Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 816 The Familiar Grandma Chapter Is Here

The old man looked at his granddaughter, how much this child has suffered, and suffered such a great grievance, and he still has to make up for it.

He picked up the teacup and drank it.

The child is a good child, but why is the old woman getting more and more confused now, to this extent.

He was so confused that he didn't know what to do, and his wife seemed to have a big change in temperament.

From one person to another.

Bai Xiaowei persuaded the old lady while gently giving her back with her hands.

"Grandma, I know you love me, but there's no need to do this, Feng Huizhen is also your granddaughter, no matter what happened to her, it's not her fault, it's the traffickers who did something wrong.

We can't blame Huizhen because of this, you want to open a little bit.You and grandpa have been away for a lifetime, hand in hand to share joys and sorrows.How sad your grandfather should be. "

The old lady sat there with a blank face, motionless.

When the old man looked at the old lady like that, he knew that the old lady was stubborn, just like that.

Li Yuehua was secretly proud when he saw the old couple quarreling because of Feng Huizhen.

"Feng Huizhen, did you see, because you made the Bai family restless, what did you bring to this family when you came back?

In addition to worry, in addition to quarreling.What else but disaster?

Your grandparents are all so old, because you still have to split up.

You should also be more sensible, let go of what is not yours, and our Jiang Lei.

What a promising person he is, for you, he resigned, and he didn't even want his job.

What is your own situation, you should know in your heart. "

Feng Huizhen's chest felt tight suddenly, and her eyes turned black.

Feng Huizhen bent over, and Jiang Lei beside her felt something was wrong, so he quickly stretched out his hand, wrapped her around her waist from behind, and let her lean on him.

"It's been a tiring day today, are you tired? Sit up first, let's sit down and talk if you have anything to say."

Feng Huizhen sat on a chair and hurriedly poured Feng Huizhen a glass of warm water from the table.

Feng Huizhen drank half a glass of water, and the oppression in her chest didn't seem to dissipate.

But the darkening in front of my eyes seems to be lessening.

"It's okay, I may be a little tired."

Feng Huizhen disagrees.

Anyone who encounters such a thing will probably be hit hard, even if he has a lifetime of experience, he will not be able to bear it.

"Hmph, pretending!"

Li Yuehua felt that Feng Huizhen did it on purpose, to show that she was in love with Jiang Lei in front of everyone.

Deliberately demonstrating to yourself.

The old man glanced at his granddaughter's slightly pale face. No matter what happened to this child, it was time for his family to take care of him.At this time, if he also turned against him, he would be too sorry for the child.

"Okay, if the old lady really can't think about it, then I will go back with Hui Huizhen. I went to the countryside, and you stay here alone. I don't worry if the boss and the second child are here."

The old man will not compromise, how can he compromise on such a matter?

"Why do you want to go back to the countryside with Huizhen?"

The old lady raised her eyebrows suddenly.

The whole room suddenly fell silent.

"What do you mean old lady?"

Li Yuehua was a little strange, the old lady's question made people puzzled.

Bai Xiaowei was also a little strange.

"Grandma, it's not that you don't want to recognize Feng Huizhen as the granddaughter of the Bai family, so grandpa wants to go to the countryside with Feng Huizhen in a fit of anger."

He put his hands on the old lady's shoulders intimately.

Suddenly the old lady pushed Bai Xiaowei's hand away with her hand, and raised her head to look at Bai Xiaowei with a serious face.

"Stay away from me."

These words were extremely serious, with sternness in his voice and sternness in his eyes.

Bai Xiaowei shivered, and suddenly felt that the old lady was different from the past.

The feeling in her eyes made her very familiar. It was that the old lady who looked down on her had returned.

Bai Xiaowei stood up hastily, stepped back several steps, and looked at the old lady with her mouth covered in disbelief.

How did the old lady wake up?

No, that medicine is very effective, and the system says it can last a lifetime.

"What's the matter with the system? Didn't it mean that this medicine can make the old lady treat me well for the rest of her life?"

Who knew that the system had no sound at all at this time.

The old lady stood up, turned her head to look at Feng Huizhen and suddenly rushed over in three or two steps.

Feng Huizhen was originally sitting on a chair, but she never thought that the old lady would pounce on her, so she couldn't dodge in time.

Jiang Lei was taken aback, what is the old lady doing?

Is it possible to do it again?

Hastily stretched out his arms and stopped in front of the old lady.

"Grandma, don't be like this. Huizhen has been busy these two days and is exhausted. I beg you, please don't treat her like this. She is your own granddaughter, and she has the Bai family in her body." blood.

You hurt her so much. "

"I beg you, if you really don't like her, I will take her away, you will never see her again, and the two of us will go back to the village to live. You will never see her."

The old lady looked at Jiang Lei who was dodging left and right, it was Jiang Lei who was standing in front of her, she couldn't help laughing,

"Why are you still playing eagles and chickens with grandma?

Get up quickly!I want to see my wonderful granddaughter, my granddaughter is suffering. "

Jiang Lei didn't step aside immediately.

The uncertainty of the old lady makes people suspicious.

"This is you?"

"I want to see my granddaughter, why do you still want to stop her? If it weren't for your boy's love for our family Huizhen, I tell you that I would not marry our family Huizhen just because of your behavior today. for you."

Jiang Lei's face brightened, and the old lady's tone was very familiar.

The humorous and cheerful old lady seems to be back.

Hastily got out of the way, Feng Huizhen looked at grandma with a pair of bright eyes.

The red mist in grandma's body was gone, it disappeared completely, and it began to become as clear as grandpa Jiang Lei.

The old lady walked up to Feng Huizhen and hugged Feng Huizhen in her arms.Gently stroking Feng Huizhen's long hair with her hand, she said in a peaceful tone,

"Son, you have suffered. Grandma has been worried for a long time, and I don't know what's wrong with grandma recently. She seems to be in a daze.

But just woke up all of a sudden.

You are my granddaughter, no matter what happens to you, you are from our Bai family.

What are the people of our Bai family afraid of?

With the support of your grandparents, we are not afraid of anything.Don't worry, grandma will protect you. "

Feng Huizhen hugged the old lady's waist tightly, tears welled up in her eyes, the familiar, kind, cheerful grandma is back again.

She was sure that Bai Xiaowei had done something to her grandma, she didn't know what the red mist was.

But it must have something to do with Bai Xiaowei.


"Don't cry, we won't cry!"

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