Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 851 Contracting the Barren Mountain

"Both of you have this need, and the projects you have done are similar, which makes me a little embarrassed. After all, Uncle Han Wu first told me about it yesterday."

Wang Zhigao felt that if they all planted fruit trees, there would be little change in the village.

Anyone can do the contract, but there must always be someone who comes first.

Yesterday he had already promised Uncle Han Wu.

"Captain, this has nothing to do with first-come-first-served, the main thing is that it costs money to contract this land. Can you tell me how much we need to contract this mountain?"

The money for contracting mountains and contracting land will all belong to the village in the future, and it is the benefit of all villagers.

Naturally, whoever pays the highest price will definitely belong to the mountain, and the villagers are more willing to get more money.

As soon as Wang Zhigao heard this, he understood.

I heard that Feng Huizhen was doing big business outside and made a lot of money, so I guess she really has money on hand.

"Uncle Han Wu told me about this yesterday, so I called the county today and asked about it.

Now the policy above is very good, and everyone is encouraged to engage in contracting, so these mountains, forests, and fields can all be contracted.

This Leigong Mountain has not been developed so far, so it is quite difficult to contract it.

It's not a matter of money, but because the follow-up development will definitely require a lot of investment. The county's intention is to encourage everyone to contract for development, so there will be some discounts in terms of price.

The annual contracting fee is about 5000 yuan. "

Feng Huizhen almost didn't laugh out loud when she heard this.

These days, 5000 yuan is already a very high price, and most people will never use 5000 yuan to contract a barren mountain.

She originally wanted to increase the price, but now that he heard the price, he knew that Han Wushu might not be able to afford so much money.

Anyway, what Wang Zhigao said to himself just now was a good word, so there is still a discount. Under normal circumstances, if the barren hills are contracted, it is 500-1000 yuan a year.

The lion in the county actually offered 5000 yuan, not because of the geographical location of this mountain.

In fact, Feng Huizhen knew that there would be a road in front of Leigong Mountain at the end of their village to be developed from here.

That is, the year after tomorrow.

Only then will the remote Leigong Mountain become a fascinating scenic spot.

This kind of prerequisite is not available in other places, but the county has a plan, so it is natural to know this, so the mountain immediately became hot.

In fact, Wang Zhigao felt a little guilty when he said this. When the county said 5000 yuan a year, even he felt that it was outrageous. Even if this broken mountain was given 500 yuan, no one might be willing to do it.

But the lions in the county want to open their mouths to 5000 a year.

"Captain, let's see. Uncle Han Wu is also interested and wants to contract this mountain. I am also interested in contracting this mountain.

Let me tell you my conditions first, 5000 yuan a year.

This price is indeed a bit high, otherwise you can discuss with the county, I can contract for 30 years at a time, or 50 years.

I will be responsible for all the development on the mountain.

In terms of price, I hope it will be 3000 yuan a year, so that I can pay for a 30-year or 50-year contract in one go.You should also discuss it with the county leaders. "

Feng Huizhen believed that after she said this, she would get the contract immediately.

Because this is a lot of money, it is not money that Han Wushu can take out.

Wang Zhigao was a little dazed, and patted his head,

"Old classmate, let me tell you the ugly words, there are requirements for contracting barren hills in the previous county.

Not only can the trees on the mountain not be cut down, but they have to be planted. Even if you don’t plant trees, you can’t destroy the scale of the current mountain forest, which is required by the state. "

In fact, when he saw this condition, he knew that this matter might be yellow.

It is equivalent to investing money in the development of this mountain, so how can it be recycled?

Can it be recycled just by planting some fruit trees?

Even he couldn't figure out how this mountain could create economic benefits. In addition, the early development of this barren hill was very labor-intensive and financial.

It is simply impossible for the old fifth uncle to plant fruit trees to pay back the cost.

"Captain, here is my condition, don't worry, I am a man who keeps his word.

I won't joke about it with you.

As for your condition, I will definitely agree. I will definitely not destroy this mountain, and I will increase the protection of it.

Different trees will be planted on the mountain, even if some flat land is developed, it will not harm the mountain forest, let alone the terrain itself. "

Wang Zhigao felt that Feng Huizhen was crazy, and what he said was like wasting money for nothing.

"Well, since you said so, you and I will go to the village committee together, and we will call the county.

You can directly listen to the opinions of the leaders, and you can also have a direct dialogue with the county leaders.This saves me from spreading the word in the middle, and there is something that cannot be said. "

Of course Wang Zhigao is willing to facilitate it. Even if it costs 3000 yuan a year to sign a 30-year contract, it is still 9 yuan.

In the early 80s, a household with 9 yuan was established in the village, and everyone was so excited. How many important things can [-] yuan do for the village?

If it is signed for 50 years, it will be 15 yuan.

The funds in the account of their village committee for so many years have not exceeded 5000 yuan.

Various infrastructure constructions in the village cost money everywhere.

Moreover, the county is now trying to rebuild the road, and it is said that a highway will be built.

Just pass by the entrance of their village.

When he heard the news, he was moved. If the village wants to get rich, it needs to build roads. <He is going to build a path from the village to here.

It takes money to build this road, but asking the villagers to pay for it is like pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

But if we don't build roads, we can't count on getting rich.

If you have this money, what is this road?

Let the villagers work, and the road to purchase materials in the village can be repaired soon.

Just thinking about Wang Zhigao makes me feel extremely excited.

This is simply benefiting the whole village.

Sure enough, after calling the county, when the county leader heard this, several leaders urgently held a meeting in the office.

Half an hour later, they called and agreed to lease it to Feng Huizhen for 3500 years at a price of 50 yuan.

Feng Huizhen didn't say anything, and signed a 3500-year contract for 50 yuan, and agreed to pay them within three days.

The hot contract came out, and it wasn't until Han Wushu brought his son that he found out that Leigong Mountain had been contracted to someone else.

Originally, I still complained a little bit, and felt that the captain seemed to be a little biased towards Feng Huizhen.

But when the captain said, the contract was decided by the county, and the one-year contract fee was 3500, which was still a 50-year contract.

Uncle Han Wu and his son stopped talking.

Let them do the contracting, and they can't afford so much money.

Three thousand five hundred and fifty years combined is 50.

Even if they were killed, they would not be able to get the money, not to mention opening an orchard and planting a fruit tree, how could it be possible to earn so much money?

It's no wonder that the father and son immediately backed down, settled for the next best thing, and contracted another orchard on the mountain behind.

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