Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 821 Sprained One Foot

Li Yuehua had long heard the voices of Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen talking in the yard, but as long as his son was around, he couldn't say some things.

It's hard to hear that Jiang Lei is not here at this moment, the old man and the old lady have not come back after going out for a walk.

She hurried out.

"Feng Huizhen, I want to talk to you."

Feng Huizhen showed an impatient expression, this Li Yuehua is really endless.

"Auntie, we two have nothing to talk about, we have already had a big fight between us. What is there to talk about now?

If you're talking about the kid, I've already told you that too.It has nothing to do with you that the child is my child, nor do I want to have anything to do with you. "

The meaning of rejection is obvious.

Li Yuehua was almost thrown into a rage, originally thought that after Feng Huizhen had a child, at least her attitude towards her mother-in-law had changed somewhat.

After all, it is not a good thing to have a child without a marriage certificate these days.

It would be embarrassing after the news got out, and now she didn't beg her mother-in-law to quickly let her in, but she dared to show off.

Jiang Lei told her yesterday that Feng Huizhen didn't want to get a marriage certificate, but she didn't take it to heart at all.

Going back last night and thinking about it over and over again, Li Yuehua felt that this was Feng Hui's trump card, which was specifically to threaten her son.

Based on her understanding, which woman can not want to get married, and if she has children, she doesn't want to get married, that's not nonsense.

Who wants to be accused by others?

Besides, if there is no marriage certificate these days, the child will not be able to register for household registration after birth.

Is Feng Huizhen going to make this child an illegitimate child?

Indeed, this era is very strict on the issue of children and men and women.

Without a marriage certificate, this child is really a criminal.

Because of these points, Li Yuehua felt that Feng Hui was really playing hard to get.

Telling his son that he doesn't want to get a marriage certificate is actually forcing his son to bow his head.

I didn't see that my son was about to become Feng Huizhen's 24 filial servant.

This is already the case before getting married. If he gets married in the future, he will not be able to shit on his son's neck.

In short, Li Yuehua's thought was that Feng Huizhen's small thoughts were guessed by her.

She felt that Feng Huizhen either didn't want to get married, or wanted to control her son and control herself, but Li Yuehua would not be controlled by Feng Huizhen.

"Feng Huizhen, you are already pregnant with my son, why are you so proud now?

All right, all right, it doesn't make sense for me to say this.

You didn't get a marriage certificate, so you got pregnant first.

I said that you didn't know that there was a problem with your style of conduct, and you yourself were still not convinced.

Now that my belly is already big, I won’t say anything, I’ll admit it even if I pinch my nose, who told you that you’re already pregnant with my grandson.

In this case, hurry up and get the marriage certificate with Jiang Lei, I won't tell you about your identity, you should know it yourself, our family doesn't give you a bride price, it's considered to be giving you face.

But you have to persuade Jiang Lei to go back to Beijing to work quickly.

I heard that you have also been fired. Since this is the case, you can honestly raise the baby at home and give birth to the child safely and become a housewife.

Forget about our past.

As long as you abide by your duty in the future, you will be the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family in a peaceful manner.I pretend these things never happened. "

Li Yuehua thought that he had hit the point.

It exposed Feng Huizhen's petty thoughts.

Unexpectedly, what she said made Feng Huizhen almost laugh out loud.

"Ha ha!"

"What kind of expression do you have? What's the matter? What are you laughing at?

Am I wrong?You already have a child in your stomach, and you don't need a marriage certificate now, so you want the child to be an illegitimate child? "

Li Yuehua thinks that from this point on, Feng Huizhen is absolutely in control.

"Auntie, what I mean is that you talk too much about yourself. From the beginning to the end, I have never admitted that I want to marry Jiang Lei. I have said that this child is my own.

Even if his surname is Feng, it has nothing to do with your Jiang family at all.

I will not get a marriage certificate with Jiang Lei, nor will I be a housewife. Only I can decide what I want to do.

What Jiang Lei wants to do is also up to him.

You don't need to tell me these words anymore. Don't you think it's ridiculous for a stranger to dictate to another stranger and arrange other people's lives?

I don't want you to be my mother-in-law. "

Li Yuehua fell backwards in anger at these words.

"What did you say? The child's surname is Feng? Why? This is a child from our family, so the surname must be Jiang."

"Feng Huizhen, let me tell you, I've already compromised and discussed this matter with you in a low voice. Don't toast or eat fine wine."

"If you really don't get a marriage certificate, you are pregnant out of wedlock. Can you see if the sub-district office will look for you? Will the Women's Federation look for you? Will the Family Planning Commission look for you?"

"You, a single girl, gave birth to this child, what do you rely on to support it?

You don't even have a job right now.Why do you want to blackmail our Jiang Lei in this way? "

"Let me tell you, I'm saying this now for your own good and for the good of your child. You're going to be a mother soon, so you have to think clearly."

Feng Huizhen shook her head helplessly, and shouted into the kitchen,

"Jiang Lei, come out and pull your mother away. Don't make me angry."

Jiang Lei was busy in the kitchen, because of frying tomato sauce, so there was a lot of noise, and he didn't hear the quarrel in the yard at all.


"Come out and pull your mother away. If this goes on, I guess I will want to do it."

Feng Huizhen threw down a word, turned around and was about to leave, who knew that Li Yuehua grabbed Feng Huizhen's wrist.

Because it was too sudden, Feng Huizhen didn't take precautions.

Li Yuehua grabbed Feng Huizhen's wrist, and Feng Huizhen's steps didn't stop.

The two fell directly from the steps.

Jiang Lei dashed out of the kitchen with sharp eyesight, but unfortunately, no matter how fast he moved, he was still a step late, at most he could only forcefully lay under the two of them.

Let two people fall on top of him.

Hearing his son's muffled groan, Li Yuehua got up hastily.

"Xiao Lei, how are you? Is there any injury?"

Jiang Lei waved his hand, his face was a little pale, he sprained his ankle a bit and it was fine.

He held Feng Huizhen with one hand and asked.

"How? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Feng Huizhen hurriedly got up to check him all over.

"I'm fine, you're already under the bed, how can I be fine?"

"What about you? Where does it hurt? Your face has changed. You must tell me where it hurts."

Jiang Lei smiled and stood up, "I'm a big man and I usually do training, don't worry, my physical fitness is very good, I just twisted my foot, nothing happened."

Smiling, he strode up, but when his right foot hit the ground, he still limped a little involuntarily.

Seeing this, Feng Huizhen hurried forward to take his arm,

"Don't be brave, you twisted your foot, it can be big or small. Sit in the room first, and I'll find you something cold to apply."

Putting the person down, Feng Huizhen hurried out.

But there is no refrigerator at all in the nearby canteen, and the landlord does not have a refrigerator at home.

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