Mind Mecha

Chapter 330 Lightning Rod

"Whoever can catch the guy wearing the most gorgeous battle armor will be rewarded with three thousand middle-grade spirit crystals!" Gu Zhiqing, who hated Fan Kang to the bone, offered a tempting reward bonus.

The so-called heavy rewards must have brave men, not to mention the fact that there are many enemies and few enemies.What these monks are thinking about now is not whether they can catch Fan Kang, but who will get the [-] middle-grade spirit crystals. Each of them is like a chicken blood, manipulating various magic weapons to chase the enemy bravely .

"These are the eagle generals of the Qiankun Empire!" Hou Yongxiao exclaimed after recognizing the style of the armor worn by the pursuers.

Hou Yongli gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "Gu Zhiqing is able to drive them, it seems that he has already colluded with the Qiankun Empire, and this alone can confirm his crime against the country."

"Don't think about the merits now, let's run quickly, it is a blessing to be able to escape." Lu Yuhua ran away at full speed while poking his divine sense into the second-generation wishful box, looking for the magic weapon inside, He wanted to find a magic weapon that would be useful for escaping, but he couldn't get it, so he let out a wail at the end.

"It would be nice to have the magic weapon of Aoyou Sihai at this time." Ma Jinjue's sigh resonated with others.At this time, there was only one thought in everyone's mind, if they could save the day, they must unite with the forces in the family to fight against the Four Seas Gang, whether it is to steal it or threaten it, they must get the Aoyou Four Seas Magic Artifact.

Although Fan Kang and the others have increased their speed to the fastest, the thirty eagle generals are still biting behind them like maggots attached to the bones. With the range of the opponent's long-distance magic weapon, once it is attacked, it is bound to take defense, and the speed will drop sharply and fall into the siege.

The most terrible thing is that Fan Kang was also paralyzed and careless before. After rushing for an hour, he only replaced the spirit crystal for the magic weapon and armor once, but the opponent was waiting for work, both mental power and spirit crystal were sufficient.Fan Kang made a rough estimate. According to the current situation, he would have to stop and replace the spirit crystal after another 10 minutes of running. By then, he would definitely be in a full-scale battle with the opponent.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang gritted his teeth, resolutely stopped the momentum of gliding, turned around, and took out the prefectural-level top-level magical artifacts presented by Qian Jude from the Ruyi box-Thunder hammer and lightning chisel, and congratulated his companions Shouted: "Keep running, replace the spirit crystal quickly after running for a mile!"

Fan Kang held a chisel in his left hand and a hammer in his right. The silver-gray lightning chisel lay across his chest, and the purple-gold thunder hammer was raised above his head. The chisel pointed at the thirty eagle generals in front of him. There were countless blue arcs wrapped around the hammer.Without waiting for any reaction from the other party, Fan Kang resolutely swung his right hand, and the thunder hammer hit the end of the lightning chisel heavily.

The berserk electric arc was transmitted from the hammer body to the lightning chisel. After combing and guiding the array, a wrist-thick, dark blue lightning spewed out from the chisel head. Any reaction was struck by lightning.

The permanent defensive formation on the battle armor let out a whine and then disintegrated instantly. After the lightning pierced through the monk's battle armor and chest, the castration continued unabated, and continued to attack the people behind him. The No.2 Eagle turned sideways at the critical moment and avoided the fatal blow at the cost of losing a shoulder.

After penetrating two sets of armors in a row, most of the lightning's power was consumed. Although it hit the No.3 monk, it only destroyed the defensive formation on the armor. After burning a large area of ​​the third person's skin, this The strike also came to an end.

With one death and two serious injuries, Fan Kang's thunderous strike achieved great results, and at the same time deterred the opponent in terms of momentum.All the eagles subconsciously spread out, stopped sliding and fully opened the defensive array, guarding against Fan Kang's next blow.

"What magic weapon is that? How can it have such powerful power!" The monk with a hole in his left shoulder held the wound with his right hand and howled tremblingly.

"I saw it at the auction of the Stone Chamber of Commerce. It is the top-level lightning attribute magic weapon Thunder Hammer and Lightning Chisel at the prefecture level. The final transaction price is [-] middle-grade spirit crystals."

After hearing the price of Thunder Hammer and Lightning Chisel, all the eagle generals showed greedy eyes, wishing to catch up and kill Fan Kang immediately and take the magic weapon as their own.But although the magic weapon is good, it is also ruthless. The results of the previous three people are still vivid, and no one has the guts to go up first and act as cannon fodder.

Seeing that the deterrence worked, Fan Kang stopped attacking and turned around to chase his companions.

Unexpectedly, just as Fan Kang ran ten meters away, he heard a roar from behind. An eagle general who looked like the captain in a red cloak shouted: "The higher the magic weapon, the faster the spirit crystal will be consumed." Quick, we still have 27 people who can continue to fight, how many people can be shot down by this linear attack?"

"That's right! With such a huge disparity in military strength, the other party managed to escape. How can we have the face to face others when the news spreads!"

"Let's go together, and the loot you get will be shared equally after the sale. I promise here that brothers who have fallen or been injured will get a considerable amount of relocation allowance." After finishing speaking, the captain took out a wishful box. With a metal stick, he rushed forward first.

For soldiers, honor is more important than anything else. After some encouragement, the eagle generals were full of courage again, and launched Lingbo microsteps and accelerated formations to chase Fan Kang, and soon came within range of each other.

Fan Kang added a new middle-grade spirit crystal to the thunder hammer, and then repeated the same trick. He turned around and hit the captain who was running in the front. A blue lightning flashed across the air like a flying snake, and went straight to the opponent. fly away.

The captain had been on guard for a long time. When Fan Kang raised the hammer, he stuck the metal rod in the sand, and while taking a step back, he secretly used a manipulation style.The upper half of the metal rod spread out layer by layer like a folding fan, and a metal barrier was erected between Fan Kang and the captain in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the barrier was completed, the lightning hit it solidly. A large amount of electric energy was guided into the sand along the stick and finally disappeared. Only a small part of the power blasted on the captain's body, which was easily defended by the armor. down.

Fan Kang was slightly taken aback when he saw this, and realized after a while that the metal rod was a lightning rod, probably prepared for camping in thunderstorm weather.Even if the lightning from the thunder hammer is channeled and condensed by the lightning chisel, its power is only half the same as the natural thunder and lightning, and naturally it cannot achieve the desired effect.

Seeing that the captain of the eagle generals only used an ordinary lightning rod to defuse the attack of the top-level magic weapon at the earth level, this made the eagle generals really excited.I saw that they followed suit, dug out a large amount of conductive metal from the Ruyi box, quickly tied them together and used them as temporary lightning rods, and made full defense preparations after Fan Kang replaced the spirit crystal .

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