Now that the mountain has been contracted and the homestead has been settled, things are on the right track.

The three elder brothers personally accompanied her to the county seat and took out the money from the credit union.

With such a large amount of money, even the leaders of the credit union were alarmed.

The fee for the contract in the village was paid, and the homestead was approved in the name of the third brother.

Feng Huizhen left 2 yuan for her mother.

And in the past few days, I drew a design drawing overnight.

The place in the back mountain is quite big, and I want to build a house that integrates office and residence.

What she means is that although the office and residence are integrated, there are two yards and two doors, so that work and life can be separated.

Considering the need to hire people on the mountain, some staff on the mountain must solve the problem of food and accommodation.

Feng Huizhen built the work yard into a T-shape.

The extra word is the dormitory and canteen where the workers live.

Adjacent to the canteen and dormitory is the office building, and the other side is her private living place.

According to this request, Liu Cuihua's heart aches, the girl spends money like running water.

I don't know how my daughter earned the money all these years.

This time, almost 20 yuan was taken out.

And he couldn't see anything at all, so he was in vain.

Originally, Liu Cuihua did not agree to the contract, what is the barren mountain of Leigong Mountain behind?In barren mountains and wild ridges, it takes a lot of effort to plant fruit trees.

Before Feng Huizhen left, she asked the third brother, and the fourth brother specifically explained to them about the house.

Feng Zhiyuan and Feng Zhixiang patted their chests and assured her that she would rest assured that the matter of the house would be left to them.

Feng Zhixiang has nothing to do now.Just took the opportunity to supervise the work at my sister's construction site.

Feng Huizhen, elder brother Feng Zhiqiang, and sister-in-law Yao Yali officially set off for the city.

Before leaving, Yao Yali hugged the two children and kissed them again and again. She left while the two children were asleep.

Otherwise, the two children would probably cry when they woke up.

It is simply reluctant.

Feng Zhiqiang even looked back step by step, which was something he was reluctant to do.

Go to the city and pack lightly.

It was the next morning when the train reached the city.

Feng Huizhen took the two of them to the place where she brought her second sister last time.

The main reason is that they are familiar with the way here, who told the second sister to rent a house here last time, even though they did not live in it later.

It is equivalent to throwing away a few months' rent for nothing.

But the geographical environment is very good.

Not only for the second sister and second brother-in-law, but also for the eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Feng Zhiqiang and Yao Yali followed Feng Huizhen all the way to here on the bumpy bus.

When they saw the bustling morning market at the entrance, the two couldn't help being a little excited. They really didn't expect there to be so many people here.

Feng Huizhen introduced the surrounding area to them, mainly because the surrounding universities are enough to make the two of them excited, and there is only one junior high school where they set up their stall.

The business is so good. The two of them have been doing business for more than a week, and they already have some experience.

These students are more willing to spend money to eat these, and enjoy it.

There are so many universities around here, how many students should there be?

The couple can figure it out even with their fingers. It is estimated that the business will definitely be good, at least not worse than the county.

Looking at the surrounding environment, the couple suddenly settled down, but they are unfamiliar with the place, and now they don't even have a place to stay.

Feng Huizhen took them to a small courtyard with her familiarity.

"Miss Wei, are you there?"

This voice was as expected, a middle-aged woman came out of the room, she was a little dazed when she saw Feng Huizhen.

"You girl looks familiar to me, who are you?"

"Sister Wei, my surname is Feng, Feng Huizhen. At the beginning, my sister, I and my brother-in-law came to rent a house with you. Do you remember that the house was rented for three months and no one lived in it?"

When Sister Wei heard this, she immediately remembered.

No way, can you not remember this?

She has never encountered such a situation where she rented a house for three months and paid the rent for nothing but no one lived in it.

At that time, I was also a little bit sorry, and I was planning not to collect the rent, but the other party was also a little bit sorry.They said it was embarrassing, but they suddenly changed their minds, and they couldn't let her bear the loss because of this.

Now I suddenly think of Feng Huizhen.

"Hey, it's you, Xiao Feng, fast forward, fast forward. You are here to work in the city, who are these two?"

Greet them warmly into the yard.

"Sister Wei, is the yard next door still rented out? If no one rents it, we want to rent it.

This time, my elder brother and sister-in-law are renting the house. These two are my elder brother and sister-in-law. They also want to think about a small business. "

When Sister Wei heard it,

"Oh, what a coincidence, the yard next door was just taken back three days ago. Something happened in the hometown where the rented house was, so I had to go back.

My house hasn't been rented out yet. I was going to clean it up and tidy it up before renting it out, but I didn't expect you to come. "

After coming and going, the matter of the house was settled, and three months' rent was paid to Sister Wei.

Although the rent has increased now, the monthly rent is only 15 yuan.

Fortunately, there is water and electricity in the house.

The couple rented the house, Feng Zhiqiang whispered to his wife.

"Really rent it?"

"I have paid all the money, so can it still be fake?"

Yao Yali rolled her eyes at her husband. The husband said it countless times along the way, but in a word, he just didn't want to stay in the city.

Now that the house is rented, it is natural to start tidying up. Sister Wei helped them a lot. She bought a tricycle from the second-hand market next to them and asked someone to remodel it.

Knowing that they were going to do business helped them a lot.

With the help of an older sister, they quickly became familiar with the surrounding environment.

They also knew that there were many vendors selling vegetables and things in the morning market they saw around them. In short, it was more cost-effective and cheap to buy vegetables and meat at the morning market.

I also bought some small tables and chairs from a used furniture place.

In a day's work, they had packed up the house, the couple lived in one room, Feng Huizhen lived in one room, and the family had ordered briquettes to start the stove.

This evening meal is simply finished, and the tricycle has been packed the next day.

The couple went to the morning market early to buy vegetables.

One was busy making meatballs, and the other was busy washing vegetables and putting them on skewers.

The biggest convenience is the wholesale market in this city, which is not far from them. You can find many things in the wholesale market, such as the bamboo sticks they want now.

I didn't expect there to be in the wholesale market.

Thanks to this era, many people on the street like to eat lamb skewers.

So many bamboo sticks will be born.

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