Mind Mecha

Chapter 331

Cultivators at the same level are already difficult to deal with, but those who are flexible and adaptable are even more difficult to deal with.Fan Kang knew that there was no point in using the Thunder Hammer to attack any longer, so he put away the magic weapon and ran away, intending to rely on the speed of the white tiger armor to join his companions as soon as possible.

At this moment, 500 meters in front of Fan Kang, a signal bomb suddenly rose from the back slope of a sand dune. The signal bomb exploded in the air and turned into a tiger's head.After the five breaths, a tiger-shaped signal flare also rose about five miles to the west, but the colors of the two are different, the former is red and the latter is orange.

"It's the signal flare of the Tianhu troops, and their reinforcements are nearby!" An eagle general pointed at the sky and shouted.

The tiger-head-shaped signal flares are dedicated to the Tianhu troops. The red color represents a need for immediate reinforcements in case of danger, the orange and purple signals are for charging and retreating respectively, and the green color is for notifying the companions that this is a safe area.The eagle generals of the Qiankun Empire, who often had conflicts with the Tianhu troops, naturally understood the meaning of it, and they suddenly lost their minds, not knowing whether to continue the pursuit or retreat immediately.

The red flare was fired by Hou Yongli. He knew that reinforcements were coming soon, but he was worried that they would not be able to find him in the vast desert, so he fired the flare for help.The purpose of this move is to inform the companions of the current situation, and at the same time, to know the location of the reinforcements so that they can gather faster.

Knowing that fifteen prefecture-level monks would arrive in no time, Hou Yongli changed his strategy after discussing with everyone.Taking advantage of the short gap created by Fan Kang's death, Hou Yongli and others immediately arranged various formations around after replacing the spirit crystal, intending to stick to it and wait for help.

After running at full speed for 1 minute, Fan Kang finally joined his companions.Hou Yongli immediately activated the formations around him and expressed his thoughts.

"Your judgment is correct. If you continue to flee, the opponent will not pursue you any more. It is easy for so many eagle generals to take a mortal to escape quickly, so the mission will definitely fail. If you stick to it, you will not necessarily lose. It is indeed worth it." Take a chance." Fan Kang said and took out a large number of formations and middle-grade spirit crystals from the Ruyi box and gave them to everyone to strengthen the defense.

"Resolve the battle within 5 minutes, and immediately take Gu Zhiqing to retreat to Sitong City regardless of the outcome!" Although he didn't know how many reinforcements the opponent had, Captain Eagle still made a judgment as Fan Kang expected, and said Command his men to outflank the sand dunes from both wings.

The current situation is very clear, it depends on whether Fan Kang can support the arrival of reinforcements.If Fan Kang and the others are safe, they will be safe and even have the strength to counterattack back. Otherwise, the eagle will be able to carry Fan Kang's head back to receive the reward.

Facing the eagle generals attacking from both sides, Fan Kang could only defend separately.The 13 people in the north are in charge of Fan Kang, Hou Rui, and Ma Jinjue, who are good at fighting on their own. In the south, Hou Peiqin and Hou Yongli, who are good at long-range attacks, are the main attacking forces, and Lu Yuhua and Hou Yongxiao are in defense and auxiliary roles.

Although the time was short, the Eagle General was not in a hurry, and he destroyed the outermost formation first step by step.In less than half a minute, under the carpet-like bombardment, all kinds of formations that Hou Yongli had first arranged were wiped out, and the distance between the two sides was shortened to 300 meters.

After the opponent entered the attack range, Hou Peiqin and Hou Yongli immediately launched a counterattack.A large number of gravels and boosting formations flew towards the opponent continuously, coupled with the second batch of formations, the eagle generals lost sight of one and lost sight of the other, and suddenly became flustered.

These fourteen eagle generals can only be divided into two groups, one group is fully defending against the attacks of Hou Peiqin and Hou Yongli, and the other group is responsible for cleaning up various annihilating arrays and barriers.This action caused the speed of advancement to be greatly reduced, and after 1 minute, the Eagles were still 250 meters away from dealing with it.

Because of the lack of effective long-distance attack methods, Fan Kang adopted the completely opposite strategy.They shortened the distance with each other at the first time, relying on the cover of the formation to use the flying sword magic weapon to interfere with the eagle to break the formation.

The thirteen eagle generals could only take time to use magic weapons to break the formation while carefully guarding against the flying sword's attack.And when part of the formation was broken, Fan Kang and the three would retreat immediately, keeping a subtle distance from Eagle General, in order to delay time.

The tactics adopted by both sides have achieved great results, but the eagle generals are veterans who have been battle-tested after all, so how could they be helpless.

After being unable to attack for a long time, they immediately changed their formation, and those who dealt with Hou Peiqin were broken up into pieces, changing from the original dense formation to a scattered position.The attack efficiency of Hou Peiqin and Hou Yongli was greatly reduced, because each attack they launched could only target one target.In this way, the pressure on the eagle generals was reduced, and whoever was attacked by the gravel or the boosting formation would concentrate on defending and dodging, while the rest would do their best to destroy the formation.

The effect of splitting into parts can be said to be immediate, and the speed of breaking the formation has increased again. These fourteen eagle generals have not bumped or touched, and only consumed a few spirit crystals and a small amount of enchantment to advance 1 meters in one minute.

At this time, the situation on the other side also changed drastically.Unbearable to be harassed by Feijian, the eagle general who confronted Fan Kang and the three also changed his tactics in time.The captain in the red cloak gave an order, and the thirteen earth-level monks quickly gathered and threw a large number of enchantments around.

The advantage of the flying sword magic weapon is its fast flying speed and its tricky attack angle, but the flying sword lacks destructive power and is not suitable for attacking.Aiming at the weakness of the flying sword magic weapon, Captain Eagle combined everyone's defensive barriers together to form a large defensive formation without dead ends. Since then, he no longer needs to pay attention to the harassment of flying swords, and concentrates on destroying the formation on the way forward. .

"You go to support Hou Peiqin, leave this to me." Fan Kang saw through the mental power scan that the front was tight on both sides, so he immediately ordered Hou Rui and Ma Jinjue.

Ma Jinjue knew that the situation was critical, and that any breach of the defense line would lead to the enemy's back and forth. Seeing Fan Kang's confidence, he immediately called Hou Rui, and the two left to reinforce Hou Peiqin.

"It seems that I'm a waste of money. If I get some good things, I will use them all within two days." After laughing at himself, Fan Kang communicated with the second-generation Wishful Box with his spiritual thoughts, and took out a lot of formations from it.

It turned out that what Fan Kang gave to Hou Yongli before was only the low-end prefecture-level formations sent by Hou Yongxiao, but the current situation does not allow him to hide his secrets anymore, so he can only take out Chu Xinli's engagement gift.

Fan Kang's first arrangement was a phantom formation called Mirage with a very wide range.This phantom array has only one function, which is to make people in it deviate when they feel the position of objects.These eagle generals didn't notice for a while, and all five rounds of salvos hit the phantom.

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