With the help of Sister Wei, they quickly knew the surrounding situation.

I heard that there is a night market here at night, although it is called a night market.

However, stalls usually start at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, until 10 or 11 o'clock in the evening.

When there is no one, when it counts.

And I heard that the night market is very busy, selling all kinds of things, such as socks, trinkets, clothes, shoes, and all kinds of snacks.

The three of them started to sell their stalls that night.

With the help of an elder sister, they naturally knew that there were no fixed stalls in the night market here.

Whoever arrives first will occupy the seat first, and of course there will be a special sanitation fee.

Basically the same as their county.

It makes no difference.

In this regard, the two of them feel quite at ease, but what makes people uneasy is that there is no familiar person here after all.

Sister Wei is very enthusiastic, not only taking them to understand the surrounding environment, but even when they are going to set up a stall.

Sister Wei also said for a while that she specifically asked her son to bring his friends over to cheer.

After all, Sister Wei has a special affection for the brothers and sisters of the Feng family.

When it was time to leave the stall, Feng Huizhen accompanied them to the night market.

In order to occupy a good seat, they set off more than 2 o'clock in advance.

However, even if they set off after two o'clock, there were already many stall owners who were preparing to set up stalls on the street and brought their goods over by tricycle.

The three of them looked at the terrain. Feng Huizhen actually walked around the night market for several days, and had already seen it. The best location was actually at a crossroad not far from the night market.

This place is next to almost three schools, basically the probability of students passing by this intersection after school is as high as 90%.

It is a place with a particularly concentrated flow of people.

However, if they set up a stall here, it would be easy to provoke conflicts.

Because they have observed that all the stalls in the night market at this intersection are selling food, and the business is very prosperous. They came to snatch someone's position, which is equivalent to snatching a certain person's stall.

The first time I set up a stall, I did such an outrageous thing.

Feng Huizhen felt that this could not be done.

Brother and sister-in-law are not the kind of aggressive people.

If this contradiction does not erupt, sooner or later it will erupt.

You can't go too far as a human being.

Feng Huizhen discussed with her sister-in-law and elder brother, they were very low-key.

Instead, it occupied a place at the end of these food stalls.

That place has basically turned into some stalls selling clothes, accessories, shoes, socks.

There, I found a place there.

Arrange the tables, chairs and benches, and put the tricycle directly in a conspicuous place.

With Feng Huizhen's idea, they specially made a few words on the tricycle and posted it on it.

Brother Feng skewers incense.

It is necessary to develop a brand, so that students who go back and forth to eat Chuan Chuanxiang will pass it on to others, and when they pass it on to hundreds of people, everyone can find a direction.

Put up the stall, and next door is a biscuit seller.

Also a couple.

It's the kind of traditional iron stove biscuits.

A stove was made out of gasoline barrels, so that at least 20 biscuits could be baked at a time.

Seeing that the couple were shrewd people, they smiled when they saw them setting up a stall, but they didn't speak.

Obviously, the two of them don't know what Chuan Chuan Xiang is, but they are all in business.

As long as they are not selling biscuits, there must be no competition between the two.

At the stall, no one came to inquire, but the couple next door selling sesame seed cakes sold quickly.

Obviously, those who come to buy biscuits are regular customers.

Yao Yali and Feng Zhiqiang were a little restless there.

Feng Zhiqiang has already closed the lid under the briquette stove so that the fire will not burn too hot.

He sat there with his head drooping a little.

"Sister, why am I looking at no one?"

Yao Yali sat for a full two hours and couldn't sit still anymore.

This has never happened in the county to do business.

It made her a little confused now.

"Sister-in-law, this place is different from the county seat. The students in the county seat are all junior high school students, and you didn't realize it when you set up the stall?

When we set up a stall in the county town, we also set up a night market.But the stall didn't open until five or six o'clock. At that time, the students could catch up almost as soon as school was over.

But now we open our stalls early in the night market in the city. You think we will come out at 2:4 today, and now at [-]:[-], even if the surrounding college students come out after class.You have to give them time too. "

Feng Huizhen is not worried about the source of customers.

These days, college students go to school in the morning and in the afternoon, unlike later generations who have more time for their studies.

Feng Zhiqiang started to mutter there again,

"I said I did a good job in the county, why did I have to come all the way here?

If you don’t listen, this time it’s a good time, there’s not even a single person coming to eat. "

Feng Zhiqiang felt even more distressed. He spent a lot of money on the travel expenses and the rent and other things.

Not only did the little money they earned go in, but they also spent a lot of the money their mother gave them.

The important thing is that if they don't move in the county these days, at least they can make money again. These are all losses.

At this moment, only three or four girls were seen walking over together.

"Here are two biscuits."

"Xiaomeng's biscuits are very delicious."

"Really? Then I'll have two too."

"But there are only biscuits but no vegetables."

"Go back to the cafeteria and order two vegetarian dishes."

The girl walked past their stall without looking sideways, Feng Huizhen's heart skipped a beat.

Greeted warmly.

"Several female students, the vegetarian dishes in your cafeteria are not as delicious as our skewers! You guys try our skewers, the skewers are just right for the pancakes."

The four girls saw a pretty girl and greeted them warmly.

Although this girl is older than them, she is young and beautiful, which makes people feel good about her.

"What is Chuan Chuan Xiang?"

"I can't tell for a while. Otherwise, I'll cook a few skewers for you to taste for free. If it's not good, you don't need money."

When Feng Huizhen said this, the girls were a little embarrassed, it seemed that this girl was quite sure about her things.

A girl still asked cautiously, after all, the living expenses of these students are limited.

"Girl, how do you sell this bunch of incense?"

Even if people say it's free to taste, they are a little embarrassed, but I'm afraid they really have to buy it if they grow up.

"It's not expensive, five skewers for 1 cents for vegetarian ones, and 5 skewers for meat ones.

You can try it first, don't worry, I will cook a few skewers for you, try each skewer, if it is not delicious, you can turn around and leave.Guaranteed not to buy and sell by force. "

Feng Huizhen saw that several female students had already moved their minds, so she hurriedly poked her sister-in-law,

"Sister-in-law, hurry up and cook quickly."

When Yao Yali heard this, she hurriedly agreed, "Okay, you guys sit here and wait. It will be soon."

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