Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 822 I Will Wait For You To Beg Me

"It's all Feng Huizhen's fault. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't have sprained your ankle. Why do you think you rushed out?"

Li Yuehua kept scolding Feng Huizhen.

In her mind, all these things were caused by Feng Huizhen.

The old lady and the old man had already opened the door curtain and entered. The old lady's face sank when she heard this sentence.

"Xiao Li, you have been criticizing my granddaughter all the way, and you didn't give my granddaughter a good face when you came here.

Since you don't like her, don't stay here.

The daughter of our Bai family is either rushing to get married, or my granddaughter is right.What if you don't get a marriage certificate?Could it be that our Bai family can't afford a child? "

Yesterday the old lady was anxious to arrange a wedding for Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei, but seeing Li Yuehua's posture today, the old lady felt cold.

If his granddaughter married into such a family and met such a mother-in-law, no matter how good Jiang Lei was, he might not be able to solve the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future.

He already despises his granddaughter now, so there's no need to talk about it in the future.

Marrying in the past will definitely make things difficult.

Li Yuehua didn't expect to be caught by the old lady and the old man, so he could only smooth things over with a smile.

"Old lady, old man, don't blame me for speaking so harshly. Look at Jiang Lei spraining his foot again because of Huizhen. That child is stubborn.

You can't keep holding on because of the past, I've already made it clear to her.

I hope she can marry Jiang Lei. I originally objected to this matter, but now I have agreed and bowed my head.

She just wanted to give the child a complete family, and it would be good for her own reputation, but she was fine.

It's just that they don't know good people.Open your mouth and shut up, saying that the child's surname is Feng, do you think I can not be anxious with her? "

"No matter how bad the old lady is, the child should have the father's surname, not the mother's surname."

"You can't subjectively protect your granddaughter in this matter, isn't it unreasonable?"

Li Yuehua still felt that she was justified.

Jiang Lei shook his head angrily after hearing this, his mother sincerely wanted him to marry back his wife.

"Mom, don't worry about my affairs, can you? This is between me and Feng Huizhen, and so is the child. What does Feng Huizhen's child have to do with you?

You have to make a horizontal cross. "

"Let me tell you, I will ask them to buy you a bus ticket in a while, and you will come back immediately, and you are not needed here.

According to your current situation, how dare I let Feng Huizhen marry into our family.

After marrying in, the one on the left is the mother, and the one on the right is the daughter-in-law, who do you want me to protect?

Could it be that you two quarrel and fight every day?

Huizhen is just pregnant, and you are so angry with her now, do you hope that my child will be born, or that this child will not be born? "

Jiang Lei felt that his mother could not play any good role here. He really wanted to pack up and throw his mother on the train home.

"Of course I want this child to be born. This is your child. Why wouldn't Mom not want it? Is there anything I do that is not for you and the child? All right! Feng Huizhen doesn't get a marriage certificate, so don't marry into our Jiang family!

Well, I want to see what this kid will do in the future? "

Li Yuehua turned around and left, she would never get a good look from this son.

Li Yuehua decided to burn the boat, but she didn't believe it, whether the Bai family would ask for it on her own head.

When Feng Huizhen has a big belly and the child comes to him from all sides, let's see what they will do?

Li Yuehua is gone, the old man and the old lady realize that things are in serious trouble, although they can be stubborn.

But these days, if you don’t have a marriage certificate, you can’t get a birth certificate, and if you don’t have a birth certificate, you can’t go to the hospital to give birth.

Besides, it is troublesome in all aspects to register for a household registration after giving birth.

The marriage certificate is of great importance in this matter.

No matter how enlightened it is, the old man does not have a marriage certificate in this era, so it is unjustifiable to have a child.

What's more, it is not secularly acceptable to never get married and raise children alone.

Jiang Lei hurriedly reassured the old couple,

"Grandpa and grandma, don't worry. I will be responsible, I will solve this matter, and I will respect Huizhen's opinion.

She won't get married if she doesn't want to, and I'll raise the kids with her too.I will wait patiently for the day when she is willing to marry me. "

When Jiang Lei didn't want to force Feng Huizhen to face this matter, he understood Feng Huizhen.

Facing an elder who is so unreasonable as his mother, marrying will only lead to more family disputes.

Especially the relationship between him and his mother is almost incompatible. How can we get along as relatives in such a relationship?

Even he couldn't convince himself, let alone Feng Huizhen.

"Xiao Jiang, you are a good boy, we all understand. We don't know what to do about this matter.

If the two of you are separated without children, you will be separated.Our old couple may really advise you to separate.

But now that you have children, it is impossible for us to persuade you two to separate.But to marry or not to marry is a dilemma. "

Even when the old lady faced this problem openly, she still had a headache.

The person who puts himself in the shoes of his own granddaughter, weighs the interests of all kinds of interests.

Think carefully about the pros and cons of all kinds of granddaughters.

It is not good to marry, and it is not good not to marry.

"Grandpa and grandma, I understand, we understand. Leave this matter alone. Let us let nature take its course."

Feng Huizhen said that she also had her own responsibility for this matter, but in fact, Jiang Lei alone was under too much pressure in this matter.

A few people ate in silence. Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei still had work to do today, so they could only arrange for their grandparents to let Lao Liu accompany them to visit the famous local scenery.

Liang Dashan told Lao Liu about the matter yesterday.

Lao Liu also worked tirelessly today, taking the old man out for a stroll.

Liang Dashan took five people to accompany Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei to the auction.

The car drove to the auction site, and the layout here was obviously much better than the jade trading market.

This is a two-story building.The door is a floor-to-ceiling large glass.

It can be seen from the outside that it is a bit resplendent.

There are a few big characters shining golden on the door.

Jade Trade Association.

At this time, there are two security guards at the door, who are responsible for checking everyone who enters and exits.

Because every person who enters and exits will wear a special pass for the jade auction.

No one can enter without a pass.

When they arrived, they entered smoothly, because yesterday Bai Pengju had sent someone to send them the pass, just because they were afraid that they would be blocked when they entered and exited today.

A group of seven people entered the auction house.

After entering the gate, they have to simply register at the entrance of the gate, where their identity, name, and address will be registered.

Only then are you eligible to enter the second gate of the venue.

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