For the next half month, the business was very good. They controlled the cost at about 100 yuan per day, and basically sold 230~240 yuan.

Feng Zhiqiang and Yao Yali were tired, but they were really tired and happy.

Feng Zhiqiang never knew that making money would be so easy.

When counting money every night, that is the happiest time. Don’t businessmen like counting money the most?

Especially the money can earn one hundred and thirty-four a day, what is this concept?

At least he worked in the county for a week.

At this moment, Feng Zhiqiang no longer said that the county is good, the county is stable, and it is not easy to make money in the city, let alone that he is not familiar with the place.

Seeing that the business was stabilizing, Feng Zhiqiang and Yao Yali discussed, planning to buy a ticket for his younger sister, put her on the train, and let her go home.

After all, Feng Huizhen was here to help them, and the couple felt bad about it.

Feng Huizhen has been watching for almost three months.

After a while, my stomach will grow bigger.

Mother has written to urge them several times.

It is said that the construction of the house at home went very smoothly.

If Feng Huizhen goes back in another ten or so days, she will be able to live in a new house.

The couple thought about not letting their sister go to set up a stall starting tomorrow, and the two of them went.

After all, the adaptation of the two of them is the normal state of doing business with only the two of them.

Feng Huizhen listened to the opinions of her eldest brother and sister-in-law, and nodded in agreement.

The eldest brother is much more mature now, he is not as nagging as before, and he listens to his sister-in-law in everything.

From this point of view, it is a lot of reassuring, the sister-in-law is still quite a thoughtful person.

In the past few days, Feng Huizhen sent her brother away, and her sister-in-law packed up her things at home alone.

I plan to go to the station to queue up to buy tickets in two days, and wait for my sister-in-law and brother to do business alone to stabilize.

In the evening, she made a special dinner. Today she cooked millet mung bean porridge at home, steamed big buns, and fried two dishes.

According to the usual time, he looked outside the door, but he didn't hear the voice of his brother and sister-in-law coming back.

Feng Huizhen is a little strange.

I was a little worried in my heart.

After another hour and no one was seen, Feng Huizhen was a little anxious this time and looked at her watch.

It's almost 10 o'clock at night.

It's cold now, and it gets dark early, usually they close the stall and come back at 8:00.

Why is it almost 10 o'clock today and no one is seen?

In half an hour's time, if my brother and sister-in-law haven't come back, I'll go to the night market to have a look.

As a result, at 10:30, I saw my brother and sister-in-law pushing a tricycle into the door.

"Why so late today?"

Feng Huizhen looked at her brother's expression. The sister-in-law is relatively calm and usually does not show any expressions on her face, but her brother is different.

There is something that can be seen in everything on his face.

Sure enough, seeing the look of the elder brother, the elder brother's face was dark and gloomy.

Hearing her question, Feng Zhiqiang sighed, pushed the car into the yard, and then unloaded things from the car with his wife.

Feng Huizhen was stunned when she saw the items. In the past, these items had already been sold out.

But today there are so many left.

"Brother, what's the matter with sister-in-law?"

Feng Zhiqiang brought out all the remaining dishes, and while putting them in the kitchen, he said angrily.

"You don't know that the couple selling sesame seed cakes next to us actually changed to selling skewers today. And it's exactly the same as ours."

Yao Yali also sighed,

"Yeah, they changed to sell sticks of incense, and the most important thing is that they sell six sticks for ten cents. Many students went there to eat today.

It's cheaper than us, and your elder brother and I can't make that much with two hands.It turned out to be like this. "

They never expected that the couple next door would do this.

Feng Huizhen didn't care about it, which is normal.

What Chinese people like most is to imitate. After imitating these strings of incense, they will be everywhere in the streets and alleys.

It is absolutely impossible for the eldest brother and sister-in-law to stop the trend of others selling skewers.

There are certainly no unique businesses.

Sooner or later there will be competition.

"I really didn't expect that those couples were so sweet-bellied. We usually saw that our two sisters were tall and brothers were short, but they turned around and robbed our family's business. You didn't see the pride of those couples today. "

"The most important thing is that you don't know which words those couple deliberately said to show off when we closed the stall, and deliberately used words to stab us both."

Feng Zhiqiang couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

Originally, Chuan Chuan Xiang was their exclusive business, and no one else would do it.

As it turned out, the couple leaned close to their stall to watch from time to time, and they didn't care, but they didn't expect it to be such a plan.

But it's too late to say anything now, today's business is an example.

"Sister-in-law, brother, don't be angry because of this, you need to know the business of Chuan Chuan Xiang.

It doesn't look special, except for the secret recipe we have here, other people will know it at a glance.

Even those who eat Chuan Chuan Xiang can make it after learning at home.But the taste is not as good as ours. "

Feng Huizhen had expected it a long time ago, but there is no need to haggle with others in the business of Chuan Chuan Xiang.Because this business will definitely not be a unique business.

This day will come late, but it will always come early.

But she is sure that the quality of the taste determines whether the business can last for a long time.

"What do you mean? Sister, you mean our business deserves to be robbed by them?

You don't know that your sister-in-law and I have worked so hard to carry these things for a long time today, and only sold half of them at most. "

Feng Zhiqiang really felt aggrieved. He felt that this business was originally his own.

"Brother, don't report your grievances here. You can go to the street and have a look. There are so many stalls in the night market. I'll ask you how many shops sell socks?"

Feng Zhiqiang shook his head, "I don't know how many there are, but there are quite a few."

"Okay, you don't know how many stores sell socks, but how many stores like the husband and wife next to you sell sesame seed cakes?"

"I know this. There are only two biscuit sellers in total, and the other one sells meatloaf."

"You see, even those who sell sesame seed cakes have different types, who can guarantee that their own business is a unique business?

Today they sell Chuan Chuan Xiang, but tomorrow if the business is good, there will be a third, a fourth, and a fifth Chuan Chuan Xiang. "

"Can you get over it?"

After hearing these words, Feng Zhiqiang immediately limp like a deflated ball.

"That means there is no way to cure them!"

"Brother, sister-in-law, don't worry. Although we can't stop others from selling incense sticks like us, the only thing we can do is that the quality is cheap, the products are good, clean and hygienic, and our seasoning is the biggest guarantee in our hands." .

If you don’t believe me, take a look, many people will come back to you to buy skewers of incense in a few days. "

Feng Huizhen is very sure of this point, the seasoning of their Chuan Chuan Xiang is secret, and it is definitely not something that anyone can learn.

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