Feng Huizhen raised her head and looked at grandma.

Grandma is still familiar, but that grandma is very strange.

Her eyes fell on the old lady.

The whole body of the old lady was filled with a layer of mist, a faint pink mist.

This is completely different from the inside of an ordinary person's body, Feng Huizhen thought she was wrong.

She had never used this kind of see-through peach before, and it was the first time that she ate this kind of peach specifically for betting on stones.

Not sure what exactly you're seeing in your eyes?

He looked at Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei's body is very clean.

It is clear and you can see the bottom at a glance.

Looking at the old man next to him, the inside of the old man is exactly the same as Jiang Lei.

Feng Huizhen was slightly puzzled.

At this moment, the old lady spoke.

The old lady stood up and looked at Feng Huizhen sharply.

There was a harsh and stern light in those eyes.

It was completely different from the kindness, generosity, and gentleness that Feng Huizhen had seen before.

"Feng Huizhen, please leave Xiaojiang. You know that you are not worthy of Jiang Lei in your current situation. Why make things difficult for him and yourself. I don't want to say anything more. You are a good boy, well-behaved, sensible and obedient.

That being the case, you should understand that this is the best option at this moment. "

There was ruthlessness in the old lady's words.

"Grandma, why do you say that? Am I not the granddaughter of the Bai family?

You said that no matter what troubles happened or bullied, as long as I come back to my grandparents, you will definitely support me.What do you mean now that you don't support me anymore? "

Feng Huizhen couldn't tell what was going on in her heart. In her previous life, she didn't uncover the mystery of her life experience, so she didn't recognize her biological parents.

Because I have been kept in the dark, I am not disappointed at all.

When she knew that she still had biological parents in this life, Feng Huizhen was disdainful at first.

Later, I felt that it didn't matter. If the other party got along well with me and valued her daughter more, then I would admit it.

Think of it as one more relative walking around.

If you don't like her, if you don't have any love for her, everyone will cut off contact. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me whether you have biological parents or not.

Liu Cuihua, who loves herself, likes it.

With her older brothers and sisters by her side, there will always be relatives, and now there is Jiang Lei.

But when she got unreserved love from her grandparents and parents, that kind of love was engraved in her bones, and she didn't return to Bai's house for decades.

Their love for her still hasn't stopped, which means they have been trying to find themselves all these years.

In view of this feeling that blood is thicker than water, she feels that grandparents and parents are relatives worth visiting.

For the first time, I felt that I also had relatives.

But I never thought that grandma would say such unfeeling words one day.

It would be a lie to say that my heart would not be harmed, but this kind of harm would not cause the sky to shatter, nor would it cause people to despair to the point of collapse.

Is it because of the red mist in Grandma's body?

What do those red mist represent?

Is grandma sick?


Feng Huizhen suddenly set her sights on Bai Xiaowei who was standing next to her grandma, who was talking nicely and persuading her grandma.

The girl's face was gentle, her voice was low, and her eyes were full of flattery.

Her eyes fell on the top of Bai Xiaowei's head, and she saw a strange thing there.

Can't tell what that is!

A blob of light, a small blob of light.

Not as big as a pigeon, it flashed in the depths of Bai Xiaowei's mind.

But no matter which one it is, it doesn't matter to her.

The only thing she has to figure out is what happened to grandma.

It is impossible for grandma to have such a big contrast between front and back.

Even if a person's temperament changes drastically, he still needs something to stimulate him.

It's not that the twists and turns that happened to me will make grandma change her view of herself.

For an enlightened and wise old man like grandma to say such harsh words, it is totally two people.

To what extent do you hate yourself so much that you can say such cruel and heartless words?

"Feng Huizhen, you have never regarded you as the daughter of the Bai family. Haven't you always been surnamed Feng?

Then your surname will always be Feng.It doesn't matter if the Bai family has you or not, as long as Xiaowei is by our side.

You just live your own life well.Don't cause trouble for others, and don't cause more trouble for yourself. "

After the old lady finished speaking, the courtyard fell silent instantly.The three of Liang Dashan who were standing at the gate of the courtyard shook their heads helplessly, feeling sad for Feng Huizhen.

How hurt a person would be if his own grandma said such words.

It's like stabbing a knife in the heart.

The old man slapped the table and stood up.

"Old woman, you are enough, you said that at home before, I think you may have misunderstood Huizhen.

Always thinking that one day when you meet Huizhen, the two of you will resolve the misunderstanding.

But today you still say that, in front of children, is this something you, an elder, can say?

This is my own granddaughter, how chilling you will make the child feel when you say such a thing.

Well, since you want to say that, let me make it clear today that I am the head of the Bai family, and I am the master of the Bai family.

Feng Huizhen is my own granddaughter, and no one can replace her.If you like Bai Xiaowei so much, then you can move out with Bai Xiaowei. "

Although the old man has a rough personality all his life, he has been obedient and obedient to the old lady all his life.

The old lady has absolute authority in this family, the old couple has never blushed, and the old man is willing to make concessions no matter when.

This is the first time, the first time the old man has shown such a rude attitude.

The old lady was obviously not on guard, she didn't expect the old guy to treat her like this.

"You old man, I've been with you all my life, giving birth to your children and taking care of your family. How dare you say that about me. At the end of the day, you want to separate the family from me, right?

Okay, but it's just that I will live with Xiaowei in the future. "

Bai Xiaowei became anxious when she heard this, without the old man, she just relied on the old lady's face.

That's not going to be of much use.

Besides, all the property in the family is in the hands of the old man. Although the old man is obedient to the old lady, the old lady never cares about the family's money.Just a careless master.

If the old lady really wants to go out with herself, she has to spend her own money.

"Grandpa and grandma, why do you think this is so, Huizhen, please persuade grandpa and grandma. This matter is all because of you."

Feng Huizhen raised her head.

I went to the cabinet in the corner and took two cups, filled the cups with warm water, and took the opportunity to pour the spring water into them.

He solemnly brought two cups to the two of them, and each of them had a cup in front of them.

"Grandpa and grandma, no matter how angry you are, my granddaughter is here to make amends for you. If you don't want to recognize me, you don't recognize me. It doesn't matter. Don't blush because of this. You old couple have lived together for a lifetime.

In the end, there is no need to make such a fuss because of me. I will apologize to you and drink this glass of water. If you still don’t want to recognize me, I will never mention that I am from the Bai family again. "

The old lady picked up the water glass angrily and drank it down.

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