Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 825 Director Bai is a mallet

Ma Liu in the distance couldn't help showing a smug smile when he heard this. It seemed that Bai Pengju was quite obedient.

Han Zhaoxue tightly grabbed the corner of her clothes.

If Bai Pengju did this today, it would be completely ruined.

While Ma Liu and the others were not paying attention, she quietly walked to Bai Pengju's side.

While pretending to look at the stone, he whispered.

"Those stones will never produce emeralds, those stones were carefully selected by Ma Liu and the other mine owner.

They just want to get something out of you, and after the money is over, Maliu will leave the country directly.

This black pot will fall on you alone. "

Bai Pengju turned his head and saw Han Zhaoxue.

"Of course I know, how could they sell me priceless stones. Of course they want to get a lot of money from me.

But why did you come here and tell me this?You are one of them. If it weren't for you, I would be where I am today? "

Bai Pengju didn't understand what Han Zhaoxue's mentality was like, and at this moment, he ran over to remind himself that this was fake compassion, or was it a discovery of conscience?

"I'm just reminding you. I'm sorry for you, so I can't hold back. I will find a way to steal the photos for you. You'd better measure it yourself. Once you take this step, you can never look back.

You are different from me, you are still innocent now, if it is only because of the style of men and women, you will not be punished much.

But such a big mistake was made.Maybe you'll go to jail. "

Han Zhaoxue felt that she was stupid, how could she say such a thing?

She even said that she would help Bai Pengju steal those photos. Is this what she, Han Zhaoxue, should have said?

"Thank you for your reminder. I know what to do. This road is already a road of no return. I just hope that you will turn back as soon as possible."

Bai Pengju still didn't hold back.

"How can a person like me rein in the precipice? Do you think I have a way back?"

Han Zhaoxue sneered, turned and left.

Han Zhaoxue came to Ma Liu.

"Why did you go to that idiot to say something?"

Ma Liu is very wary of Han Zhaoxue, although he is his relative, but it doesn't mean that he is absolutely at ease with Han Zhaoxue.

"I'm going to warn him not to be careful. If you don't act now, be careful that we take out the photos. You don't know that person. There was such a fuss just now. If he hesitates in his heart, if he is not sure, he will Change your mind."

"It's still you who are amazing. You know what he thinks in his heart. Yes, you should warn him."

Ma Liu nodded.

The money here is part of Han Zhaoxue, of course Han Zhaoxue will be anxious.

They all had a discussion. After getting the money, they went their separate ways, and Han Zhaoxue would leave the country directly from here.

Transfer from Thailand to Singapore.

No one wants to have a good time.

"Cousin, I'm going back to the hotel to rest first, and it's not interesting to be here, anyway, three days. That idiot should dare not be disobedient."

Ma Liu nodded and winked at his brother, "Okay, I'll let them take you back."

Han Zhaoxue twisted her waist and walked out slowly.

The two drove Han Zhaoxue back to the hotel, and directly sent Han Zhaoxue back to the hotel room.

Han Zhaoxue yawned,

"Hey, I didn't sleep well last night. I need to catch up on my sleep when I go back. You two, go out and buy me some delicious food. There are a lot of fruits here. Buy some fresh fruits and flowers when you come back."

"By the way, there were bugs in my room last night, and I didn't sleep well all night. Where's the key to my cousin's room? I'll go to his room to sleep."

The two of them looked at each other, what should we do about this?My brother didn't explain it either.

"Miss Han, isn't this appropriate?"

"What's wrong with this, he is my cousin, my own cousin, why do you two still have opinions?

Do you want to do it?Believe it or not, let me say something in front of my cousin, let my cousin expel you two directly? "

The two hurriedly took out the keys and opened the door.

Everyone knows that this Han Zhaoxue is Ma Liu's cousin, and she has a detached status here, and no one dares to mess with her.

Even if the cousin borrowed the room, Ma Liu would definitely not have any objections.

The two hurried out to buy fruit and flowers.

Han Zhaoxue entered the room, closed the door, leaned against the door and heard no movement outside.

Go straight to the room inside.

Cousin usually carries some important things with him, but such things as photos and negatives are definitely not in his carry-on bag.


The auction site has reached a fever pitch, and people are bidding one after another.

And the successful bidders have already carried the stone to the place where the stone is explained later.

There is a grand scene here.

Bai Pengju moved all the 25 stones they auctioned to Master Jieshi.

The group of them occupied the position of a stone-resolving master.

On the first day, I bought so many stones in a big way, and naturally many people came to watch the fun.

More people gathered here to watch Boss Feng, who also moved 15 stones here.

Everyone is here to watch the fun.

Of course, more people look at Boss Feng, who was a blockbuster at the time.

So far, the success rate of cutting stones is [-]%, which can be called a god of gamblers.

So most people gathered around Feng Huizhen's side, while on Bai Pengju's side, except for their own people, only a few people gathered around and took a look at the stone.

Many people just shook their heads, turned around and left.

Qi Min and his two assistants sat on the stone beside him angrily, he was too angry to speak.

Because Director Bai has already made his own claim and spent a full 8000 million to photograph these 25 stones.

His heart hurts there.

Originally, if the chance coincided this time and the opportunity was right, they were going to see if Biao Wang had a chance.

But don't talk about the opportunity now, whether the 8000 million can be taken back, or not, is a problem.

The others were also uneasy. After all, Director Bai made his own decision this time and didn't listen to the experts.

You must know that Director Bai doesn't understand anything, and I'm most afraid that this kind of leader doesn't understand anything, and if he wants to make a cross, it is easy to cause big troubles if he makes his own decisions.

Everyone knows in their hearts that if something goes wrong with the 8000 million yuan, this auction is not a tourist trip for them, and a big problem will appear in an instant.

Bai Pengju looked at the 25 stones, feeling at a loss. He didn't understand these stones.

"Boss, how do you cut this stone?"

Bai Peng raised his head and glanced at Qi Min.

"Professor Qi, come on, this is what you are good at."

Qi Min felt like he was going crazy, did Director Bai do it on purpose?

He didn't listen to his own opinions just now, but now he is cutting stones and digging himself out, saying that he is an expert.

This Chief Bai is a stick.

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