The deposit that you bring with you will be submitted here.

Everyone who participates in the auction will submit their own cash, register the cash here, and send someone to check and accept it.

Only those who have received the deposit qualification are likely to participate in the next auction.

Seeing that more than 500 million yuan was sent to the staff on the opposite side, five staff members lined up to check and accept it for them.

Liang Dashan and Lao Li finally breathed a sigh of relief. The five people on the road just now were very nervous.

Who would not be afraid to carry such a large sum of money with them?

After the counting was completed and the other party verified the authenticity, the matter finally came to an end.

Holding the stamped ID cards, they began to enter the official auction venue.

It was also the first time for Feng Huizhen to enter such a place.

The auction venue is different from what they imagined.

There are neat rows of various rough stones here.

Divided into several areas, there is a dedicated rough stone area, a dedicated semi-window rough stone area, and a full-open material area.

All the materials are for everyone to observe and appreciate closely, and each stone has a number plate.

The so-called auction is not the kind of auction in the market outlook TV. Everyone raises their placards to bid and bid.

The auction here is very special, that is, each stone has a special price.

The pricing of rough stones is here.

If you want to be able to photograph this stone, you must ensure that your price will be the highest in the audience.

Get this stone for the highest price.

Of course, it must be that people who know what to expect get the reserve price at a price that is not too high to allow themselves to bear huge losses, and that the price is not too low to pass by this stone.

This measure should be handled very well.

In other words, this price is completely a blind price.

Relying on vision and measure, as well as personal ability.

Of course at this auction.

Although you are bidding empty-handedly, if the rough stone you bid for fails to be sold without payment in the end, you will be disqualified from participating in the auction permanently.

That is to say, if you want to be a white wolf with empty hands and hit your competitors, but you don't pay for stones yourself, there is no such thing.

Otherwise it will be blacklisted.

As for the merchants present, they knew that they were all prominent figures in various chambers of commerce, and absolutely no one would do this.

This is also equivalent to a disguised insurance.

Of course, there is one more procedure required in this procedure, that is, you have to purchase the so-called auction list after reading all the rough stones to set the price.

The market value of each auction order is calculated in foreign exchange.

That is to say, all transactions here are foreign exchange.

Calculated at foreign exchange prices.

An auction ticket is worth a knife.

In this year and month, this list can be regarded as priceless.

Ordinary people will not spend ten yuan to buy such a form to fill out.

This is equivalent to a threshold.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei entered the official auction hall, which is very large.

It's as big as ten football fields.

From the outside of the facade just now, it just looks resplendent and magnificent, but I didn't expect it to be so spacious inside.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei's entry attracted the attention of others.

I saw many people smiling and nodding at Feng Huizhen.

Although he didn't say hello, the vague eyes of people around him all fell on Feng Huizhen.

Jiang Lei held Feng Huizhen's hand tightly.

What should come must come.

The purpose of their visit this time is for this release.

Bai Pengju also saw Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei, and nodded slightly.

The other party had already sent the quotation to himself, and he had sent someone to give it to the two of them.

The rest he didn't know what to do.

In today's auction, the other party has clearly pointed out that they have sent in a total of 25 stones, and Bai Pengju must take these 25 stones in one fell swoop.

And one of the stones turned out to be the standard king.

When Bai Pengju saw the other party's request, his heart turned cold, but the tonnage of stones to become the standard king must be enough.

The price is also the highest.

Although he is the head of the buying group, he has the final say on the price and has the absolute power of life and death. For this purchase, they raised a total of nearly [-] million yuan.

Now the money is heavy in his hands.

The other party is equivalent to taking the money from him in this way. Once there is a problem with these stones, the money will be lost.

It is conceivable that the managers of various jade shops in the province will never give up. This money was raised by the managers of various jade industries.

And brought a special expert in this field.

Once he acts arbitrarily and makes such a decision, the loss caused will be borne by him personally.

Although the other party assured him swearingly that there would be absolutely no problem with this stone, no expert would see the clue.

But Bai Pengju didn't want to do that.

He didn't know what Feng Huizhen would do in the end, but he knew that the money was very important in his hands.

He will not lose the country's money.

I will not do this for some things that are not famous for myself.

This matter will soon have a result, either today or tomorrow.

Anyway, he came to this appointment with the determination to see death as home.

Feng Huizhen avoided her little uncle's gaze.

Seriously start walking around the entire venue.

Her eyes seemed to have left, but her vague eyes continued to follow her.

As she walked, countless people moved lightly.

Feng Huizhen came to the largest exhibition room, which has a glass door.

There are three stones in total, each of which is huge.

The tonnage of the three stones adds up to more than 300 tons, which means that each stone has an average of more than 100 tons.

Feng Huizhen took a look and found that the price was 3000 yuan per kilogram.

In other words, the price of this stone is quite high.

This year's standard king will definitely be born in these three stones.

Feng Huizhen just glanced at it, then averted her gaze lightly.

Start looking carefully at every stone in the venue.

The speed of being checked by Feng Huizhen is very fast, basically a row of stones is scanned at a glance, and she will check a certain piece of it.

Step forward and carefully hold the magnifying glass to observe.

And the accompanying personnel, of course, this accompanying personnel is Jiang Lei.

Quickly jot down the number of the stone in your notebook.

Once Feng Huizhen leaves, a group of people will rush up to check the stone.

Some people also quickly memorized the number.

Feng Huizhen watched many stones on the scene silently.

As people observed, the atmosphere at the scene immediately became heated.

Someone quickly filled out the form and threw it into the standard box.

The auction will generally open a bid box within three hours.

The purchase price of a batch of stones will be announced, which means that the stones will not wait until the end.

If you go to place an auction list by chance, no one has placed an order for this stone.

Then chances are you got this stone at the lowest price.

But generally speaking, this possibility is relatively rare on the first day. Even the owner of the stone will go out in person and fill out some bidding forms.

To raise the price of their own stones, so as not to allow those opportunistic people to make a smooth transaction.

Stones that are not successfully sold on the first day will be kept until the next day.

On the second day, basically all the stones on the site will have a real auction price.

No one would like this stone.

Biao Wang is usually born on the third day.

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