Mind Mecha

Chapter 321 Crowd

As the principal of the Royal Military Academy, Lu Zhanwang naturally needed to curry favor with the newly crowned king, so he ordered Lu Yuhua to attend the registration and then came to Hou Wanli's side and started talking with him in a low voice.

After a while, the two of them finished talking, Hou Wanli turned to Fan Kang who was beside him and said, "You should go too, and lead the third, fourth, and Lu Yuhua to move together, and we must ensure their safety."

Seeing that Hou Peiqin was hesitant to speak, Hou Wanli smiled and said firstly: "You can go together, although there will be certain dangers, but it is also an opportunity to increase actual combat experience."

Hou Peiqin was overjoyed when he heard the words, but Liu Jing asked in puzzlement: "This operation will be dangerous? Shouldn't it be easy for more than 100 monks to deal with five prefecture-level monks?"

Hou Wanli and Lu Zhanwang looked at each other with a smile, and just when Liu Jing thought she had said something wrong, the former explained: "The target has entered the vast desert in advance, and there are five prefecture-level monks to protect him. To complete the task, it is necessary to disperse the large troops, and divide them into multiple teams of five to ten people to search according to the combat power. When scouts find the target, they may also be found by the opponent's mental power scanning or concentration, which forces the nearest team to directly It is naturally best to do it, and it is best to capture the target, and it will be delayed until the reinforcements arrive. But as time goes by, the distance between the teams will gradually increase, and the reinforcements will become more difficult and time-consuming."

Lu Zhanwang continued to add: "The information currently known is not sufficient. Even if it is certain that they do not have a heavenly monk, how many of them are at the peak level in the late stage of the earth level, and how many top-level formations of the earth level are they carrying?" And magic weapon? If their actual combat strength far exceeds General Hou’s estimation, the team that attacked first will most likely be severely injured or even wiped out.”

After listening to the analysis of the two, Liu Jing couldn't help but look sad, and Fan Kang said with relief: "The above situation needs to meet all the conditions at the same time to happen, and it is actually very unlikely to be encountered, so the risk is infinitely close to zero. "

Seeing that Liu Jing's hanging heart was finally relieved, Fan Kang glanced at Lu Zhan and said with a smirk: "Since my father-in-law has spoken in person, it seems that I have to go to the vast desert. But I lack a way to take advantage of it." Moreover, I don’t have many middle-grade spirit crystals, and I have more energy than energy to protect my fiancée, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to take care of other people.”

Fan Kang's words caused everyone around to roll their eyes. Lu Zhanwang and Qian Jude cursed shamelessly at the same time in their hearts. They obviously already had top-level equipment at the prefecture level, but they still wanted to blackmail them while they were in danger.

Although Lu Zhanwang despised Fan Kang's behavior, he was helpless. Finally, he opened the Wishful Box that he carried with him, and took out twelve flying swords using the first operation method, and inserted them into the grass in front of Fan Kang. At the same time, he said angrily: " This is the Flying Flying Sword, an earth-level top-level magic weapon inlaid with a flash formation, and you can figure out its specific effect on the road."

"Lingjing's problem has its own arrangements." At this time, Hou Yongyi had also selected the Hou family's children, and gathered together with a total of 31 prefecture-level monks who had signed up. Hou Wanli left this sentence and walked onto the stage.

"I believe everyone is clear about the content of the emergency mission, so I won't repeat it. I appointed Hou Yongzhong as the commander-in-chief for this operation, and everyone must obey his orders." Hou Wanli said this while looking around at the monks in front of him, and then Suddenly shouted loudly: "Hou Yongyi comes out, report the number to contact the magic weapon!"

"Yes, General! My number is..." Hou Yongyi, who was standing in the first row, took a step forward and loudly announced his number for contacting the magic weapon.

"Lead ten of your subordinates, and immediately set off in the spirit crystal car and enter the vast desert to search for targets!" With Hou Wanli's right hand raised, Hou Yongyi and ten Hou family disciples lined up and left the courtyard with neat steps. .

After watching Hou Yongyi and others leave, Hou Wanli said to the others with emotion: "The scouts are specially trained spies, and the 11 who just left are the most elite scouts of the Hou family. They will go one step ahead and go deep into the vast desert alone." Find the trace of the target for us, provide the most accurate information, and at the same time take the risk of being discovered by the enemy and being wiped out. Therefore, the scout has the highest death rate among the troops, and every qualified scout is an unsung hero .”

"But you are different. In my opinion, you are just a rabble, and you have almost zero experience in cooperative combat. Therefore, I have only one request for you. Even if you receive news from the scouts, don't try to challenge the opponent with a small number of people because of your desire for meritorious service. You must wait until you join up with the main force before you are allowed to take action. Because you are the future pillars of the major forces, even if you want to sacrifice your life for the country, it is not now." Obviously Hou Wanli is not optimistic about the improvised team. Suggesting that they take a formality does not require them to charge forward.

"Now you are free to form a team and select a leader, and set off as soon as possible after finishing your equipment. On the way, each team leader can contact Hou Yongyi to establish an intelligence network. You can also get a minimum amount of inspiration when you pass by the Eternal Fortress and Badal City. Crystal and food supplies." After Hou Wanli finished speaking, he turned and left the courtyard.

The following is the time for free grouping. Hou Yongli, Hou Yongyi, Hou Peiqin, and Lu Yuhua gathered around Fan Kang for the first time. Ma Jinjue was not far behind and joined Fan Kang's team, and everyone unanimously recommended Fan Kang as the team leader.

Fan Kang did not hesitate to become the captain and did not hesitate. After confirming that everyone was ready, he asked everyone to put on their armor, activated the acceleration formation and set off to leave Wanlibao.

The remaining 14 people also formed two teams one after another. After electing the captains, they followed the example of Fan Kang's team. After putting on their battle armor, they set off in a hurry.Because everyone knows that every second counts, the sooner you enter the vast desert, the higher the possibility of capturing the target.

Out of Houjia Town and on the road leading to the Eternal Fortress, Fan Kang gestured for the team members to take off their helmets, and said while running: "We will be comrades-in-arms in the future. You are responsible for your safety, so I would like to have a clear understanding of your abilities and specialties."

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Fan Kang continued: "Now please tell me, which of the six divine mind moves you are best at, and what is your fighting style like."

"I'm best at manipulating, and my combat style is long-distance firepower suppression." Hou Peiqin answered first.

"Realization, a powerful blow after accumulating power." Hou Yongli, who owns the stardust glove, said simply.

In fact, Fan Kang already knew the information of most people, and he did this to reduce the barriers between everyone and improve the efficiency of teamwork.Fan Kang planned for a rainy day and worked hard for everyone's safety as soon as he embarked on the journey, fulfilling the duties of the captain.

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