Feng Huizhen spread out her design drawings. She remembered the drawings for the future development of this mountain.

Fortunately, she has visited this mountain several times, of course for fun.

According to the development of scenic spots, this mountain will be developed into a five-star scenic spot in the future.

The main road up the mountain must be built and planned according to the sides of the mountain road.

And she had to ask some prospectors to go up the mountain to find out the address of the hot spring.

Her house can probably be regarded as the most conspicuous homestay at the foot of the mountain.

But she wasn't going to disturb her personal life, especially since there was an office building next to his yard, as well as the staff's dormitory and cafeteria.

The mountain is continuously developed according to the mountain road, and some homestays will be built.

It is important to plant some cash crops and ornamental crops in addition to protecting the forests on these mountains.

These have to be put on the agenda, but the initial investment is very large, at least within three to five years, don't expect to get any returns immediately.

After all, no one said to open a mountain just to see you these days.

Feng Huizhen specially found the fourth brother.

"Fourth brother is like this. Aren't you okay for the time being? Or you can help me first. Look, this is my plan."

Feng Zhixiang read his sister's plan, especially the detailed development drawings.

After reading the before and after development, even he was a little emotional. He didn't expect his sister to grow so big. He thought that his sister contracted a mountain, and it was nothing more than planting trees, raising chickens and pigs.

Anyone in the village who wants to contract is just this plan.

Whose family still has that big capital, but they didn't expect my sister's heart to be so big.

After this development, it is hard to imagine how the mountain will develop in the future.

But I was a little worried, my sister invested so much money all at once.

Who can guarantee that it will not be in vain?

"Little girl, are you sure you want to invest so much? You have to know that according to your plan, you will not see any income within two or three years, and you have invested a lot of capital. You may not even be able to return in ten or eight years. this income."

"Brother, you can't just look at the immediate benefits. I have contracted for 50 years, and I am looking at the long-term benefits of the next 40 years, even if we can't earn a penny in the first ten years. But you have to think about the future."

"Okay, if you really want to do this, then don't say anything about helping you. Anyway, your brother has achieved nothing when he goes out. He was also tricked into the mountains and worked for him for a few months. It's not shameful to follow my sister. .”

Feng Zhixiang can think about it, the important thing is that he thinks what his sister did is what he is willing to do.

"Brother, I won't let you do it for nothing. Although you are working for your sister, I will share 10% of your shares according to the number of years. We are partners now. You are not doing it for me, but for yourself."

Feng Huizhen didn't want to eat alone. Her fourth brother is actually a down-to-earth person. Although he had bad luck in his previous life, his fourth brother was still talented in construction.

He once led a construction team himself, but then it was just bad luck.

The above contractors owed money, and as for not paying them their wages, it caused the fourth brother to disband the entire construction team because of the wages.

He also owed a lot of debt.

Now Feng Huizhen thought about it.

I suddenly felt that everything that went wrong in my previous life was related to me?

You must know that there are several people shuttling inside, such as Feng Gaihua, and Bai Xiaowei, at least these two people are the two most proud people in their lives in their previous lives.

Both of them got everything they didn't get.

According to the trajectory of this life, then these two people may have robbed their luck in their previous life.

And she didn't know anything, and was played around foolishly.

The elder brothers and sisters in the family were also framed by each other because of this, of course it may be after the death of the mother in the previous life.

Only the elder brothers and sisters knew their own backgrounds, so they were persecuted by each other.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Huizhen felt even more guilty. It was her who made her brothers and sisters hurt.

"What are you talking about? You invested so much money and gave your brother shares. Is your brother like that?

Can I take advantage of my sister?

Don't worry, I will definitely treat it as my own thing to do for you.

Besides, your brother knows what you are doing now is what your brother likes, otherwise I would not be willing to help you. "

Feng Zhixiang was a little smug.

Feng Huizhen curled her lips, anyway, the matter of shares will be settled, but my brother doesn't want it now, but one day he will.

"Brother, you are not too young. The elder brother, the second sister, and the third brother are all married, and it's your turn. If you don't want to marry again, our mother is going to be in a hurry. Look at your little nephew in your stomach." come out faster.

You said that you are old and lonely and you are alone, it is embarrassing. "

My brother is indeed not young, the fourth child is older than me, and he is in his early 30s now.

He is not married yet, of course, because the fourth brother did not go well at first, and he was cheated when he went out to work, which made the fourth brother a little cautious and cautious in his temperament.

The fourth brother may feel that he has not made any money, so he wants to get married.I don't want to lose this person.

"Oh, I didn't see what I like. When I meet someone I like, I will get married naturally. Don't worry about me.

You should worry about the one in your belly. By the way, people now hear that the daughters-in-law of those employees in the county are pregnant and go to the hospital for examination.

Otherwise, you also go to the hospital for examination?I am not at ease either. "

The younger sister is not married and has this child, but they have become older brothers and sisters, and no one dislikes them.

I just want to protect my sister from any gossip.

"Brother, I will know about this matter. The month is still too young to take care of it. I will go to the county hospital for a check-up when we finish the feast and after the Chinese New Year."

Feng Huizhen is not worried at all. If others are worried about whether the child will have genetic problems, she does not have to worry at all.

Eating so many peaches and drinking so many spiritual springs are not for nothing.

She wouldn't believe it if her little guy wasn't smart when he came out.

Who made this mother's genes good, there are so many genius treasures in the space, if not for her own children, who will use them?

The family rested.

As the day dawned, the yard began to get busy.

But no matter how busy the family is, no one bothers Feng Huizhen. Feng Huizhen is a pregnant woman who sleeps late, which is only right and proper.

Feng Huizhen was sleeping soundly when she heard noises coming from the yard.

Rubbing his eyes, he was about to get up from the bed when he heard a man's voice outside.

"Auntie, my surname is He, and my name is He Caiwang. I came here specially to meet Feng Huizhen."

The sound is right outside your own window.

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