Section Chief Liu was also helpless, looking at the three people in front of him with a look of hatred, and he didn't know what happened on the road.

The three of them looked like they were avoiding ghosts.

He was unwilling to learn, and he couldn't force it, so he had to drive the three of them back.

Chief Liu thought about it for a long time, and it must be something that happened on the road, otherwise how could these three people be like this?

He hurried to the intersection.

He handed over the car to Feng Huizhen, he was worried that the girl would not be able to bear the heavy responsibility.

There was a little accident on the road, which is collective property.

Very important collective property.

Any damage will delay the construction period.

Finally, when I came to the intersection, I saw seven people and Feng Huizhen and eight people talking there while carrying cement, full of energy.

The whole scene was in full swing, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Master Xiao Feng, please rest for a while, let us do this job."

"Master, you can rest and rest, you have broken your heart for us a lot along the way."

"Don't worry, we can move the cement."

"Okay, okay. Let's work faster together. Let's finish the task assigned to us by Section Chief Liu today, and I can lead you to learn to drive a little longer.

Try to let you learn to drive a circle today. "

Feng Huizhen is not as lofty and self-satisfied as a general master, on the contrary she is really approachable.

Absolutely no master's score.

The more she behaved like this, the more the seven people under her hand fell in love with her.

Section Chief Liu wandered around the truck. There was no damage to the car at all. Where there was damage, it was a problem in the ditch yesterday, and the maintenance team had already repaired it last night.

If you look at it today, there is nothing wrong with it.

Feng Huizhen saw Section Chief Liu and asked with a smile.

"Section Chief Liu, what are you doing?"

"What not to do, what not to do, just to see how your teaching work is going on now."

Section Chief Liu blushed. He entrusted such a heavy responsibility to a little girl, but he was worried instead.

Why didn't he learn the principle of using people without doubt?

His narrow-minded and suspicious character needs to be changed.

Feng Huizhen smiled and said, "Chief Liu, do you know that three people have gone back?"

Three people ran under her, and she had to report to Section Chief Liu. It wasn't that she didn't teach ten people, but three people didn't learn by themselves.

"I know, the three of them don't want to learn, so forget it if you don't want to learn. I'll send you three more people. You wait, I'll go back and call someone, just in time for the three of them to come and help you unload the goods."

Section Chief Liu turned around and left, scolding his mother in his heart.

Three dog things, let them enjoy themselves.

Learning technology from such masters, everyone is not happy.

Section Chief Liu returned to the team and called his name directly.

"Li Ergou, Dong Dashan, Han Weimin, you three come out. Come with me."

The three of them glanced at each other, dropped the shovel in their hands, and walked out lazily.

In an instant, I knew what Section Chief Liu asked them to do.

Li Ergou smiled and approached Section Chief Liu, with a stern look beside him.

"Section Chief Liu, what did you ask us to do? It's not that you want the three of us to learn how to drive."

The three people came back just now, but told them that the master they found this time was absolutely unreliable.

A skinny little dry girl.

I heard that he is only 15 years old before he is an adult, and his driving skills are appalling.

Along the way, it started and stopped, and the engine was always turned off.

Such a person also learns to drive from her.

Section Chief Liu is fooling around.

"Aren't you happy to let you be the driver?"

Section Chief Liu was a little furious when he heard this. Why did one or two of them listen to the meaning of the words today and were not willing to be this driver's apprentice.

Why is he still begging for someone?

It is even more difficult to find a master driver on weekdays. No one is willing to teach you if you ask your grandpa to sue your grandma.

When it came to him, one or two went against the sky.

Seeing that Chief Liu's attitude was wrong.

Li Ergou hastily cupped his hands and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed one over.

He couldn't afford filter-tipped cigarettes, which were all he had.

"Chief, don't worry, I'm just asking, I just heard three hours ago that the driver is a woman, and she looks very young, how can a little girl be our master?

Let us big men learn to drive with a woman, you are not slapping us in the face.And I heard that the technology is not very good, so I stopped several times along the way. "

Li Ergou and the others were also not happy, and they were not willing to learn from those three people who said that such a master was given away for nothing.

The problem is that looking at Section Chief Liu's posture, it seems that he is going to let the three of them go, and the three of them are iron buddies.

Blessings are shared, and difficulties are shared, but if you learn to drive with a master of two knives, what can you learn?

It's not just joy.

"Listen to the three of them who fart, the other seven are doing a good job there, why are the three of them back? Isn't it just that I have a problem. I attribute the problem to the little girl!

What happened to the woman?Your mother is not a woman?How dare you look down on women.Women can also drive, but you are a big man, can you drive? "

Section Chief Liu slammed his head and face, and the three scolded were a little confused.

They didn't say anything, what is the actual situation?They didn't know either, but they had this kind of thought only after hearing what the three people said.

"Yes! Section chief, section chief, stop scolding, let's go, can't we go?"

Li Ergou hurriedly winked at the other two people, it's not easy to go!

It is up to them whether to listen to that person's command or not, and if a woman wants to command them, it also depends on whether she has the ability.

Section Chief Liu kicked the three of them hard, "Get out of here quickly. Go help unload the cargo first, and let me tell you, if the three of you dare not learn your skills and come back, the three of you will carry stones for me in the future."

Section Chief Liu got mad this time, carrying stones is the most tiring job on the construction site.

Li Ergou, Dong Dashan, and Han Weimin cursed and went straight to the intersection.

The three of them were a little dawdling, and they knew it was definitely not a good thing.

When we came to the intersection, we saw seven or eight people unloading cement.

As soon as Feng Huizhen saw three big men approaching, with their arms folded on their chests, and they looked hostile, she knew that these three men probably didn't come to learn to drive sincerely.

But in any case, three people came, that is, three more laborers.

He greeted directly, "The three of you hurry up and come to work."

Li Ergou saw that the person talking to them was indeed a little girl, who looked dark and thin.

He is not tall, and judging from the appearance on his face, he should be fourteen or fifteen years old.

No wonder those three people went back and said it was a little girl.

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