Mind Mecha

Chapter 344 Electromagnetic Cannon

"An expert who is good at this is right in front of you. Why do you ask me, a layman?" Hou Wanli laughed when he heard this, and then said to Lu Zhan beside him: "It's rare that Fan Kang is interested in beam rifles, so please trouble Lu Brother, don’t hesitate to enlighten me, so I can improve my knowledge.”

"The specific technology of the beam rifle is in the hands of the Daomeng. After years of research, I have only learned some superficial information. How can I be an expert?" Lu Zhanwang said modestly: "Because the beam rifle sold by the Daomeng They are all equipped with self-destruct devices, so they cannot be disassembled, and we can only make guesses based on the characteristics of the beam saber."

The top of the hilt of the beam sword is inlaid with a nine-bright star array. After the array is activated, the energy in the top-grade spirit crystal will be transformed into countless high-temperature fine particles that cannot be directly observed by the naked eye, and then ejected.It's just that these particles will quickly dissipate in the air, so the distance of condensation is very limited. Even if the power of the formation is turned on to the maximum, it is equivalent to the length of the mech's arm.Because the shape of the light beam is like a long sword, it is called the beam saber in the cultivation world.

Usually, the hilt of the sword is inserted in the designated slot upside down, and there is a supplementary high-grade spirit crystal in the slot. When the hilt is inserted back into the slot, the spirit crystal can be replaced by one operation, so it is very convenient to use.Unlike the melting ax magic weapon that needs to be warmed up, the beam saber can exert its power to the maximum after it is turned on, and it can switch fighting methods more flexibly in fierce battles, so this magic weapon has been well received as soon as it came out.It's a pity that the Jiuyao Starlight Array belongs to the sky-level 88-eye array, and there are really not many array masters who are capable of making it, so it cannot be equipped with ordinary standard mechs.

The principle of the beam rifle is basically the same as that of the beam saber. When using it, the nine-shine star array attached to the waist of the mecha is installed at the end of the barrel, and the particles are pushed out of the barrel at an extremely fast speed through a device in the gun body. .The friction between these fast-flying particles and the air generates extremely high temperatures, which will ignite the dust and various gases in the air, and the colorful tail flames will also come from this.

"Because the gun body also needs to be replaced with spirit crystals, we can know that it is embedded with the Taixu Shocking Thunder Array. It's just that the function of this array is only to generate a large amount of lightning. How can the particles produced by the Jiuyao Star Light Array be extremely high?" The speed is pushed out, and its working principle has not been figured out so far." Lu Zhanwang told all he knew and emphasized again that the technology mastered by Daomeng is the secret in the gun body.

"Electromagnetic gun..." Fan Kang became more and more frightened as he heard it, and he couldn't help blurting out these three words.

It turned out that the research and development of beam weapons was in the proposal in Fan Kang's previous life, and the design concept was basically the same as Hou Wanli said. The device that achieves extremely fast acceleration of particles is the electromagnetic gun.

By letting a large amount of electricity flow into the accelerating coil fixed in the gun barrel to generate an induced current, the interaction with the magnetic field of the accelerating coil current generates an electromagnetic field force, so that the objects in the gun barrel are accelerated and fired.The technology of the electromagnetic gun has matured in the previous life, and the speed of the shells fired by it is several times that of gunpowder weapons. However, due to technical reasons, a safe, stable and portable particle generator has never been produced, so the final beam The weapon plan was helplessly shelved.

But the situation in this realm of self-cultivation is exactly the opposite. The Jiuyao starlight array can easily produce particles, and the top-grade spirit crystal is an easy-to-carry, safe and convenient energy source. The technologies Fan Kang has mastered complement each other.Such a coincidence naturally shocked Fan Kang, and by the time he realized that he had slipped up, it was already too late.

A new term that had never been heard before entered into Lu Zhanwang's ears, which naturally aroused his great interest, and quickly grabbed Fan Kang's shoulders and asked: "What is the electromagnetic gun you mentioned just now? Could it be a beam of light?" A device in a rifle?"

Seeing Fan Kang's hesitation, Lu Zhan frowned and said displeasedly: "It's about the safety and prosperity of the country, you can't hide it. If it's true, General Hou and I will definitely report the truth to the king. For your achievements, I believe the new king will reward you."

Before Fan Kang could respond, Hou Wanli stepped forward to separate the two and whispered at the same time: "This is a place where we don't discuss this matter."

"That's right, this matter cannot be discussed in public." Lu Zhanwang, who came to his senses, forcibly calmed down his excitement, and led the two of them straight to the hotel room where he was staying.

It was the first time for Lu Yuhua to see such an out-of-control father. After looking at each other for a while, he hurriedly followed, but was stopped outside the door.

"You keep guard outside, don't let anyone in." After Hou Wanli finished speaking, he closed the door, and then arranged a formation to isolate sound and spiritual prying.

Along the way, Fan Kang also figured it out. Since the beam rifle was invented by the Daomeng, it must have been popularized internally. If he doesn't make a difference, the Daomeng will dominate the family, even if he equips his companions' mechas with beams in the future. The rifle is also difficult to support alone.It's better to bring the entire Qiankun Continent into the era of beam weapons, so that at least the gap in strength with the Dao League can be narrowed.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang did not hold back at all, and revealed the structure and principle of the electromagnetic gun.When asked about the source of the technology, Fan Kang only said that it was passed down by his master.

Originally, he planned to spend a lot of time explaining, but he didn't expect Lu Zhanwang and Chu Xinli to believe it.It turned out that the Taoist League has been searching for the design drawings of the magic weapon in recent years, which has aroused great anger and resentment, so the two of them took it for granted and applied it to Fan Kangshimen.But Hou Wanli mistakenly believed that the technology of the electromagnetic gun had always been in the hands of the Tianyi faction, and it was natural for Fan Kang to inherit it from Sima Lang.

Lu Zhanwang sighed and said, "It turns out that the electromagnetic gun was stolen by the Daomeng. It seems that the Daomeng has lied to the outside world again."

Seeing that the two had misunderstood, Fan Kang followed their tone and sighed: "As the senior said. The master has been brooding over this matter, lamenting that the master has lost a unique magic weapon since then. So the old man once told his disciples to treat The domineering Daomeng has punished it, and would rather find an opportunity to spread this technology to the entire cultivation world than let the Daomeng specialize in beauty."

"It seems that the commander's temper is also very strong." Lu Zhanwang nodded in full agreement with what Fan Kang said, and then said worriedly: "But sooner or later, the Daoist League will know that the carrier country has mastered the technology of the beam rifle, so it will naturally guess Are you not afraid of retribution if you tell the teacher to leak the secret?"

"Thank you senior for your concern, but there is no need to worry too much about this matter. Because the master has closed the mountain gate many years ago, he has been wandering around all year round and the fairy trail is uncertain. Even if the Taoist League wants to take revenge, I am afraid that the old man will not be able to find him." Fan Kang continued to make nonsense.

In the end, the four agreed that Fan Kang would complete the design drawing as soon as possible so that he could present it to the prince as soon as possible, and made a promise to Chu Xinli that the carrier country would purchase the Jiuyao Star Array and Tailoring Array required for the beam rifle at a price [-]% higher than the market price. In a false alarm, she asked her to arrange manpower to rush to work as soon as possible.

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