Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 868 Didn't see myself clearly

"You let me say yes, but I don't guarantee whether it will be successful. I can only give you a word."

Wang Gaimei knew that this matter could not be avoided, as they belonged to fellow villagers, especially He Caiwang's family from her natal family.

If one is not good, it is easy to cause conflicts.

The son of the He family is also unscrupulous, and when the time comes, he will rush to his house to find trouble.

On the contrary, he made it difficult for his parents.

"Okay, okay! We still understand this truth."

He Caiwang's mother happily rubbed her hands, and brought her son.

Fifty miles away!

You can't run back and forth, just look forward to seeing each other.

Wang Gaimei hesitated for a moment.

"Tomorrow, the Feng's family will hold a banquet to warm up the family. It will definitely be inconvenient tomorrow. Since you are here, I will come and talk about it today."

Wang Gaimei got up and went to Feng's house.

Seeing Wang Gaimei, Liu Cuihua hurriedly led her into the house.

"Gaimei, why do you have time to come?"

Liu Cuihua's family will hold a running water banquet tomorrow, and the family is already busy today.

The son, daughter-in-law came in and out, all busy preparing things.

"Cuihua, you're so busy, I shouldn't have come to the door, it's not that someone entrusted me there. You said that I won't come to your family's running water banquet tomorrow, and I can't tell you about it tomorrow."

"What's the matter? If there's anything you can't say, please say it quickly. Our folks in the village have been here for so many years. How can I not know who you are?"

"Cuihua is like this. There is a Qingshui village next door. There is a family in this Qingshui village with three sons. The youngest son, He Caiwang, asked someone to come to my door to tell me about his marriage. For Jia Huizhen."

"People asked me to come here, and it's not easy for me to come, but I will tell you the truth.

We all belong to the same village after all, I can't harm your Huizhen.

Although this He Caiwang is said to be driving a tractor in the village in name, he can also read and write.

But the character is not good, at home there are a bunch of cronies and friends in the village all day long, I don't think they are good people. "

Wang Gaimei could only mention one vaguely.

"Oh, what's the matter? That's all!

When you go back and tell the He family, just say that Huizhen has a son-in-law, so they don't have to think about it. My son-in-law is away on errands.Come back after a while. "

Knowing that someone would miss her daughter, Liu Cuihua rushed towards the four-story building built by their family.

It is estimated that many people will miss it.

But the heart-to-heart words that Wang Gaimei told her from Chong's family knew that the other party was also thinking about them.

It must be because of human feelings, it is not easy to refuse the other party, but I don't want to harm their family.

"Okay, then I'll go back to He's house."

Wang Gaimei hurriedly got up and left.

"Gaimei, remember to come to the water banquet early tomorrow."

Liu Cuihua warmly greeted the two families for so many years and got along well in the village.

There will be no estrangement because of this kind of thing.

"Look at what you said, I will definitely come early tomorrow, and I have to help you. Don't worry, my bowl of rice is indispensable."

Wang Gaimei went back with a smile on her face, and entered the room.

He Caiwang's mother has already greeted him.

"How? How? What did the Feng family say? Did you agree?"

He Caiwang sat on the chair with his legs crossed.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm willing to marry Feng Huizhen, that's her luck, I don't dislike her, can she still dislike me?"

Hearing these words, Wang Gaimei was almost out of breath.

This He Caiwang really has a big face, and he doesn't care about his virtues.

When she told Liu Cuihua just now, she was very reserved, mainly because she didn't want to offend anyone.

In fact, He Caiwang didn't have a solid idea in his heart.

"How is her aunt? Did the other party answer?"

Mother He also felt that this marriage was absolutely suitable.

"People said that their daughter already has someone."

Wang Gaimei had no choice but to throw out the words.

As a result, the mother and son of the He family jumped up immediately when they heard this, and Mother He laughed.

"His aunt, didn't you tell the other party clearly that our family is rich? Our family's wealth is more than enough to match their family's Feng Huizhen, so there is no need to make such an excuse.

As soon as I heard this, it was false. Which man would like to marry Feng Huizhen? "

"What are you talking about, how come no one wants to go to your house for Feng Huizhen? If He Caiwang is willing to marry, no one wants to marry her?"

"Besides, let me tell you the truth. The gay man who came back with Feng Huizhen is a good-looking talent. He is tall and big. He looks very dignified. At first glance, he looks like a cadre in the city. I heard that now A little urgent task out of the task.

Anyway, this matter is definitely not going to work, so you should stop thinking about it. "

Wang Gaimei hastily spoke up, for fear that the mother and son would find trouble for the Feng family if they didn't give up.

The Feng family is going to hold a running water banquet tomorrow, and they are busy today.

If the mother and son really ran to the door, it would be really annoying.

"Then I won't keep you guys. You should go back early, and you can go back before dark."

50 miles is not too far.

Mother He and He Caiwang came out of the yard, and the mother and son were a little cursing as they walked on the road.

"Mom, is this Feng Huizhen so ignorant?"

"Who does she think she is? I didn't even despise her, but she still despises me."

He Caiwang didn't take what Wang Gaimei said just now to heart at all. In his mind, it was the Feng family who deliberately found an excuse not to agree to this matter.

I can't see myself.

Mother He spat hard.

"I don't even think about what she is, but she dares to dislike my son, no, son, think about it, most people are like this when they meet your own daughter. If someone comes to ask for marriage, they are eager to agree.

How could they refuse without even seeing each other, and besides, they don't know what's going on in our family.

I wondered if Wang Gaimei didn't mention this matter to others at all, or if Wang Gaimei didn't say anything good, so people naturally couldn't see our good. "

Mother He never gave up. In her mind, her son is the best.

He Caiwang thought about patting his thigh,

"Mom is right to you. I reckon that Wang Gaimei didn't do anything good here. I guess she is a double-faced person, and she doesn't want our family to do such a good thing."

"If my son is like this, we can't go back, let's go to Feng's house."

Mother He thought that as long as the other party saw her son, she would definitely agree.

He Caiwang also nodded,

"Mother, it's so late, how can anyone come to see each other at this moment, and besides, they can't see anything.

Otherwise, let's find a place to live and wait until early tomorrow morning to go to his house for an official visit and see him. "

The mother and son summed it up, and felt that their approach was more appropriate.

The two of them didn't go back to find Wang Gaimei, but wandered around the village instead.

I found a relative who Mother He knew who was twisting and turning, and said that they got lost and stayed here for the night.

Even if you meet a stranger these days and want to spend the night, sometimes the villagers are kind and willing to lend a hand.

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