Feng Huizhen is really tired.

The sister-in-law simply cooked a mouthful of noodles, and went back to the house to rest after eating.

Yao Yali and Feng Zhiqiang hurried back to the house after finishing their meal and closed the door.

The couple both wanted to know how much they sold today?

Pour out all the money in the schoolbag.

The couple stared at each other after counting.

Feng Zhiqiang's mouth has never been closed since it opened.

"My child, you'd better pinch me, why do I feel a little unconvinced?"

Yao Yali was not polite at all, and pinched her husband's thigh fiercely when she went to school.

Feng Zhiqiang cried out in pain and jumped up.

She was covered by Yao Yali,

"My sister is asleep, so don't wake her up."

Feng Zhiqiang rubbed the sore spot but smiled all over his face,

"Daughter-in-law, I really didn't expect it to be so easy to make money in this city. We actually sold it for 120 overnight."

There are a lot of things to prepare today. At that time, he didn't know what to do. He felt that it was not good to prepare too much on the first day of business.

What if you can't sell it?

But I never expected to sell so much money today.

Yao Yali carefully counted the money in her hand again, and even she couldn't help being amazed. In a small county town, their daily turnover is only 30 to 50 yuan, and sometimes it can be sold for [-] yuan. The couple are very happy. Happy.

When I came to the city, I always felt that the city must be different from a small county town, and I once dreamed that the city would make a lot of money.

But if the top day can sell for 50 yuan a day, I already feel that it is a blessing.

According to these costs, the cost of 50 yuan is 20 at most.

In this way, you can save more than 1000 a year.

But they never expected that they would be pleasantly surprised on the first day of doing business.

120 Yeah!

120 minus the cost of 50 yuan, I made a full 70 yuan.

Feng Zhiqiang's eyes were full of surprise after finishing the calculation with his fingers.

"My god, according to this calculation, we can save more than 2 yuan a year."

After Yao Yali finished listening, she put the money in her wallet.

"This time you're still nagging. You said that the county town is better than the city. You can take a look. Would you like to set up a stall in the city or in the county?"

Thinking of her husband's face today, she couldn't help but get angry. My sister helped them so much, but my husband was still holding back.

Feng Zhiqiang couldn't help feeling ashamed when he thought of his appearance today.It seems that his vision is really bad.

"I was wrong. I really didn't expect that the city and the county can't be compared. But this is the first day. What if the business is not as good as it is today?"

"Even if it's not as good as today, at least half of it, 60 yuan! It's more than when we earned the most in the county."

Yao Yali turned off the light and got into bed directly.

"Don't say anything. Anyway, I am at ease. As long as I can gain a foothold in the city and earn money, I will bring our two sons here."

Just for today's money, Yao Yali is full of energy.

Feng Zhiqiang tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep, from the past to the present to today.He thought it over and over again.

I am ashamed and ashamed in my heart.

His sister has better vision than him, and his wife has better vision than him, but he still thinks that he is a big man and wants to stand upright.

But that same thing was not done well.

From today on, he has to recognize himself, his sister has vision.

My own daughter-in-law also has vision.

Since this is the case, I will listen to my sister and daughter-in-law in the future, and don't always try to make a fool of myself.

Feng Zhiqiang secretly made up his mind that from now on, his daughter-in-law will do whatever she says, and she will no longer doubt her sister's ideas.

He's not a silly younger sister, if it wasn't for the fact that he was his big brother, no one could give his sister the idea, and if someone made money, he would have to thank his younger sister with a thousand thanks.

Fortunately, he looked like he was dying at the stall today.

Just thinking about it made him feel ashamed.

Early the next morning, Feng Zhiqiang got up early.

Sweep the yard clean and tidy.

She and her daughter-in-law went to the morning market, and when they came back after buying fried dough sticks and tofu, Feng Huizhen had just gotten up.

After Wang Huizhen washed her face, she saw her elder brother and sister-in-law returning with so many dishes.

"Brother, sister-in-law, are you going to catch the morning market?"

Feng Zhiqiang put the fried dough sticks and tofu brains into the house.

"Huizhen hurried over to eat. The noodles last night were just enough. You can't make do with food and drink when you have a big stomach. By the way, your sister-in-law bought you two catties of apples and four or five bananas.

I heard from an apple seller that if pregnant women eat more apples, their children will have fair skin in the future. "

Feng Huizhen agreed, "Okay, I'll come right away."

Smiling, he approached his sister-in-law and asked, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with my brother? You taught me well."

Yao Yali poked Feng Huizhen's forehead with her finger, "Are you just making fun of me? Can I educate your brother well? Didn't the money sold yesterday educate your brother.

I haven't told you yet, there is no comparison between the city and the county. Yesterday we sold 120 in one go, earning 70 yuan. "

Feng Huizhen laughed out loud, as expected, the eldest brother needs such an education.

The second day's business was much more prepared than the first day.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and when the three of them arrived at the location pushing the tricycle, the husband and wife who sold sesame seed cakes all the way greeted them.

"Sister, come quickly, come quickly, the seat is reserved for you."

That attitude was very enthusiastic.

They continued to sit in their old positions, and while packing up, Yao Yali chatted with the woman selling sesame seed cakes, and they got to know each other after a while.

The couple selling sesame seed cakes, the man's surname is Wang, and everyone calls him Boss Wang.

The daughter-in-law's surname is Zhao, and the couple are also foreigners, but they have been selling sesame seed cakes at the gate of this school for two years.

It can be regarded as familiar.

The couple have three sons.

The son dropped out of school a long time ago, and followed the couple to the city, and is now doing odd jobs outside.

Business today is obviously better than yesterday.

Just at 3 o'clock, many students came to their stall in gangs.

They are all familiar faces from yesterday. Obviously, many students didn't eat it yesterday, and even if they did, they were still a little bit unsatisfied.

The three people got busy as soon as the stall was set up.

The three of them were busy at the beginning, and they didn't stop for a while until it was completely dark, and it was the same time as yesterday, and everything was sold out.

After the three of them had sold their goods, they had no choice but to persuade the students who hadn't bought anything to leave, and cleaned up the stall to bid farewell to the Shaobing couple and go home.

Boss Wang looked at the three people leaving with some greed.

"Daughter-in-law, this business is very easy to do. You can see that it was very prosperous yesterday, and it is like this again today. Otherwise, let's switch to selling skewers!

I saw that they didn't have any skills, they just boiled and put some seasonings. "

Zhao Dahua pondered for a while.

"How about we have a look and talk?"

This business has just been done for two days, people are looking for freshness, in case the freshness disappears after two days.

It's not bad luck that they set up a stall.

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