Mind Mecha

Chapter 329 Invitation to Travel Four Seas

The god-separation stand is one-way, and the spiritual thoughts can only go out but not in. Even the wearer of the god-separation stone cannot let his gods enter from outside the stand.Therefore, the ability to simulate this talent also has its limitations, and it can only compete for the right to control the magic weapon outside the stand of God.

After realizing this, Fan Kang immediately released the Leap Flying Swords, let them fly close to the ground, and cooperated with Hou Peiqin to launch crossfire.The earth-level cultivator couldn't take care of both up and down, and suddenly he was in a hurry, and his body skills couldn't help but slow down. In the end, he was directly hit by Hou Peiqin's augmentation formation, completely lost his balance and fell on the sand.

Seeing this, Fan Kang immediately took out the cannon weapon and bombed it indiscriminately. The defensive formation on the monk's armor was broken after only five breaths. The front breastplate was pitted and ribs were broken , lying on the ground with only one breath left.

"You go to help fourth brother, I'll go to Ma Jinjue's." Fan Kang raised his head to give instructions to Hou Peiqin, then turned his head and said to Fan Ting who was sitting on his shoulder: "Go and swallow it quickly, and be careful not to be spotted by others."

Fan Ting happily agreed and jumped to the ground. Fan Kang didn't take another look at what happened to this prefecture-level cultivator, but turned around and ran towards other partners.

Ma Jinjue already had the upper hand, and after receiving Fan Kang's reinforcements, he severely injured the opponent.At this time, Hou Yongli also solved the battle with the help of Hou Peiqin, and after quickly searching for the spoils, everyone gathered together again.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong, there is no room for me to intervene." From the moment they rushed out of the sand dune, Fan Kang's six actions were like precision machines. Hou Rui, who seemed like an outsider in this battle, was unwilling. Put away the magic weapon, and at the same time feel completely convinced by the strength of these main line members.

"The tactics were formulated two days ago. Time was running out, so the captain didn't take you into consideration. Don't have any ideas." Hou Yongxiao patted Hou Rui on the shoulder and said in relief.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for everyone to replace the spiritual crystals for the magic weapon and armor, Fan Kang gave a general introduction to Gu Zhiqing's situation. After a short rest, he led everyone to continue chasing the target, and got in touch with Hou Yongyi on the way.

"Well done! Now that the target has lost the sand pry and his whereabouts have been completely exposed, this first contribution must be yours." After listening to the briefing, Hou Yongyi was very happy, and after praising everyone, he continued: "Especially Fan Kang, Being able to judge the situation calmly at the critical moment, instead of chasing in depth alone, but fighting steadily to ensure an absolute advantage, my father's vision is indeed right."

"Second brother, if you want to brag, you have to wait until you catch Gu Zhiqing." Seeing that everyone's tense strings showed signs of loosening again, Fan Kang interrupted Hou Yongyi's conversation in a timely manner, and then said seriously: "I use splitting to divide The fragments of divine thoughts that went out have not been discovered by the opponent, and at the current speed, it is estimated that it will take less than 10 minutes to catch up with the target. If we succeed in capturing Gu Zhiqing, which direction should we retreat, and where are the troops that will meet us now?"

Although he felt that Fan Kang was too cautious, Hou Yongyi still answered his question seriously: "Just go back the same way. A large army is gathering towards the place where Hou Hetai fell. Among them, fifteen of the fastest prefecture-level monks You're only twenty minutes away."

Knowing that the reinforcements were not far behind, Fan Kang interrupted the contact with satisfaction, and at this time Fan Ting's Yin God also returned to Fan Kang's side, hiccupped and sat in the original position with his eyes closed to refine and swallow. mental body.

Five minutes later, Gu Zhiqing's figure finally entered everyone's field of vision again. Ma Jinjue took out the wind cannon and was about to fire it, but saw dust suddenly rising from Shen Buping's feet, and at the same time, his speed increased sharply, and he rushed out of range in the blink of an eye. , fled at an unmatched speed.

"It's the magic weapon of inviting you to travel around the world!" Lu Yuhua said after recognizing the other party's magic weapon.

Under Fan Kang's questioning, everyone finally understood what the magic weapon of inviting you to travel around the world was, and why the other party didn't use it until now.

It turns out that this magic weapon is a unique magic weapon of the Four Seas Gang. Only the gang leader and a few core members are eligible to own it. It is a magic weapon for escape.According to Hou Zhanwang, its appearance is similar to that of an ordinary acceleration weapon, but it is embedded with a special formation called Huafeng, which can swallow the spiritual thoughts released by monks and transform them into powerful storms, thus greatly increased movement speed.

As for the reason why Shen Buping didn't use it at the first time, it is probably because he had a certain amount of confidence in the fighting power of his companions. It was not until Fan Kang and his party appeared in front of them again intact that they had no choice but to flee after knowing that their companions were completely wiped out.

"The Magical Artifact of Inviting You to Travel to the Four Seas is twice as fast as the second brother's maximum speed after it is activated. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up in a short time. But fortunately, this magical weapon consumes a lot of mental power. A perfect monk can only last for 10 minutes at most." After explaining what he knew, Lu Yuhua suggested: "There are fragments of spiritual thoughts that split out to lead the way, even if the other party uses the invitation to travel around the world, it is just drinking poison to quench thirst. We will keep the current If the speed continues to chase, the opponent will be able to catch him when he becomes the end of the crossbow."

Fan Kang agreed to Lu Yuhua's suggestion, and the group continued to chase eastward.

It has to be said that the magic weapon of inviting you to travel around the world is indeed a great weapon for escape. Fan Kang and others chased it non-stop for more than an hour, and it was not until dusk that they approached the target again.

Seeing Fan Kang and the others chasing after him again, Gu Zhiqing didn't show a surprised expression, but calmly woke up Shen Buping who was meditating.

After Shen Buping got out of the samadhi, he stretched his waist first, and after a glance with Gu Zhiqing, they both laughed at the same time. His weird behavior couldn't help but make Lu Zhanwang and the others feel terrified. They wondered what kind of medicine they sold in the gourd. .

"Seeing how relaxed you are, it seems that we are expected to come after you?" Fan Kang stretched out his hand to stop the crowd, and chose to keep a certain distance from them.

"I didn't expect that there are still monks who are proficient in splitting, and they almost capsized in the gutter without noticing it for a while." Shen Buping released a divine sense that crushed Fan Kang's fragments, and then sneered: "But the current situation is completely If it is reversed, the fragments of divine sense will in turn become your life-threatening talismans!"

"No, retreat!" Fan Kang felt a bad premonition in his heart, shouted and ran back while holding Hou Peiqin.The rest of the people also felt a little strange, and quickly followed suit.

The crowd had just run ten steps away when they heard a strange sound behind Gu Zhiqing, and saw a ripple behind Gu Zhiqing. Thirty monks wearing the same high-level armor appeared out of thin air, manipulating various magic weapons , Chasing Fan Kang and the others with Lingbo microsteps.

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