Mind Mecha

Chapter 341 The Pale Knight

After walking for three miles, I saw a white armor with yellow stripes on the edge of the armor, a white round shield hanging on the left forearm, and a bunch of red cherry decorations on the head. It was gliding towards the desert. .

"It's the pale knight! It really is the big brother!" Hou Yongxiao shouted excitedly on the sand pry, and waved to the mech at the same time.

Hearing this, Fan Kang raised his head from his contemplation, carefully looked at the mecha, and compared it with Ni Cong's standard mecha.

After comparison, it was found that the Pale Knight's armor was twice as thick as the standard mecha, and his height reached 20 meters, making him appear extraordinarily large.In order not to affect the maneuverability, the number of acceleration formations installed everywhere is twice that of the standard machine, and two huge jumping backpacks are installed vertically on the left and right behind it.Such a shape is full of a sense of strength and security. At first glance, people know that the Pale Knight's performance in all aspects is much better than that of the standard mecha.The most important thing is that the pale knight's head is like a face wearing a mask, with only two faint blue eyes exposed, which is more anthropomorphic than the red one-eyed standard mecha.

"The one mounted on the right arm is the high-level celestial weapon beam rifle. I heard that a celestial-level formation called Taixu Shocking Thunder Formation is inlaid in it, and it is used together with the Jiuyao Star Light Formation pinned to the waist. It can emit a beam with extremely strong penetrating power, and the enchantment and armor of the standard mecha are like thin paper in front of the beam rifle and beam saber." Hou Yongyi pointed at the machine gun that was half the caliber of the Wind Rider The gun-shaped magic weapon was introduced, and the words revealed envy and yearning.

"Beam saber?" Fan Kang couldn't help muttering in a low voice after reading it twice: "The problems that science and technology can't solve are all overcome by the cultivation world, could it be..."

"What are you talking about, didn't you see that big brother is greeting you?" Hou Peiqin saw Fan Kang's soul wandering, so she nudged him lightly with her elbow and complained.

Realizing his gaffe, Fan Kang quickly shut his mouth and looked up. He saw the mech kneeling on the ground with one knee, and a piece of armor plate was turned up and down on the abdomen, revealing the cockpit. Hou Yongzhong was stepping on the ground with one foot. He looked at himself with a smile on the door frame.

Seeing this, Fan Kang quickly jumped off the sand pry and took a few steps forward. He smiled and said to Hou Yongzhong, "Thank you for taking the action in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."'

Hou Yongzhong also responded with a smile and waved his hands: "You have to destroy Lingbo's micro-stepping device, so that the mecha has to jump with all its strength, so that I can hit it with one hit. I can't be sure to hit it at such a long distance. A mecha that can move flexibly on the ground.”

After the formalities, everyone began to exchange information. It turned out that the reason why Hou Yongzhong arrived at the critical moment was because Hou Yongzhong received a secret report from the spies in Sitong City on the first night after the pursuit troops set off, saying that there was a change in the troops of the Qiankun Empire. , delivered a lot of eagle generals and supplies to the vast desert, and suspected that there were tiger generals and mechs among them.

Feeling uneasy, Hou Yongzhong immediately submitted an application for dispatching mechas. Hou Wanli was worried about the safety of everyone, so he found Gu Zhigang.As a result, the soon-to-be king heard that it was related to the pursuit mission, and immediately agreed with a swipe of a pen, and even allowed Hou Yongzhong to dispatch the pale knight equipped with a beam magic weapon.

After Hou Yongzhong received the permission to attack, he immediately led two standard mechas for reinforcements. Since the Pale Knight was much faster than the standard mechas, Hou Yongzhong decided to go ahead and search all the way according to the coordinates given by Hou Yongyi.

When Hou Yongzhong discovered the traces of Fan Kang and others using the Condensation Form, it was the moment when Hou Yongyi stopped to replace the spirit crystal.Seeing his brothers and sisters in crisis, Hou Yongzhong was naturally very anxious, so he immediately stopped the mecha and took out the beam rifle to try to snipe from a long distance.Originally, Hou Yongzhong was not absolutely sure about this shot, but unexpectedly discovered that Fan Kang actually had the ability to force the mech to jump up with all his strength, and then he shot the fatal blow at the best time.

After listening to Hou Yongzhong's narration, everyone couldn't help screaming, but if there is any delay in any link, the result of today may be completely different.

When Fan Kang heard this, he completely understood, so he said to the Shenshen tree hanging on his chest: "Master has already noticed the sniper attack of the pale knight, so he turned a deaf ear to the disciple's call for help."

"The experience of facing the enemy's machine transformation can only be deeply understood by personally experiencing the danger. There is no harm in contracting the heart a few times." Sima Lang's nagging voice came into Fan Kang's mind, and his preaching appearance made Fan Kangbian Bianzui, can't help complaining in my heart.

"We have already killed two of the enemy's three mechas, and the elder brother's pale knight is so powerful, why not take advantage of the victory and pursue it, so as to avenge the brother who died." The comrades who came out together couldn't take them back, Hou Yongyi naturally He hated the tiger general of the Qiankun Empire to the bone, so he urged Hou Yongzhong to avenge that arrow.

Although Hou Yongzhong was also full of anger, he finally suppressed his impulse rationally.He shook his head slightly and sighed: "We have come all the way and there are not many high-grade spirit crystals left, and it is not known whether the other party will have reinforcements. It is really not suitable to chase. Disassemble this standard mecha and bring useful parts Let's retreat now."

After finishing speaking, Hou Yongzhong returned to his seat and closed the armor in front of the cockpit, and manipulated the pale knight to return to an upright position. With his right hand, he pulled out a cylindrical white object from behind the round shield on his left forearm, and walked to Ni Cong's. In front of the armor.Seeing this, Hou Yongyi immediately stretched out his arms to signal everyone to retreat, and retreated nearly 50 meters before stopping. Obviously, the next scene is not suitable for close viewing.

"Om~" I saw a white light gushing out from one end of the cylindrical object, and instantly condensed and formed at a distance of about ten meters away, becoming a stick-shaped object emitting white light all over.The dazzling light dispelled the darkness nearby, like a high-powered searchlight, illuminating the two mechas thoroughly.

"Beam sword!" Combined with Hou Yongyi's previous introduction, the rest of the people naturally knew what this white object was, and they couldn't help saying in unison.

"That's right, it's the beam saber. Brother is planning to use it to cut mechs. Please close your eyes and watch with your mental power for the next performance, so as not to burn your eyes with the strong light." Hou Yongyi was surprised by everyone's surprised expressions. Satisfied, and reminded me.

Everyone hurriedly closed their eyes according to the words, and the pale knight swung down his right hand holding the beam saber tightly.

I saw the beam saber sweeping across the waist of the standard mech, and the thick Taixuan alloy burst out with green energy as soon as it touched the blade, and the blade swept across in less than a second. Ni Cong's The mecha was cut into two pieces along the middle.

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