Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 824 The Arbitrary Director Bai

Feng Huizhen filled out a batch of bidding documents, threw them directly into the bidding box, and threw them into the bidding box along with her bidding form.

There are more orders flying into the teu like snowflakes.

There are special staff who will hold the horn.

A loudspeaker would announce each bid that was sold, announcing who had won the stone.

Soon, bursts of cheers came from the people around.

Feng Huizhen looked at their bid list, and they only sold 15 yuan.

The price of the transaction was within her psychological price, and 500 million was just an instant.

480 million has been spent.

In other words, the bidder on the last day could not pay at all.

3000 yuan per kilogram, 100 tons of a stone, [-] million a stone.

Absolutely beyond the psychological price of everyone present.

When Bai Pengju saw the price on the bid king, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The price that their entire delegation came out to authorize was only [-] million.

When placing the bid form just now, the assistant next to him filled out the bid form himself.

He handed over a piece of paper to the other party.

Basically all the numbers listed on this list are the numbers provided by the other party, which means that these numbers are the other party's stones.

Originally, he didn't want to fill in these numbers, but the news Feng Huizhen brought back to him last night was.

Ask him to mark these stones according to the requirements of the other party, and the price can only be high or low.

Feng Huizhen has never seen these stones.

Because of Feng Huizhen's appearance, the popularity of the stones present suddenly changed.

The stones that Feng Huizhen has seen are almost heated up, and many people will bet heavily on these stones.

At this time, the people around Bai Pengju had divided into two groups, and serious differences had arisen.

"Director Bai, I don't quite agree with the stones we filled in the bid this time."

Qi Min who spoke was an experienced expert recommended by their group this time.

In terms of jadeite research, he can be regarded as an expert among experts.

Qi Min wore black glasses, a suit, a tie, gloves, and a magnifying glass.

He was accompanied by two dedicated assistants, and the three of them could be regarded as an expert group in the procurement of rough stones.

The two assistants also showed disapproval.

"Director Bai, although I haven't looked at these stones carefully, I have briefly looked at these stones according to your bid.

Just looking at it from the outside is enough to tell that it has little potential, and we can't invest money in rough stones with poor qualifications.

Not to mention the big risks, and it is possible to lose everything. "

Qi Min is very serious, he feels that he is the authority in this procurement execution.

"Professor Qi, what do you mean?"

After hearing this, Bai Pengju was even more aware of his conviction.

These people just took the opportunity to trick themselves.

It is to cheat the country's money.

I don't understand why my niece agreed to write the numbers of these rough stones sold to him by these people on the bidding document.

Isn't this helping the tyrants?

"Director Bai, I don't quite agree with the stones we participated in the bidding. I suggest that we still participate in the bidding of the general materials. Although the price is a bit more expensive, the success rate is guaranteed."

"But I am the director of this procurement."

Bai Pengju looked at Qi Min calmly.

Although he clamored in his heart to overthrow his decision and obey Qi Min's.

After all, Qi Min is an expert, and the advice he gave is very appropriate.

But he remembered that the note that Feng Huizhen gave him last night specifically stated that he must mark the stones according to the other party's numbers.

And it is also indicated on the back that the stone must be marked back according to this label, even if the price is higher, do not set a bottom line.

The three exclamation points behind it are still fresh in his memory.

He knew what Feng Huizhen must have done, but Feng Huizhen didn't tell him.

How did he know that his niece could never tell him.

At this moment, he and Feng Huizhen were on the same front, and he couldn't back down.

Disrupted the niece's plan.

In case there is a mistake in this plan, there will be a problem with the chance of winning.

He believed that Feng Huizhen would not harm himself.

As a last resort, he will bear the result himself and arrest those people directly.

"Director Bai, you can't see that these rough stones are cheap, these rough stones are cheap because they can't see what's inside.

There is a saying in the world of raw stones that immortals cannot break jade, even I cannot guarantee it [-]%.

I can know what's going on inside every stone!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the chances of success of these rough stones that you bid now are less than 50%. "

"If that's the case, we're going to lose a lot this time around."

Qi Min didn't understand. Director Bai was always amiable and approachable. From talking with him along the way, he could tell that Director Bai was not a stubborn person.

But today, when faced with filling out the tender form, he would be so stubborn.

Director Bai doesn't know much about rough stones, so how can he be so sure that these stones must be worthy of competition?

"I am very persistent. I have my own personal vision, and I think these stones are more worth investing in, and the price is less.

If it is opened, it may be ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times worth. We have limited funds this time. If our money this time cannot be used wisely, we will buy all the materials.

You have also seen those all-clear materials. I have seen them, and the lowest piece probably costs millions.

This time we are responsible for the supply of goods to 20 jewelry and jade stores in the province.The supply of goods for the past six months will depend on our purchase this time.

The money is really not much, and the materials I purchased may not be sold for three months when I take them home.

That's why I decided to take a chance on the rough stone. "

Qi Min was in a hurry, "Director Bai can't gamble on the procurement this time. Do you know that if there is a problem, we may not even have enough money to purchase materials for a month."

He didn't expect Bai Pengju to say such irresponsible words.

It was completely in contrast to the Bai Pengju he knew.

"I am the team leader here, and I have the final say. My decision is the final decision. If you don't want to hear my decision, please reserve your opinion.

After you go back, you can complain to your superiors about me. "

Bai Pengju's words stunned the rest of the group on the spot. I really didn't expect Director Bai, who usually seemed very talkative, to say such outrageous words.

Someone who is watching the color of the face hastily said.

"Director Bai has the final say and follow what Director Bai says.

Director Bai has a unique vision, so he can't make mistakes. "

Qi Min was so angry that his nose almost crooked.

"I will definitely report this matter to the superiors, and I will never let it go. Director Bai, you have to take full responsibility for this matter, because if your arbitrary behavior causes losses to the country, you will apologize with death."

Qi Min almost shouted wildly from behind.

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