Mind Mecha

Chapter 342 The end of the pursuit mission

Hou Yongyi was worried that Fan Kang and the others didn't understand the key point, so he explained: "Although the melting ax can also melt the Taixuan alloy, it needs to be hacked three times in a row to do this. The temperature emitted by the two is like a salary." Fire and furnace are not on the same level at all."

"Swish, swish, swish!" Before everyone had time to express their opinions, they saw the pale knight's right hand waving again, slashing around lightly, and after that, the limbs of the standard mecha were separated from the torso.Hou Yongzhong's swordsmanship was fast and accurate, and he knew the structure of the standard mecha well. The armor on the mecha was stripped off by the beam saber in a short while.

Hou Yongzhong ignored those too dazzling alloys, and began to rummage through the skeleton of the mecha.When encountering internal armor that needs to be cut, Hou Yongzhong will adjust the intensity of the Jiuyao star light array in the beam saber, shrink the blade length of the beam saber to one-fifth, and then use this beam dagger to cut the internal armor, Dig out the desired part.

Five minutes later, eleven large formation cornerstones and several parts had been piled up at the Pale Knight's feet, and the standard mecha had also turned into a metal hill at this time.

Satisfied, Hou Yongzhong put away the beam saber and said to the crowd: "If there are too many, I can't take them away, that's all. We will evacuate immediately after putting them away in the Wishful Box."

Fan Kang gave Hou Peiqin a wink, and the latter came forward after knowing it, and put all these valuable materials into the second-generation wishful box, while Fan Kang pulled Hou Yongxiao to rummage through the fainted two people Then, he finally came to the metal hill with four second-generation wishful boxes, and put the two heavenly magic weapons, the Wind Rider and the Melting Ax, into a wishful box respectively.Of course, the remaining space was not wasted, it was all filled with Taixuan alloy.

After Hou Yongzhong and Hou Yongyi saw the function of the second-generation wishful box, they couldn't help but feel moved, but they couldn't bear the shame to ask Fan Kang for it, and their reserved appearance, which hesitated to speak, was like a big girl.

Fan Kang couldn't help feeling amused when he saw this, he played with the second-generation wishful box in his hand and said with a smile: "This thing will be available in the market soon, so there is no need to envy me. But let me remind you first, Bada Chamber of Commerce will sell it. Don’t buy in bulk.”

The Hou family brothers were puzzled by some ambiguous words, but they didn't ask.Because they knew that Fan Kang was not a person who turned his elbows outwards, so he would definitely not do things that would make his family suffer.Hou Peiqin was originally a shrewd businessman. After guessing Fan Kang's thoughts by [-]% or [-]%, knowing that the old fox Qian Jude was about to be used as a gun again, she couldn't help shaking her head.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Fan Kang received a call from Ma Jinjue.

"Hou Rui has fallen. There are a total of two mechas chasing you, and the second mecha is not stingy with the heavenly formations. You have to be careful!" Yongzhong's car didn't even notice.

If Ma Jinjue's information came earlier, then Hou Yongyi still had time to set up a second trap, and those Tianhu warriors might not have to die in battle.It's a pity that the news that Shanshan came late was a foregone conclusion, and everyone felt speechless for a while.If it weren't for him being half an outsider, Hou Yongyi would have yelled at him long ago.

After trying hard to control his emotions, Hou Yongyi said in a deep voice: "The mechs have all been solved, and our safety is no longer a problem. Please tell me what happened in detail."

It was only then that Ma Jinjue noticed that there was a white special mecha behind Fan Kang. Although he didn't know who the driver was, he knew that their safety was indeed safe, so he briefly explained what happened.

At that time, Ma Jinjue and Hou Rui separated and fled according to Fan Kang's instructions. At this critical moment, Ma Jinjue was not overly flustered.Seeing that it is impossible to find an effective cover in the flat desert, and knowing that it is definitely not wise to compete with mechas in speed, he simply gave it a go.

After running a certain distance, Ma Jinjue activated a phantom array called Mirage, which eliminated his own figure and projected it 50 meters behind him, betting that the opponent would use long-range attacks to deal with him.

Ma Jinjue deserved his life too. Ni Cong was talking to Wang Jian when the phantom formation was activated. The two earth-level monks who were like ants naturally didn't pay attention to it, so they didn't notice the existence of the phantom formation.Moreover, the first target he chose to chase after was Hou Rui. After catching up and using the hot melt ax to kill the target, he found that Ma Jinjue had already run away. level augmentation array.

Although the distance of 50 meters was far enough, Ma Jinjue still underestimated the attack power of the mecha. After the augmentation formation landed, a strong storm broke out, blowing a lot of sand and dust and knocking Ma Jinjue to the ground.Ma Jinjue passed out immediately due to being hit by a strong shock wave, and then was covered almost his entire body by the falling dust.

Perhaps because he was too confident in his attack, Ni Cong chased after Wang Jian without stepping up to check carefully, and Ma Jinjue was able to escape from death.

An hour later, Ma Jinjue reunited with Fan Kang and the others, and the sand pry was pulled by the pale knight. The group returned to Bada City at noon the next day, and Lu Yuhua and Hou Yongli also woke up from a coma.Seeing that everyone was safe, Hou Yongzhong drove the mecha back to the Eternal Fortress.

At the east gate, Fan Kang met the leaders of the major forces and Hou Wanli. It turned out that they came to Bada City after the engagement ceremony, and they were going to hold a celebration ceremony at the headquarters of Bada Chamber of Commerce when everyone returned triumphantly.But after learning that the chasing troops encountered the mechas of the Qiankun Empire, they couldn't help but couldn't sit still, so they made an appointment to wait at the east gate, hoping to know the latest news as soon as possible.

Fan Kang and his party were the first to come back, so they were naturally surrounded by everyone and asked about the specific situation.Among the crowd, Hou Peiqin had the best eloquence, so she told the story.

When everyone heard the feat of Fan Kang leading members of the main line of the Hou family to fight against [-] eagle generals, and pulling a sand pry to race against mechs in the desert with prefecture-level cultivation, they couldn't help wondering whether Hou Peiqin was exaggerating the facts , Later, when he heard that his own children scattered like birds and beasts in times of crisis, his face could not help turning red and then pale, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and began to question the details, trying to question Hou Peiqin's words.

Hou Wanli knew that there must be Sima Lang's credit, and he couldn't bear to be questioned, and his prime minister could hold a boat in his stomach, and he didn't want to haggle with the leaders of the major forces on this matter, so he stretched out his hand to hold Hou Peiqin's hand. The shoulder stopped her from continuing, and then she clasped her fists to everyone and said: "The failure of the pursuit mission has nothing to do with others. The fault is that the old man did not expect the Qiankun Empire to intervene. The experience of traveling in the desert may be life-threatening after a long time."

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