Mind Mecha

Chapter 324 Investigating the scene

Traveling in the desert is very boring. At the beginning, everyone was full of curiosity about everything in the desert, and they pestered Hou Yongli to ask questions from time to time.But this situation only lasted for less than a day. When everyone found that the surrounding scenery was always the same as the vast sand sea, and every meal was hard to swallow dry food, everyone's thinking changed, and they were full of expectations that they could soon Click to find the target or other teams can send good news, so that this boring and difficult journey can be ended as soon as possible.

It's a pity that there was no valuable news for two days and two nights. Fan Kang and his party had no choice but to continue searching.

On the third day, when camping and resting, Lu Yuhua finally couldn't help questioning: "Half of Gu Zhiqing and his party are not prefecture-level monks, and the time to leave Bada City is only two hours earlier than us. It is said that the speed of the raid is far inferior to ours. But if we haven’t caught up for three days, it is very likely that they missed it or they didn’t take the south road at all. Is it safer to go back and search again?”

Lu Yuhua shook his head and said: "The intelligence agents sent by the crown prince found out that Gu Zhiqing and his party bought the same equipment as ours at the Bada Chamber of Commerce, and there is also a large sand pry for six people. As long as five prefecture-level The monks all turned on Lingbo Microstep and the acceleration magic weapon of the battle armor and pulled it in front. Everyone can travel quickly in the desert, and the speed will only be a little slower than us, so we haven't caught up in three days It also makes sense."

Ma Jinjue disagreed, and made another guess: "The desert is so vast, and our cohesion range is limited. It is not impossible for us to miss them and run in front of them."

Just when everyone insisted on their own opinions, Hou Yongli's contact magic weapon suddenly rang.

"The scouts Hou and Tai were in distress in the south of the desert and lost contact. I hope you can go and investigate." After the contact magic weapon was activated, Hou Yongyi's appearance appeared in the warped space, and his opening was a big news, which made Fan Kang and the others Got a jolt and stopped arguing.

"Can you tell me the specific situation? How long ago did this happen, and where is the exact location of the lost contact?" Hou Yongli's question pointed to the core, obviously possessing a certain military quality.

"520, two two three, these are the coordinates reported in his last scheduled contact. Two minutes later, he dialed my contact magic device again, but the warped space only appeared for a moment before his tragic news came. Call, any image disappeared without seeing the warped space, it should be that the other party has turned off the contact magic weapon, so it is preliminarily judged that he has fallen." Hou Yongyi said that his voice had become very deep in the end, although he had already expected The scouts will be damaged, but I still can't let go of what actually happened.You must know that they are all elite children of the family, and they are talents cultivated by the family with a lot of materials and energy. The fall of any one of them is a huge loss to the family.

Hou Yongli spread out the map on the ground, checked it carefully and said: "Our current location is 10, [-], only about [-] minutes away from the place you mentioned, and we will go to investigate."

"Hou Hetai's situation has been reported to the eldest brother, and the recent pursuit teams are already coming in your direction. Remember to report the situation immediately after the investigation. I wish you prosperous luck." After Hou Yongyi finished speaking, he closed the contact magic weapon.

Without anyone reminding them, the group of six people got busy immediately. After putting away the tents and daily necessities, they immediately checked their respective equipment. After making sure that they were ready, everyone stood in a row and waited for Fan Kang's order.

Seeing that they were all full of energy, Fan Kang couldn't think of what to say for a while. After thinking for a long time, two words popped out of his mouth: "Let's go!"

The place where Fan Kang and the others camped was only 22 miles away from the place where Hou and Tai lost contact. The group arrived at the destination in only 15 minutes after using the acceleration formation fully. They were about to spread out to find clues, but they were far away. He suddenly saw a black figure squatting on a sand dune under the scorching sun, looking for something.

Suddenly there was a figure in this sensitive place, Hou Yongli and others unconsciously took out their magic weapons, each of them put on a look of vigilance, as if a battle was about to break out.

Fan Kang saw the person's appearance clearly using the Condensation Form and said, "I have an image of that person, and he is one of the ten scouts. It seems that he also got the news and arrived here one step ahead of us."

After speaking, Fan Kang took the lead to walk up the sand dunes, but the rest of them did not let down their vigilance, followed by turning on the mental power scan at the same time, surveying everything around, even the bottom of the sand dunes.It wasn't until they confirmed the identity of the man that they relaxed a little, and put away most of the magic weapons, leaving only the minimum vigilance.

"Scout Hou Rui has seen you all." After reporting his name, the man glanced at the group of people in front of him, and then said: "Captain Hou Yongyi asked me to come and join you, and asked me to obey Fan Kang's orders from now on." , may I ask who is Fan Kang?"

"I am." Fan Kang stepped forward, introduced the rest of the people to him and asked, "You came one step earlier than us, did you find anything?"

Hou Rui casually cupped his hands and replied: "I've been here five minutes earlier, and I've already checked the vicinity. Within a mile radius, only this sand dune was found with traces of camping and sand skids passing by. Hou Hetai's body was found on the other side."

Fan Kang and the others immediately turned on the mental power scan again after hearing the words, and found that there was indeed a monk wearing a battle armor lying on the other side of the dune covered in blood. From the appearance, it was one of the ten scouts sent from Wanlibao. one.

"Tell me about your judgment." His tracking skills were far inferior to those of the scouts, and Fan Kang was self-aware of this, so he didn't issue random orders, but asked for professional opinions.

Fan Kang's behavior won Hou Rui's favor, and he saw a dark color of surprise flash in the latter's eyes, and then he saluted respectfully again, expressing his own judgment: "After preliminary investigation and combined with the information given by the captain, I thought that Hou and Tai had discovered the target shortly after the regular contact, but when they contacted the captain again, they were unfortunately discovered by the target. The target killed Hou Hetai with a thunderbolt, and then immediately packed up and left in a hurry."

"Why can you be sure that Hou Hetai was killed by the target, not other robbers or casual cultivators?" Fan Kang did not directly agree with Hou Rui's judgment, but asked the basis for his judgment.

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