Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 817 Then How Did She Get Pregnant?

"Old lady, how could you do this? You obviously like Xiaowei so much, why did you turn your head around and turned into a person who turned back and forth?

I don't care what you become, in my mind, only Bai Xiaowei is my daughter-in-law. "

Li Yuehua couldn't believe her eyes, how could the old lady turn her face faster than turning a book?

Especially when she looked back and saw Bai Xiaowei's astonished eyes, even she was a little sad, how hard this child should be hit.

"Who do you want to be your daughter-in-law is your business. I don't care, but it's not up to you to dictate the affairs of our Bai family. All right, this is our Huizhen's place, you There's no reason to stay here, so hurry up and get out.

As if someone cares about you, I feel upset when I see you. "

The old lady fired at full power in an instant, as if she had regained her former sharpness.

Feng Huizhen burst out laughing in her grandma's arms.

The bad things my grandma did to me were actually artificial.

She was sure it was Bai Xiaowei's black hand, but no matter what, as long as grandma was awake.

It seems that he will keep some good things for the old man and the old lady in the future, just in case.

But doesn't the old man have peach sticks by his side?

Haven't you eaten it?Those peaches can cure all diseases.

Li Yuehua was furious at the old lady's words.

He pulled Jiang Lei and said,

"Seeing that people don't welcome me, what are you doing here with such a shameless face? Come with me. Let me tell you, such a woman will never allow her to enter our Jiang family's door."

Jiang Lei gently opened his mother's fingers and said,

"Mom, I will not leave Feng Huizhen. I will be where she is. You can rest assured that we do not have a marriage certificate. Even if I want to, Feng Huizhen is not willing to marry me, at least she does not want to have a family like you." .

Don't worry about my affairs in the future, no matter what you want to do, it's not what I want to do.I will certainly resist.There are two of us, mother and child, why do we have to wait until the day we break up. "

Jiang Lei's words were serious, Li Yuehua looked at his son in disbelief.

This grown-up son is no longer as obedient to himself as he was when he was a child.

At this moment, Feng Huizhen suddenly rushed out the door clutching her chest, crouched in a corner and vomited.

Seeing this, Jiang Lei picked up the cup on the table and rushed out.

Squatting behind Feng Huizhen, patted her on the back gently, and asked softly.

"What's the matter? Is it inappropriate to eat something today? Or tired? The weather is not hot today, so you shouldn't suffer from heat stroke."

"I'll go buy you some medicine in a while."

"Why don't we go to the hospital to have a look?"

Feng Huizhen retched for a long time there, took the cup and rinsed her mouth.

"It's okay, don't make such a fuss, you still need to go to the hospital to have a look, it's okay.

I'm much better now. In fact, I've been feeling tight in my chest for the past two days. I also suspect that something is inappropriate for me.

But it doesn't matter, don't worry, my health is fine. "

What Feng Huizhen didn't say was that there are so many peaches in the space, just eating a peach can cure all diseases, so vomiting is nothing.

When the two looked up, they saw the old lady standing on the steps with a serious face, looking at Feng Huizhen with complicated expressions.

Feng Huizhen looked at herself, did the old lady change back again?

No, there is no pink mist in the old lady's body now.

At this moment, Li Yuehua jumped out strangely.

"You shameless woman, you are already pregnant with another man's child, and you are still here to trick our family, Jiang Lei, to circle around you.

Jiang Lei, you fool, this woman is clearly pregnant, do you understand what that means?

Do you want to wear this cuckold? "

Everyone was completely stunned. Feng Huizhen rubbed her stomach and lowered her head.

His eyes penetrated the body, and he saw a small object in his body, not as big as a soybean, right at the position of his uterus.

But is this a child?

She didn't have this experience in her previous life, and she couldn't have a child of her own.

And she is not a doctor, so she is not sure whether this thing in her body is a child.

The fundamental reason is that she didn't observe her body with perspective at the beginning.

Not sure if she suddenly had more of this thing in her body, or if she already had it.

If it was really a child, Feng Huizhen couldn't help but a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She will love this child very much.

Feng Huizhen raised her head, Jiang Lei squeezed Feng Huizhen's hand in surprise and joy,

"is that true?"

Feng Huizhen nodded, "It seems to be true."

It's normal for two people to have children without taking contraceptive measures.

"Go, I'll take you to the hospital for an examination."

Jiang Lei was careful, he never thought that Feng Huizhen would have a child during such a dangerous journey.

I am very glad that I knew this in advance, and there was no danger along the way.

"It's getting dark, how can I go to the hospital in time? Tomorrow."

Feng Huizhen frowned, feeling her chest starting to feel stuffy again.

When Feng Huizhen frowned, Jiang Lei had already sensed it keenly, and asked hastily.

"Is it uncomfortable again?"

"It's okay, I'll go back and drink some water."

Feng Huizhen smiled and comforted Jiang Lei.

I have already thought about going back and waiting until there is no one.

Eat a peach and drink some spring water to keep this little one healthy no matter what.

Li Yuehua was so angry that she jumped,

"Are you still a man, are you still my son? You are such a spineless child who doesn't care about worldly things.

Unexpectedly, for such a woman, people are already pregnant with other people's children.

You still think of her as a treasure.Jiang Lei, what is going on with you? "

Li Yuehua almost couldn't believe herself, what happened before her eyes was too unreal.

Jiang Lei looked up at his mother seriously.

"Mom, this is Huizhen's privacy. I didn't want to say it, but you never believed that Huizhen was innocent from the beginning to the end. You didn't ask what happened to this matter?

You are just talking to yourself, and according to your own ideas, you have completely planned other people's lives.

Huizhen is a smart and capable girl, no matter what kind of predicament she is in, she is also working hard to protect herself.

The family she was sold to was a good person. Do you know what kind of person her husband is?

He was a man who was paralyzed in bed and could not move for the rest of his life.I bought her to take care of that man for the rest of his life.

Do you understand now?She is an innocent girl, not what you think. "

Jiang Lei couldn't stand his mother continuing to slander Feng Huizhen so wantonly.

Li Yuehua said, "Then whose child is in her stomach? Then how could she be pregnant?"

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