Mind Mecha

Chapter 322 Make a plan and then move

Seeing Fan Kang's eyes on himself, Hou Yongxiao also immediately replied: "I am as good at the impact one style as my elder brother. The magic weapon I use is mainly a shield, and I am good at resisting damage from the front."

"I'm good at figurative one style, and the current fighting style is mid-range and precise shooting." When it was Lu Yuhua's turn, he blushed slightly, and after timidly reporting contradictory information, he quickly explained: "Because the new The fighting style has not been decided yet, so we can only continue to use the previous fighting style."

Fan Kang nodded to express his understanding, then looked at the last person, and before the other person could speak, he reported himself: "Because I have the innate ability called Absolute Time, I am good at all six forms of Divine Sense, whether it is offensive or defensive. It can take care of everything. But the time limit for doing full power is 10 minutes, after which the mental power will be exhausted."

Fan Kang did not shy away from revealing all his weaknesses. Ma Jinjue was surprised but no longer had any scruples, and told his own situation: "I am good at cohesive and carrying various magic weapons, and I am confident that I can deal with all kinds of magic weapons. Condition."

Fan Kang quickly calculated in his mind after knowing everyone's situation, and after a cup of tea, he began to assign their respective tasks: "Hou Yongli and Lu Yuhua formed a partner and were in charge of liaison work. After leaving Badal City, every three 10 Contact the second brother every minute, so as to obtain the latest information in time. Remember to cultivate a tacit understanding on the way, because Lu Yuhua is also good at materialization, which can maximize the power of the Stardust Gauntlet."

"Hou Yongyi and Hou Peiqin are in charge of all affairs related to supplies, including everyone's three meals a day and the replacement of magical artifacts and spirit crystals in battle armor. The supplies of Eternal Fortress and Badal City will not be distributed, and all will be handed over to You keep it. Remember to buy some necessities for life in the desert and magic tools that are helpful for combat and action, and the spirit crystals you need will be extracted from the supplies."

"Ma Jinjue and I are in charge of searching for the enemy, and we take turns using the Condensation Style to search the surroundings to prevent any omissions from the scouts."

Fan Kang digested and integrated all the information in a short period of time, and also worked out a relatively complete plan. His leadership ability was affirmed by the rest of the team members, and the whole team has initially gathered together.

The speed of the Acceleration Formation is not much slower than that of the Spirit Crystal Car when the horsepower is fully turned on. After 10 minutes, Fan Kang and his party have passed through the tunnel of the Eternal Fortress. Hou Yongzhong, a soldier of the army and the commander-in-chief of this mission.

"Father has already contacted me. Each of the monks who responded to the prince's call can unconditionally obtain 180 middle-grade spirit crystals as the cost of the mission." Hou Yongzhong raised his right palm and waved forward lightly. The general immediately handed over a bag containing [-] middle-grade spirit crystals to Fan Kang.

"I used up a middle-grade spirit crystal when I ran here from Wanlibao. If I knew it, I wouldn't be so rushed." Fan Kang muttered in a low voice, showing a distressed look.

Seeing this, Hou Yongzhong scolded with a smile: "These spirit crystals are just subsidizing those who don't have a lot of money, and they still expect to make a fortune from it? If you have the ability to catch the target yourself, I believe the prince's gift will be very generous."

After laughing and laughing, Fan Kang and Hou Yongzhong's large army set off together. More than 100 monks were divided into two square formations, with more than 30 prefecture-level monks wearing battle armor in front and [-] human-level monks following behind. The mighty rush in Weimu Canyon raised a lot of dust.

Just when the large army was about to walk out of Weimu Canyon, Hou Yongzhong received a call from Hou Yongyi. After a conversation, the former said to Fan Kang: "The scout team led by the second brother has arrived at Bada City, and all the scouts have also entered The vast desert. The second brother also prepared a map for us, remember to bring it when you receive dry food and drinking water."

Each team is scattered in the vast desert. To have accurate actions, not only a solid contact network is required, but also an accurate and unified map is essential.Hou Yongyi's ability to consider this is obviously rich in marching experience, so it's no wonder Hou Wanli appointed him to lead the scouts.

"Understood, thank you second brother for me." Fan Kang said nothing after responding, and continued to rush to Badal City with the large army.

Due to the limited marching speed of human-level monks, it took a group of one and a half hours to reach the outside of Bada City. Hou Yongzhong greeted Fan Kang and led a hundred Tianhu troops to circle around the city wall. After receiving the supplies at the east gate, we went directly into the vast desert.

Fan Kang and his party put away their battle armor and entered the city from the west gate. When they passed by Bada Chamber of Commerce, Hou Yongxiao and Hou Peiqin went in to buy daily necessities and magic weapons needed in the desert, and the rest went straight to the east of the city. , After receiving the supplies and the map, I found a restaurant at random, asked for a private room and ordered a table of dishes, and prepared to have a good meal before entering the desert.

Before the food was served, Fan Kang spread out the map on the dining table and gesticulated on the map with his index finger, and said at the same time: "Hou Yongzhong thinks that the cultivation bases of Gu Zhiqing and his party are uneven, and the moving speed in the desert must be It will not be very fast, so they will definitely choose the shortest route to travel day and night. Octopus City and Sitong City are just located in the east and west of the vast desert, so Hou Yongyi divided the vast desert into three areas: upper, middle and lower , most of the scouts concentrated on searching the middle area, and there were only two scouts in the upper and lower parts, and the distribution of the Tianhu troops was roughly the same."

"What about us? Should we follow the large army or go to a remote place to try our luck?" Ma Jinjue asked.

"For everyone's safety, I am more inclined to the former. However, my wishes cannot represent everyone. How to choose should be decided by voting after Peiqin and the others come back." On such sensitive issues, Fan Kang did not intend to Make a speech, and continue to ask after making a decision: "Who among you is familiar with the situation in the vast desert?"

Seeing that no one answered for a long time, Hou Yongli first coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, and then asked: "Tianhu troops will carry out inspection missions in the vast desert from time to time, basically I come here once a year, so I am familiar with it." , what exactly do you want to know?"

"I want to know whether there will be dangers other than the target when operating in the vast desert, such as the army of the Qiankun Empire or organizations such as the Bandit Cultivator Group."

"Now that there is a convenient teleportation array to transport goods, no caravan will choose to cross the vast desert. In addition, there are no villages or residents in the desert, and the armies of the two countries patrol the desert from time to time, so there is no big problem. At most, there are only a small number of casual cultivators who are not allowed in the cultivation world." Hou Yongli replied without thinking, and he really knows the situation of the vast desert quite well.

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