Feng Huizhen was shocked by these shameless words!

What's the matter?There are also those who force someone to come to the door to hurt and look at themselves.

He opened the curtain and took a look outside, and saw a man through the glass window.

He has wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, but he is slippery at first glance.

He was talking nonsense to his mother, but when she lifted the curtain, she was obviously facing him.

As soon as He Caiwang walked into Feng's house, he was already very satisfied when he saw the magnificent house of Feng's family. In his words, even if it was for this house, Feng Huizhen was considered a ruin, and he recognized it.

This side is expressing his sincerity to Liu Cuihua, he thinks his sincerity is enough, a big man came to let the other party see him personally.

How much sincerity is this, and you don't care about your daughter's previous black history.

As a result, Feng Cuihua was pulling Feng Cuihua to talk here, but suddenly saw a face exposed through the glass window.

Seeing Feng Huizhen's face, He Caiwang froze on the spot for a moment, feeling blood rushing to his head for a moment.

He heard that there were only two daughters and three sons in this family, and the second daughter was heard that she was doing business in other places and was not at home.

The girl he saw should be that Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen looks so outstanding, looking at this face, even if it is a broken flower, she will recognize it.

For a moment, he showed a lecherous smile at Feng Huizhen.

But he didn't expect that the smile he showed, showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, didn't disgust Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen threw down the curtain with a swipe, so as not to feel disgusted when she looked at it.

How did Liu Cuihua think that they were busy in the yard this morning.

Most of the people had already gone to Feng Huizhen's new home, but she packed up and prepared to call her daughter up and go there together.

At this moment, a man and a middle-aged woman rushed in so rashly.

Most importantly, this young man pulled his aunt to be tall and his aunt to be short.

After listening to the meaning in the words, I finally understood that this was the family surnamed He that Wang Gaimei told her about yesterday.

Liu Cuihua's face darkened involuntarily, she had already made it clear to Wang Gaimei yesterday.

In the end, the family surnamed He could still find him. What is this?

"Yesterday you changed Mei's choice, and you already came to tell me, but we already have someone in Huizhen. That's all right, you guys hurry up, we still have something to do here."

Liu Cuihua had a serious face, and was about to drive people out.

If He Caiwang said that he was a little condescending at the beginning, now he really wants to make the marriage a success.

Such a beautiful girl is rich and beautiful when she is married back home. Why should she be unhappy when she is such a white wife?

"Auntie, don't say that. I know Huizhen's situation. I don't dislike Huizhen's past. Don't worry, I will treat her well when I marry her back home."

These words immediately hit Liu Cuihua's lung tube.

Their own family knew what was going on, but outsiders didn't.

They can't just explain it like this when they see someone, but the other party actually uses this to poke themselves, obviously they are still exaggerating their self-worth.

Liu Cuihua got angry all of a sudden, picked up a broom from the yard, and hit He Wangcai directly.

"Where did such a bastard come out? What kind of person is my mother's daughter, do you need to tell me?

My old lady is a pure and innocent girl, you still want to marry, and you don't look in the mirror, just look at your toad and want to eat swan meat.

Get out of here now! "

He's mother and son were abruptly driven out of the gate by Liu Cuihua.

But just like that, the two of them still didn't leave.

Mother He crossed her hips with an impatient look on her face.

"Mother-in-law, why are you bothering? You don't know what's going on with your daughter.

With her like this, my son doesn't dislike her, and if he wants to marry her back home, you should burn the incense.

How can you still drive us out with a broom?

This is not being an in-law, this is not being an enemy. "

"Where did you come from, hurry and go back, I don't care about you being in-laws, and besides, you take a good look at your son. You are a villain, who wants to let him be my son-in-law?

Don't know how long your face is. "

"Hey, in-laws, if you want to say that again, it won't please you. I'm nice. I'm telling you about the marriage of two children, but with this attitude. "

Mother He's expression changed all of a sudden. She thought it was Wang Gaimei's tricks, but she didn't expect that the other party's attitude could be seen at a glance.

Wang Gaimei was polite enough yesterday.

"Let me tell you, my son is one of the few in the village. There is no such shop after passing this village. In-laws, you should think about it clearly."

"Your daughters are already like this..."

"You fucking shut up your stinky mouth. What does it matter to you? You continue to talk nonsense here. I'm tearing your mouth! I tell you, get out of here, or I'll interrupt you legs!"

Liu Cuihua was really in a hurry.

He's mother was also startled when she saw Liu Cuihua, who looked fierce and ferocious.

"Let's go, in-laws, think about it carefully, my son is not married yet, it is her luck that your daughter married my son.

If you marry into our family, we don't need much, just bring your daughter 10 yuan. After all, with her background, it's good that we don't despise her.

I heard that the yard built under the mountain is good, and his father and I will live with them from now on.

As long as she is filial to us, takes good care of her husband, and has a few grandchildren, we promise to treat her like my own daughter.

Mother-in-law, you should think carefully! "

"Oh, it's really a fight! Oh... son, run!"

Mother He, mother and son ran to the side of the avenue in a hurry, and they were able to hold their knees to breathe.

He's mother was panting, "Why is that woman so fierce? She is a tigress. Son! I see that such a mother can't raise any good girls. I'm afraid Feng Huizhen from her family is not easy to get along with. Let's take a look at other families. Bar!"

Mother He has a bad impression of the Feng family.

How could such a mother-in-law be provoked.

Such a daughter-in-law is not easy to handle.

He Wangcai turned his head and said excitedly.

"Mother, this is the one. I won't marry anyone except Feng Huizhen!"

Mother He slapped her son on the back of the head.

"You still have the nerve to say it, as if someone is willing to marry you. That's how it is, and people don't like you. Forget it, let's go back!"

Why can't Mother He see it.

Liu Cuihua is not easy to mess with.

He Wangcai smiled mysteriously.

"Mother, listen to me."

"Let's inquire carefully first, and see what else the Feng family has to do."

Mother He looked at her son with excitement.

I think my son looks down on others too much.

However, the mother and son still wandered around the village, in short, they also inquired about the situation of Feng's family.

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