Mind Mecha

Chapter 343 Times have changed

The leaders of the various factions readily accepted the steps that Hou Wanli handed over, and then hurriedly changed the topic to express their opinions and put forward various strategies for rescue.In the end, Hou Wanli made a decision to let the human-level monks who participated in the pursuit mission but have not yet returned form a search team on the spot, and at the same time continuously transport supplies to the desert to start search and rescue work.

Naturally, Qian Jude would not let go of this great opportunity to sell favors, and volunteered to take on the coordinating work of the search and rescue, organizing his followers to search for all kinds of needed materials in Badal City, and arranging guides who were familiar with the vast desert. He was called over by Chu Xinli.

Chu Xinli looked at Fan Kang playfully but said nothing, while the latter pretended to be dazed, and the two stared at each other just like that.Because Fan Kang guessed that she wanted to ask what method she had used to avoid the mecha's pursuit, but she couldn't think of a suitable reason to prevaricate for a while, so she played stupidly and at the same time her brain worked quickly to try to deal with it.

The two confronted each other for a long time and finally evenly divided. Seeing that the momentum could not overwhelm the other party, Chu Xinli changed the way of exerting pressure, pretending to have seen through everything and threatened: "Is there anything you want to say?"

"Yes, yes, this junior does have something to say." Fan Kang was passed by the leader in this way in the previous life. Seeing this familiar scene again, he couldn't help laughing in his heart, but he pretended to be enlightened and raised his left hand to pat After shaking his head, he cupped his hands and said, "This mission is a narrow escape. If it wasn't for the formation technique bestowed by the senior, I'm afraid I would have been filled with hatred in the vast desert. This kindness is really a re-creation. Thank you, junior."

Not giving Chu Xinli a chance to speak, Fan Kang scratched his head and said shyly: "It's just that all the gifts from the seniors have been exhausted, and without the protection of high-level formations, the body and mind will not be at ease. I don't know..."

"Young people should be self-sufficient, and shouldn't develop the habit of reaching out for food. The illustration book of formations is already in your hands. After you go back, you can study and study hard. When the time comes, high-level formations will naturally be inexhaustible." To Fan Kang Chu Xinli, who was so greedy and displeased, snorted coldly, and walked away after a lesson.After walking far away, he realized that he had fallen for Fan Kang's plan and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly. At the same time, he also understood Fan Kang's intentions, so he could only let it go and stop entanglement.

Liu Jing, who got the news, also came from the headquarters of Bada Chamber of Commerce at this time. Seeing that her lover was safe, she couldn't help throwing herself into his arms and crying bitterly.

Liu Jing's body was originally thin, but at this time there were two deep dark circles around her eyes, making her look extremely haggard.Fan Kang couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw it, so he stroked Liu Jing's back and comforted him softly: "Have you not had a good rest these days? Why do you torture yourself so much?"

"Those heads and leaders said that the earth-level monks would never escape from the hands of the mecha. They guessed that you had already fallen in the vast desert. I thought that they were all experienced monks, and the judgment they made would naturally be unreasonable. Wrong." Liu Jing sobbed intermittently, it turned out that she couldn't sleep at night because she was worried about Fan Kang's safety.

Fan Kang lightly squeezed the tip of Liu Jing's nose and pretended to be relaxed and said, "What they use as a reference is only ordinary monks, and I am not comparable to those ordinary people. This mission can only be regarded as a surprise at best, it is not safe Are you back?"

"There's no one who flaunts herself like that." Liu Jing snorted and finally broke through her tears into a smile, stepped back half a step and came to Fan Kang's side, holding his arm quietly.

At this time, Hou Wanli had already arranged various rescue matters, and walked side by side with Lu Zhanwang.Seeing him cough lightly to attract everyone's attention, he said in a deep voice: "I discussed with Brother Lu just now, and I feel that the Qiankun Empire spent a lot of effort to support Gu Zhiqing. The first line of defense, the pressure to bear in the future will rise sharply. For this reason, brother Lu and I plan to jointly play the role of prince, and request resources to be used to deal with powerful enemies. You should also hurry up and practice, don't go to the battlefield and become the leader of a large army drag."

"Yes!" The three brothers of the Hou family gave a military salute in unison and responded loudly.

"If I remember correctly, the Eternal Fortress is fifty stars, right? Could it be that the Qiankun Empire wants to invade our borders with all its power? Aren't they afraid of being taken advantage of by the Yongchang Kingdom?" Fan Kang clearly remembered the first time he went to On the way to Wanlibao, Hou Yongli proudly introduced the Eternal Fortress, and even called it the Fortress that will never fall.But now listening to Hou Wanli's tone, he seemed worried, as if he didn't have the confidence to resist the Qiankun Empire.

"How many standard mechas do you think Pale Knight can deal with at the same time?" Hou Wanli asked without answering.

After a little thought, Fan Kang replied: "Based on the cultivation base of the eldest brother and the performance of the mecha itself, it should be no problem to fight against three mechas. If there are four mechas, it will take some effort. Even if you lose five or more mechas, you can still retreat completely." .If you use beam rifles and beam sabers openly, I am afraid that ten mechas can be easily taken down."

"The judgment is good. The beam magic weapon is like adding wings to a special mecha. Even if it is equipped with a standard mecha, it can greatly increase its destructive power. The evaluation standard for a fortress is calculated by how many standard mechas it can withstand. Yes, and the standard equipment of the standard mechas is the melting ax and the wind controller. With the cover of the mechas of the Tianhu army, even a hundred standard mechas cannot shake the Eternal Fortress." Hou Wanli nodded and then He sighed: "But if you have to face thirty mechas equipped with beam magic weapons, it's hard to say. Once the number reaches fifty, the Eternal Fortress will definitely fall. Soldiers are expensive and not expensive. I didn't expect a The advent of magic tools can subvert the tradition of nearly a hundred years, and the times have really changed."

Beam weapons generally refer to beam sabers and beam rifles, but everyone knows that what Hou Wanli really cares about is beam rifles.After all, the beam saber is still a close-combat weapon, and the various high-level magic weapons equipped with Eternal Fortress can completely shoot down enemy mechs from a distance.But the beam rifle is different, its range is extremely long and its power is extraordinary, a fortress that cannot move and dodge is a good target in front of it.

Although the Qiankun Empire limited the number of purchases by countries when selling beam rifles, it is difficult to guarantee that other countries have thoroughly researched and even made imitations.Therefore, Hou Wanli's worries were definitely not groundless. If he didn't pay attention to this issue, everything would be over when the army of mechas equipped with beam rifles overwhelmed the situation.

Everyone fell into silence for a while. Fan Kang knew that this matter was related to the survival of the Hou family, so he asked a doubt that he hadn't figured out since the moment he saw the beam rifle: "I remember that when General Hou was injured, he blew himself up. The mechs in China are equipped with beam sabers, why is the invention of beam rifles lagging behind for so many years? What is the difference between the two?"

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