Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 90 Unrecognized Master

"Comrade Xiao Feng, these people are all entrusted to you. I told you that Xiao Feng is your master, and you should learn to drive seriously from Master Xiao Feng.

Whoever dares to make any trouble for me in the middle, don't blame me for being rude. "

Section Chief Liu said harsh words because he was afraid that these big men would not be convinced, after all, Feng Huizhen was too young.

It has not fully grown, and looks thin and small, which is really unconvincing.

If he hadn't seen Feng Huizhen drive with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it if someone told him so.

This is also to support Feng Huizhen.

"Section Chief Liu, don't worry, we will definitely study hard."

The six people made promises.

Section Chief Liu turned his head to tell Feng Huizhen again.

"I've told Section Chief Jiang of the transportation team that you can supply the approval slips for him. But don't go too far, and even if you teach them how to drive, you can't delay work.

From now on, you are the driver of our team, and you can use this truck.Your job today is to transport 50 tons of cement and 30 tons of sand. You should have been equipped with porters.

But don't you know that there are ten apprentices here?They are your porters.There is no delay in working while studying with you, otherwise, I will have to deduct their wages.

Boy, you guys have taught me hard, your tuition fees will be confiscated, and it will be cheaper for you, so work hard. "

As soon as Section Chief Liu gave the order to leave, the other six people looked at Feng Huizhen carefully.

They didn't see anything special about the girl in front of them. This girl can drive?

My heart is full of doubts.

Most importantly, none of them had ever driven a car, and they were all excited when they heard that they were learning to drive.

After all, if you learn to drive, you will immediately raise all boats. Who is willing to do this kind of coolie work?

Driving must be much better than doing coolies.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I came here excitedly, and when I saw this thin and small master opposite, my heart felt chilled.

Without another word, Feng Huizhen opened the car door and jumped into the car.

The front of the truck is relatively high, and it is indeed a bit strenuous for her current figure, but it doesn't matter.

"Come on up, squeeze."

Feng Huizhen beckoned, the truck at the moment is double-cab, and the front and rear seats are squeezed together, and ten people can squeeze in.

Absolutely overloaded, but there is no such thing as overloading in this year.

Besides, the truck seat is relatively spacious.

Ten people are still fine.

The ten people hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but it was Wang Shun, Zhai Wei, Zhang Xiuyun and Liu Xuemei who reacted immediately.

Wang Shun and Zhai Wei immediately opened the front car door and went up, and then pulled Zhang Xiuyun and Liu Xuemei up.

The four of them sat in the front row for more than a dozen, but Wang Shun and Zhai Wei had selfish intentions.

They have an absolute relationship with Feng Huizhen, learning from Feng Huizhen, sitting in the front row and seeing more clearly, it is always better than the back row.

The remaining six people looked at each other.

The three men hesitated for a moment, "Comrade Xiao Feng, let's sit in the back, otherwise, the seat might not be crowded enough for six people, and we will take turns in a while."

Feng Huizhen thought for a while, "Okay, then I will wrong you, and we will change each other later."

The remaining three people sat directly in the back seat. In fact, the three men also had their own thoughts about going to the back.

They really didn't like Feng Huizhen.

I'm a little bit cold right now.

Feng Huizhen closed the door and asked everyone to lock the door.

Put on your seat belt.

Every time you make an action, tell them the essentials step by step.

Try to decompose her movements into slow motion of each step, so that everyone can see clearly and experience it.

Sitting there, Wang Shun and Zhai Wei were so excited that they didn't know what to do. Watching Feng Huizhen teach step by step, they knew it in their hearts.

This is just the beginning, Feng Huizhen has no secrets at all.

Watching Feng Huizhen turn the steering wheel smoothly, the car drove out, and they had to go to the supply place 20 miles away to get things.

When driving halfway, Feng Huizhen stopped, and now the car is empty.

Let the people in the front row try to start the car on the road, and she sits next to it as an insurance.

Her insurance is to pull the handbrake.

There is no coach car at the moment.

Fortunately, just let them touch it first, even if they say it 1000 times, it is better for them to touch it once, and the memory will be deep.

The smartest ones were indeed Wang Shun and Zhai Wei, who were able to start a fire the first time.

The others practiced over and over again, and finally got the fire on, and it turned off as soon as it was on.

But the seven people in front were all very excited.

The three people in the back sat in the back seat, wondering why the car started and stopped, started and stopped, and turned off from time to time.

It's no wonder that the three of them didn't know, because they were sitting there with their backs against the side of the car, and the three of them smoked.

So have no idea what's going on up front.

They thought that this master was really not that good, so they knew that Section Chief Liu was unreliable.

Hand them over to such unreliable people, and just teach them driving skills.

Who knows that the seven people in front have all taken turns to get started.

They walked for more than half an hour longer than usual for the 20 miles. Fortunately, all seven of them had a deep understanding and completely memorized all the parts and essentials of the car.

When they arrived at the material department, they took the approval slip given by Section Chief Liu, and they transported the cement first.

Ten people went down to carry the cement, and Feng Huizhen didn't rest.

It took us over an hour to load the car.

This is still helped by the stevedores in the materials department.

The main reason was that it was the first time for the stevedores to see a female driver. Everyone was surprised, so they came over to help out to watch the excitement.On the contrary, there is strength in numbers.

After a large group of people finished packing and signed, Feng Huizhen drove back again.

"You three sit in front. When you go back, let you practice your hands."

Feng Huizhen spoke to the three people with good intentions, so as not to favor one person over another, all ten people had to teach it.

The three of them shook their heads like drums.

"Master Feng, no need, no need, let's study after we're done, let's go back first, it's better to finish the task first."

Feng Huizhen can't force it either.

The other people were happy, and they were secretly proud of themselves, but their faces were tense, for fear that the three people would see what they were thinking.

On the way back to the city, the seven people had no chance to touch the steering wheel again, mainly because so much cement was pulled on the car.

Feng Huizhen was afraid that something might go wrong, but she couldn't bear the responsibility.

When they returned to the intersection of the construction site to unload the goods, the three of them ran faster than rabbits, and they didn't help them unload the cement at all.

He ran directly back to the construction site.

The only requirement for the three people to find Section Chief Liu was that they were not willing to learn the driver's skills, and they wanted to do their original jobs.

All three of them believed that if they learn to be a driver, their daily work will be harder than the work on the construction site.

I didn't see the ten of them just unloading the cement. The cement bag was heavier than the sand they were carrying.

In fact, the more important reason is that the three of them do not approve of Feng Huizhen.

With such a technique, teaching them for three years may not necessarily teach them.

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