Mu Xiaoyu knew that Sheng Tang was referring to Jia Limin when he said this, and at the same time he found it funny, but also a little warm, as if as long as he stayed by his side, the feeling of being cared would be full.

But she still took up the topic at the right time and glared at him: "It's fine to joke normally, why are you still joking at this time?"


Seeing this scene, the other boys looked envious: To be coquettishly scorned by Mu Xiaoyu, this boy is worth it!

And there is no need to introduce, everyone knows who the boy in front of him is. Someone secretly went to see Jia Limin, and he still kept his previous smile, but it seemed a bit far-fetched.

Mu Xiaoyu glanced at Jia Limin, nodded and said, "Long time no see? How can I remember that it was not long after the last class reunion? Maybe it's because my memory has deteriorated. I can't remember many things clearly. .”


With just a few words, Jia Limin's face darkened a little. It's not clear that he didn't remember himself at all, so he could only sit down resentfully, but gave Sheng Tang a hard look. He remembered this grudge on Sheng Tang. At the same time, I wondered whether the information given by Mu Xiangrong was reliable. Is this really a freshman?Why doesn't it look like it!

And Mu Xiaoyu just glanced at him, didn't even bother to look at him a second time, and said to the others with a smile: "Everyone must really want to know who he is, right? You don't need to ask, let me introduce, this It's my boyfriend, Sheng Tang."

"Sheng Tang... the name is so domineering!"

"Not only is the name domineering, but the appearance is also handsome enough!"

"That's right, I don't even look at whose boyfriend it is!"

Liu Mengmeng said one last sentence, and the others nodded.

"do not…"

Sheng Tang blushed and waved his hands in embarrassment. Seeing everyone looking at him, he said again: "I mean, don't stop, if you can praise you, just praise you more!"


Liu Mengmeng couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, and the others were also a little confused, they had never met such an interesting person before...

"Sheng Tang is really humorous!"


Everyone laughed to ease the embarrassment.

Sheng Tang wanted to say a few more words, but Mu Xiaoyu kicked him twice under the table, so he had to give up.

At this time the waiter came in and asked when to order.

Because this hotel is mainly seafood, if you order food, you can also get downstairs, Jia Limin said: "Liu Mengmeng, go and order!"


Liu Mengmeng was immediately dumbfounded. Although she could say a lot in class reunions, they were all lively words. When she really made a big decision, she became a little transparent again.

How can it be Xiao Transparent's turn to order food like this?

So Jia Limin made a sudden sound, and Liu Mengmeng was a little "flattered", and quickly waved her hands: "This...I can't do it, you go and order!"

Jia Limin smiled and said, "The restaurant I chose today, most of you girls like seafood, so it's better for girls to order!"

When Xu Jie heard it, she also said, "Okay, since Limin has said so, why don't we girls go down and see what seafood we like, and order it!"

Jia Limin continued to smile: "No problem, as long as you like it, just click on it, and I will pay the bill when the time comes!"

These two are smart people, one is trying to get all the girls away, the other is cooperating with him.

"Then we are welcome!"

Xu Jie pretended to say something, and then waved to the three girls including Liu Mengmeng and Mu Xiaoyu.

Sheng Tang sat on Mu Xiaoyu's left hand side, while Liu Mengmeng, who was sitting on her right hand side, pulled Mu Xiaoyu down on the table twice. There was not a single stupid person who was admitted to Han University, so Liu Mengmeng probably If he can understand Jia Limin's meaning and spend all the girls, he will definitely say something bad to Sheng Tang, right?

Liu Mengmeng pulled Mu Xiaoyu to prevent her from going out.

And she first said: "I haven't eaten any seafood, and I don't know what to order when I go, why don't you go? How about you, Xiaoyu?"

Liu Mengmeng was "throwing bricks to attract jade", as long as Mu Xiaoyu followed what she said, then the two of them would not have to go.

"Mengmeng, go and take a look, you will know what to eat!"

Xu Jie said, then looked at Mu Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, you must have eaten a lot of seafood, right?"

Mu Xiaoyu looked at Xu Jie, then at Liu Mengmeng, ignored her pulling her, and stood up: "Go and have a look!"

Then pull up Liu Mengmeng: "Come with me, Mengmeng!"


Sheng Tang watched a group of people perform, so he could tell that the girl who spoke was Xu Jie. After all, including Mu Xiaoyu and Liu Mengmeng, there were four girls in the whole room, and the other two girls were only the pretty one who spoke. What, who is she not Xu Jie?

The only thing he is curious about now is that the man sitting with Xu Jie, he looks handsome, he is obviously Xu Jie's boyfriend, so he must know the story of Xu Jie and Jia Limin's "love-hate entanglement" ?That Xu Jie was talking to Jia Limin just now, this buddy is still as calm as a fool, how big is his heart?

Or is this guy a fake too?


Sure enough, when Mu Xiaoyu and the girls left, all the boys in the room looked at Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang touched his face with a smile and said, "I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to look at me that way, do you?"


A group of people were shocked by Sheng Tang's thick skin, but some people asked curiously: "Where is the development, buddy?"

This question is more tactful. It doesn't ask what you do, but where you develop. It sounds nice, but they all have the same meaning.

"I am in Han University."

Sheng Tang replied directly.

He studied at Han University, and he also developed in Han University. There is no problem in saying that, not to mention that Sanwei Bookstore is in Han University, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"No wonder, it turned out to be Mu Xiaoyu's colleague!"

Everyone nodded suddenly and said, from their point of view, to develop in Han University, he must be working in Han University. student.

And Mu Xiaoyu happened to be a teacher of Han University, and it seemed so natural that the two teachers of Han University got married because of their work.

These students are more or less psychologically balanced, and they can comfort themselves like this: Why did Mu Xiaoyu dislike all the boys in the class at the beginning? It was because she looked down on the students and thought they were too naive. I just talked to a colleague, we all lost because we were too young!

Some people still regret it. If they knew today, they should have stayed in Han University as a teacher at the beginning - of course, they just thought about it that way, because staying in Han University as a teacher is as difficult as chasing Mu Xiaoyu Big.


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