Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 92 Taking the wrong medicine

"You are Master Xiao Feng, right?"

Li Ergou took out his flattering posture again.

No matter what, they will definitely not be able to go back now, who is willing to carry stones?

"I'm Feng Huizhen, I'll talk about it later if I have anything to say, and get to work quickly."

Without saying a word, Feng Huizhen directly picked up a bag of cement and threw it under the car.

Li Ergou wanted to say flattering words, but was held back abruptly.

That aggrieved heart.

The three of them started to move cement around.

Because she was not convinced by Feng Huizhen in her heart, it was worse than doing foreign work when she started working.

Feng Huizhen frowned, "What are the names of the three of you?"

If she really got three thorny heads, she would not be happy either, she would rather teach the remaining seven people than someone to find trouble for her.

Her time is limited, but she doesn't have that time to comfort the children, but also to pamper them like donkeys.

"My name is Li Ergou, his name is Zhang Dashan, and his name is Han Weimin."

"Okay! Li Ergou, Zhang Dashan, Han Weimin, if you three want to work, you have to do it. If not, you can go back to Section Chief Liu! I don't need lazy workers here.

In a while, we have to pull cement and sand, so we don't have that time to waste with you.We are all pressed for time. "

The other seven people saw that these three people clearly wanted to bully Feng Huizhen, and immediately became unfriendly.

"It's just that my master will teach us how to drive in a while. How can I waste that time with you! You can do what you want, and if you don't want to fail, leave quickly. Don't waste our time."

"There is no serious attitude at all, how can you bully our master who is young?"

"Master, if they are like this, don't pay attention to them, just send them back to Section Chief Liu."

"If you love to learn but don't learn, you can't learn to drive if others ask for it. There are masters here to teach us, but they are still showing off."

"It's really a declining world, and I don't even know how to respect teachers."

"If you want to go, go!"

Three people were choked up by seven people.

Originally, they were the same as those three people in their hearts, and they believed that Feng Huizhen was just a donkey dung with a superficial appearance.

Moreover, she couldn't even be superficial, she looked like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, what kind of teacher should she be?

The main reason is that no one believes it.

But I didn't expect that there were still supporters here. It seemed that these seven people were apprentices that Section Chief Liu had hired to learn how to drive.

Why are these seven people so protective of Feng Huizhen, a little master.

The three looked at each other.

The thoughts in my heart turned and turned, and I immediately made a small calculation.

They decided to get to the bottom of it and see what was going on. Besides, if they really went back now, Section Chief Liu could really punish them for carrying stones.

The three immediately rolled up their sleeves, even if they were just pretending, their attitudes immediately became positive.

After more than an hour, their cement was unloaded, and the goods were signed with the material management personnel, which was a clear account.

Feng Huizhen got into the car and waved for everyone to get in the car.

This time Wang Shun and Zhai Wei didn't have time to get to the front row, but the three newcomers, Li Ergou and the others rushed to the co-pilot first.

The three of them sat there steadily and whistled.

No one stipulates who must be the co-pilot, and they really don't recruit people to go up.

Feng Huizhen glanced at Wang Shun, some of them had to make sacrifices, and it was definitely unrealistic to squeeze them all in the back seat.

"Wang Shun, Zhai Wei, Liu Xuemei, the three of you go to the back first. On the way back, let the three of you come to the front, and everyone takes turns."

She didn't want to play favoritism either.

Without saying a word, Wang Shun, Zhai Wei and Liu Xuemei went directly to the back of the truck.

The three of them, Li Ergou, immediately became elated.

"Master Xiao Feng, let us also learn advanced driving experience from you."

Feng Hui was really a little impatient, Li Ergou's playful smile was not her favorite category.

It's normal if everyone fights with each other, laughs and scolds each other on weekdays.

But now they are different.

Learning requires a learning attitude, and everyone wants to be respected.

Anyway, she is also a master now, it's not that she is showing off, she doesn't like the other party's perfunctory attitude.

"We are all about to set off, this time it is the same as when we went. I will demonstrate how to start the car first, and then take turns to practice."

The people sitting in the back row nodded repeatedly, "Master Xiao Feng, don't worry, we will definitely study hard."

Who did the three of Li Ergou whistle to scare?Who doesn't know how to drive like this?

Feng Huizhen demonstrated it again.

I deliberately slowed down each movement, and analyzed the essentials of the movements again.

Li Ergou and Li Ergou still had the same complacent faces, they didn't think Feng Huizhen had much ability.

However, I heard from those three people that Feng Huizhen, the master, will definitely be able to drive, but her skills are not very good.

Turn off the ignition when driving.

I probably listened to it, but didn't take it to heart.

When Feng Huizhen got off the driving seat and replaced her to practice the operation.

They woke up suddenly.


The three said that they would turn off the engine whenever they could not move. Could it be that these rookies are practicing their cars?

When they went up, Feng Huizhen sat next to them and severely pointed out their mistakes in movements and reversed the operation method.

When they really started the car with their own abilities and could drive another 30 to [-] meters, the eyes of the three changed.

That is to say, the technology is not good?

Isn't this just nonsense?

This kind of master taught them on the first day, and let them get started directly. They have inquired about those who learned to drive from old drivers.

It is normal to not be allowed to get started for two or three years.

When everyone has grasped the essentials of starting the car, this time is much smoother than the first time, at least everyone can drive forward more than ten meters when starting the car.

After Feng Huizhen changed to the driver's seat, she nodded to them with satisfaction, "You are very good, and you can start the car today. This is the second time. When I return to the city, I will let everyone feel the steering wheel when it is loaded.

I believe that within half a month, you will almost be able to control this car. "

If it weren't for too many apprentices at one time, she can guarantee that the apprentices will be able to drive by themselves within a week.

After all, even if ten people practice in rotation, it will take time and distance.

For the rest of the journey this time, the three of them were gone again, with playful smiles and serious expressions.

The three of them sat there contemplating, not knowing what they were thinking.

When the material department in the county started to load the goods, the enthusiasm of the three people was completely different.

It made the other seven people a little confused. I don't know what kind of medicine these three people have taken. Did they suddenly become enlightened?

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