Mind Mecha

Chapter 323

At this time, the door of the private room opened, and Hou Yongxiao's voice came: "Although the vast desert is called the border between the carrier country and the Qiankun Empire, it is actually just a buffer zone with a width of [-] miles between the two countries. Large-scale military operations generally do not cause conflicts, and even if they encounter each other during patrolling, the two armies will tacitly go around each other."

"Have you purchased all the necessary items so soon?" Hou Yongli asked curiously.Because when he wanted to come shopping for women, he was very confused, but he didn't expect them to come back before the food was served.

Hou Peiqin ignored Hou Yongli's existence, took out the purchased items from the Ruyi box and put them on the table, and said to Fan Kang: "I found Sasha directly and asked her to help me choose what I needed in the desert. Items, that's why it's so fast."

"This girl is indeed a competent shopping guide. There is a chance for Qian Jude to promote her." Fan Kang stared at the various items on the table and asked them about their functions. After he figured it out, he rolled out five dice. Metal boxes of different sizes were thrown to the team members and said: "This is the second-generation Wishful Box that President Chu gave me. I believe it will be helpful for this mission. I will lend it to you for now, and remember to return it to me after the mission is completed. "

Then Fan Kang introduced how to use the second-generation wishful box and asked everyone to organize their belongings. After everything was ready, the food was served. Fan Kang asked everyone to vote while paying homage to the Wu Zang Temple.

The result of the vote was four to two. Except for Fan Kang and Hou Peiqin, the rest of the people were unwilling to follow the main force and planned to try their luck in remote places.

"It seems that everyone wants to take the credit, so choose a direction to pursue." Fan Kang spread out the map again after everyone had eaten and drank enough, and gestured on it: "Look at the map from the map. The terrain in the south of the vast desert is relatively simple, and most of them are endless sand dunes. In the north, there are not only several oases, but also several large-scale ruins. They should be trade cities built in the desert before the teleportation hall was built. Everyone thinks that if the target If you didn't take the shortest route, which way would you choose to go to the Qiankun Empire?"

Hou Yongli didn't even think about it, and answered first: "If I were Gu Zhiqing, I would definitely choose the north road when I knew that there would be pursuers."

"What's the reason?" Fan Kang asked back.

"Of course it's because there are many natural bunkers in the north, so it's easy to hide. Walking on the endless sand dunes, it's easy to be spotted by pursuers. No one would seek their own death." Hou Yongli's answer was agreed by everyone, and only Fan Kang remained silent. .

Seeing this, Hou Peiqin asked strangely, "Don't tell me you have the opposite view, that Gu Zhiqing will escape from the south of the desert?"

"That's right. From the attack on the manor, we can see that Gu Zhiqing is good at understanding people's psychology. He especially likes reverse thinking and slanting his sword. It is precisely because normal people will not seek their own death, so the seemingly dangerous road is getting worse and worse. Safe." Fan Kang stared at the map with both eyes, and said his guess without raising his head, and then added: "Walking in a wide place is easy to be spotted by others. It’s not difficult at all.”

Fan Kang's analysis successfully convinced everyone. After a final inspection of their equipment, the group left the city through the east gate and officially entered the vast desert.

Of course, traveling in the desert is different from ordinary journeys. First of all, the glare of the sun during the day will damage eyesight, so Fan Kang decided to let everyone hide in the sunshade tents to rest during the eight hours of the most intense sunshine every day, and use the way of going out at night.

Secondly, the desert is full of loose yellow sand, and it is impossible to run at full speed wearing a heavy battle armor, so Fan Kang and his party installed the land-level magic weapon Lingbo Weibu purchased at the Bada Chamber of Commerce on the boots of the battle armor , gliding quickly on the sand dunes.

This Lingbo micro-stepping device can emit a steady stream of strong winds at the bottom, allowing monks to be suspended at a height of ten centimeters above the ground, and combined with the acceleration formation on the armor, they can slide quickly on the ground. This kind of magic weapon can also have the same effect on the water surface, so it has this elegant name.

However, Lingbo Microstep also has its limitations. First of all, the ground must be relatively flat, and it cannot be used for mountain climbing or on uneven roads.Secondly, it needs to be used in conjunction with the battle armor. Without the assistance of the acceleration formation, you can't control the speed, and you can't even make turns and other actions.

Of course, the magic weapon Hou Peiqin bought was not only Lingbo Weibu, but also a constant temperature cloak and a dust barrier.The former can keep the temperature inside the cloak constant, and the latter can block the wind and sand within a certain range, preventing sand particles from blowing into the armor, magic weapon or clothing, so as not to make it difficult to clean.

These are the necessary magical tools for monks to travel in the desert. Although the price of ten middle-grade spirit crystals is not very expensive for each set, four middle-grade spirit crystals will be consumed for every thirty miles traveled. But not all monks can afford it.According to Fan Kang's calculations, after a group of six people ran six hundred miles, the spirit crystals distributed by Wanli would be exhausted, and the consumption of spirit crystals produced by then would have to be paid for by themselves.

Fortunately, Qian Jude, who has been taken advantage of, will provide Fan Kang with a large number of spirit crystals, so Fan Kang was generous once, and directly took out [-] middle-grade spirit crystals and handed them to Hou Peiqin for safekeeping, as everyone's magic weapon and Supplement to armor.

"Let's talk about it first. I paid the most money for this mission. If the crown prince rewards me, I should get the big head." Fan Kang didn't forget to remind everyone like this when he took out the spirit crystal. Like Gu Zhiqing, everyone couldn't help laughing and agreed.

Hou Yongli often goes deep into the vast desert to carry out missions. He has his own way of identifying the direction. The group will stop every half an hour to confirm their location and contact Hou Yongyi. After obtaining the latest information, they can correct their direction.

Along the way, everyone was always scanning their mental power to investigate everything around them, looking for clues that the target might leave behind.But how long can the traces in the desert be preserved? Even the landscape will change after a gust of sandstorm, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of tracking the party.

This made it difficult for Fan Kang and Ma Jinjue. From time to time, the two used the cohesive style to investigate the limit distance, acting as sentries.Thanks to the powerful mental power of the alchemy, Fan Kang can recover with ease, but Ma Jinjue is miserable. Not to mention that the farthest detection distance is a bit less than Fan Kang, and even the duration is only half.In the end, Fan Kang could only take on the heavy burden, and only let Ma Jinjue be in charge of sentry when everyone was meditating and resting.

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