

"Hey, it seems that you really understand."

"Ha ha!"

Jia Limin sneered, picked up the new mobile phone on the table, and said to everyone: "I know Director Ding very well, and we often eat together before, so if anything happens to Xiaoyu, just tell me, I will find Director Ding Long, it can definitely be done!"


Mu Xiaoyu looked at Jia Limin, then at Sheng Tang, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, feeling uncomfortable.

However, Mu Xiaoyu was a little emotional. The first time she asked Sheng Tang to pretend to be her boyfriend to meet Liu Wenjing's family, her boyfriend Zheng Yi boasted because he was a supervisor of Jinnan Mobile. Sheng Tang only said that he knew one of them. The leader, but he gave him enough face and didn't elaborate.

But now that Jia Limin said that he knew Ding Jie, he hit the bullet point, because she knew that Sheng Tang also knew him!

And according to what Sheng Tang told her before, Sheng Tang has always been in contact with Ding Jie because of the establishment of a company for Sanwei Bookstore. Looking at the state of Sheng Tang, it is inevitable that Jia Limin will be beaten I mourn for him in my heart for a few seconds.

At this time, Jia Limin didn't know that he was in danger, but was showing a photo taken with his mobile phone, which was not very clear. The background in the photo seemed to be in a large conference room, with "Ding Jie" on the table ", Ding Jie was sitting on the chair, and many young people, including Jia Limin, surrounded Ding Jie and took a group photo.

While showing it, Jia Limin said: "This was taken when I was in a meeting with Director Ding, and I have participated in many dinner parties with Director Ding, but you know that it is not allowed to take pictures on those occasions! "


What Jia Limin said was serious, and the other students also believed it, saying things like "Old Jia is awesome".


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