The four female students bought sesame seed cakes from the neighbor and sat on their small chairs.

Feng Zhiqiang stood next to his wife and watched her take eight skewers of vegetarian vegetables and cook them in the pot.

Some distressed whispered.

"Why is this being given away for nothing?"

Yao Yali gave him a blank look, her husband is about to become a money addict now.

"My sister has her own reasons for doing this, so don't worry about it."

"I just said that I can't do a good job in the county town. I have to go here. What do you think is good in this city? It's free. If you lose money, what are you waiting for?"

Yao Yali automatically shut off her hearing, the left ear went in and the right ear went out.

I really heard my husband nagging like this, I can't do business.

Feng Huizhen turned her head and warmly greeted the four girls, "Do you eat spicy food?"

"We all eat spicy food."

Feng Huizhen put the skewers cooked by sister-in-law on a plate, and poured red chili oil and seasonings on them.

It was delivered directly to the four people.

"This is our Chuan Chuan Xiang. It's a small business, so I cook vegetarian dishes for you."

The girls were amused by Feng Huizhen's self-destructive words,

"Where is it?"

"Doing business costs money, and you let us taste it for free, and we feel a little sorry."

The four of them looked like skewers of incense, and they looked pretty good.One person took a bunch, and the moment they entered the entrance, the eyes of all four of them lit up.

They are all people who eat spicy food, so they didn't expect that the taste of this food was completely different from what they imagined.

Although this thing seems to be boiled and seasoned, the taste of this seasoning is really amazing.

The four of them ate two skewers, and they were a bit unsatisfied.

Not to mention, sesame seed cakes and this string of incense are really a perfect match.

The four girls discussed it.

"Boss, we want another 4 cents."

Five skewers for ten cents is not much, even a vegetarian dish in the cafeteria costs 2 cents.

Feng Huizhen said with a smile.

"Don't be too polite. You can bring any vegetarian dishes you want. I don't know what you like to eat. We have many kinds of vegetarian dishes here."

When the girls heard this, they rushed forward, and it turned out that there were a lot of varieties, and there were more than a dozen types of vegetables alone.

"We also have staple foods here, such as vermicelli and vermicelli. This wide vermicelli is also very delicious with this ingredient."

Feng Huizhen enthusiastically introduced a few girls to everyone, her eyes were bright, picking and picking, picking and picking, she suddenly surpassed Simao.

There were even two girls who specially took two skewers of beef balls and fish balls.

When the meal was cooked for them, they asked for a full RMB 1.

The four of them ate cakes with skewers of incense, and their eyes lit up.

"Boss, I didn't expect your skewers to be so delicious, especially the beef balls and fish balls."

"Is the boss setting up a stall here in the future?"

Looks like it has gained repeat customers.

"You also know that the location of the stalls in this night market is uncertain, but you just look for Brother Feng to spread incense."

Feng Huizhen enthusiastically introduced them, but she didn't say anything to death.

The main reason is that the stalls here are too mobile, who knows whether this position will be occupied by others tomorrow.

The four female students nodded.

The four of them ate and left.

The front of the stall began to become full of people again.

Feng Zhiqiang pinched the pitiful dollar in his pocket, he had never been so miserable in business.

At this moment, only a group of people were seen walking over.

Sister Wei's son, Wei Xuewen, just started college this year, and now he brought a group of classmates here.

Seven or eight big boys came here with him.

"You said take us to eat delicious food, what delicious food?"

"You promise you haven't eaten it, come on, I can still lie to you."

Wei Xuewen winked at Feng Zhiqiang and Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen was amused, and Sister Wei had a heart.

A group of young men have never eaten Chuan Chuan Xiang, and they heard that it is optional.

So people gathered around, boys and girls are different, they are gluttons.

The eight boys ordered a total of 20 yuan.

When the food came up, the boys stared wide-eyed when they tasted it.

"Boss, don't say anything, give me another five yuan for your meat skewers."

One of the boys patted his chest boldly, and it could be seen that this family should be a nouveau riche, otherwise he would not dare to say so.

There were so many people at the stall, and it was so lively that it really aroused the curiosity of passers-by.

Just like this, there are more and more people on the stall.

Quite a few students were very curious, and when they saw so many people at the stall here, they also gathered around.

Feng Zhiqiang, who was still idle just now, has turned into a chef who specializes in cooking.

I was so busy that my head was sweating.

His face turned red with excitement.

By the time it gets dark, they're sold out.

Some students who didn’t eat it complained and said,

"Boss, when will you show up tomorrow? I don't have class tomorrow afternoon. I have to come early."

Yao Yali said hastily.

"We'll be there at 3 p.m.."

Finally sent everyone away, the three of them walked back exhaustedly pushing the tricycle.

When passing by the sesame seed stall, a couple from the sesame seed stall greeted them with a smile.

"You closed the stall so early? I'd better prepare a little more tomorrow."

Yao Yali responded with a smile, "It's time to prepare more, we're leaving first."

"Sister, come here tomorrow, I'll reserve a seat for you."

The middle-aged woman said so enthusiastically.

"Okay, thank you, big sister!"

Feng Zhiqiang asked his sister suspiciously,

"Is there something wrong with these two? When we first came here, we liked to ignore answers. Why have you become so enthusiastic all of a sudden?"

"Of course they will be enthusiastic. There are a lot of people who come to our stall to eat Chuan Chuan Xiangzi today. Many people buy a pancake and then eat our Chuan Chuan Xiangzi, which has also boosted their business a lot."

Feng Huizhen naturally saw this and knew that the couple expressed goodwill because their interests had been greatly improved.

This is a bond of interest, and the value of the interest is revealed, so the couple who sell sesame seed cakes are also willing to help.

Back in the yard, Sister Wei also heard the sound from a distance from the next door, and hurried over,

"How is it? How is business today?"

"Sister Wei, thank you very much. Thanks to your son who brought so many classmates to help us support the scene. Many guests saw that there are many people eating here, which attracted a lot of people."

Yao Yali took the initiative to go forward to thank Sister Wei, and she couldn't rely on her sister for everything in the future.

After all, my sister's back.

The couple had to deal with Sister Wei.

"That's good, that's good. If you can do business, you can naturally rent out my house for a long time. I think you people are so reluctant to part with you."

After Sister Wei finished speaking, she asked them to go back to rest quickly, and she also went back to the house.

The three of them parked the car, and left things alone for the time being, and they will do it tomorrow morning.

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