Feng Huizhen always felt that these blacks seemed a little familiar. Why did this black look like the appearance of the dragon seed stone she started to cut today?

Emanating from a certain point, the black lines gradually become more and more serious.

Sure enough, all internal organs were corroded.

This look looks very weird.

Feng Huizhen looked at her hands suspiciously. Could it be that the dragon seed stone contained radioactive substances, which is why it caused such serious damage to the human body?

But it's not right, from her point of view, her internal organs are intact, is it because she drank the spirit spring and ate peaches?

She looked at the others, and the three of them, Lao Liu, had also touched the stone.

Lao Liu has been with the three of them every step of the way. Up to now, Lao Liu and the three of them have not had any problems.

Looking at the past with her eyes, Lao Liu and the others have no problems.

But it happened that Lao Li became like this, which was hard to believe, and I always felt that there was something strange about it.

But at this time, we have to save people.

Feng Huizhen looked at the people in the room, she couldn't do anything right now, and she couldn't do anything in front of so many people.

I had no choice but to pull Jiang Lei's arm.

"Jiang Lei, come out with me."

If she could trust others in this world, the only one she could trust was Jiang Lei except her own mother Liu Cuihua.

Originally, no one would know this secret, but at this point, if she didn't save people, Lao Li would die in a blink of an eye.

Do you want to watch Lao Li die?Certainly not.

Even if she made the most absurd excuse, Jiang Lei would still accept it, but no one else would believe it.

This is the only thing she can rely on.

"What happened to Huizhen?"

"Bring a water glass and pour half a glass of water."

Judging by Lao Li's appearance, this peach must not be eaten.

Even if a peach melts in the mouth, but if a patient eats a peach before dying, he recovers instantly.

I'm afraid that anyone who reads it will suspect that this matter will be rumored when the time comes.

Then the two of them were really demonized.

Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, but he knew that Feng Huizhen would not do these things indiscriminately on such a serious occasion.

I borrowed a cup from the nurse's station and filled it with half a cup of warm water.

Feng Huizhen took the cup and walked to the boiling water room.

Then came out after a while and handed him the cup.

"Give Lao Li a drink of this water, you have to trust me, this can save Lao Li. Be sure to drink it all."

Jiang Lei stared at Feng Huizhen dumbfounded, what kind of joke was Feng Huizhen talking about?

But Feng Huizhen is definitely not a joker, especially now no matter her eyes or expression are very sincere.

"Huizhen, this..."

"You have to trust me to do this, and Lao Li will definitely be saved, but if you don't give him a drink, neither of us can bear the consequences."

"You trust me, I won't lie."

Feng Huizhen also felt that what she said was a bit unbelievable, and no normal person would believe it.

If she were Jiang Lei, would she believe in herself so much?

Jiang Lei looked at the water in the tea mug, which was as clear and transparent as any other water.

He didn't know what Feng Huizhen added to the water, but at this moment he knew that Feng Huizhen would not lie to him.

Lao Li is his own brother. For this reason, the doctors said that there is no way to save him, and he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Jiang Lei didn't say anything, and went straight into the room with the tea mug.

At this time, several brothers were crying around Lao Li, because Lao Li's breath became weaker and weaker, the nurses and doctors had already left, and there was not much time left.

"Old Li, what unfinished wish do you have? You tell us, the brothers will fulfill it for you."

"you say!"

"Brother will definitely burn paper for you every year and festival."

Jiang Lei kicked away the two people lying on the bed, scooped up water with a spoon, and fed it to Lao Li bit by bit.

"Old Li, no matter what, drink some water first. A special medicine has been added to this water. I don't know if it will work. I just hope it will work."

Jiang Lei didn't know why he said these words, in short, he just thought of such an excuse, which popped up in his mind.

Lao Li swallowed two sips of water with difficulty. He wanted to refuse at first, saying that he was already dying and there was no need to drink any more medicine.

But after the two sips of water soaked into his throat, he felt as if a special force, and the coldness began to spread from his throat.

The whole body is gradually eroded by this force.

He felt the deadness as if dispelled.

Lao Li, who was so weak just now that he wanted to close his eyes and fell into a coma, suddenly cheered up.

"Xiao Jiang, what kind of medicine did you give me? Why do I feel more energetic after drinking it?"

The other men all turned their heads and began to wipe away their tears. This is so much better, this is obviously a flashback.

They didn't think that drinking Jiang Lei's water would have any effect. It doesn't look like medicine?

They all thought that this was Jiang Lei's reassurance before Lao Li left.

But lies cannot become true.

Old Li raised his head with difficulty.

If he knew that he was bound to die just now, but now he suddenly felt the strength to live.

No one wants to die. At this time, they have more courage and a strong will to survive.

"Give me a little more drink."

The cries all around grew louder.

Jiang Lei didn't say a word, supported Lao Li's back with his hands, directly lifted his upper body, and poured the tea mug directly to his mouth.

Lao Li kept breathing, gurgling, and drank half a teacup of water.

After drinking the last drop of water in the tea mug, Lao Li lay flat on the pillow and let out a long sigh of relief.


This sound was full of vigor and comfort, and made the other brothers even more teary-eyed.

"Brother Li, don't worry, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

A little brother who was closest to Lao Li came up.

Lao Li slapped the man on the back of the head,

"What are you going to tell me? I'm very well now, why do you expect me to die?"

The little brother was taken aback by this slap, he never thought that Brother Li would slap him so powerfully before he died.

"Old Jiang, you still have a way. Where did you find the magic medicine? It's so powerful.

After I drank it, I only felt that my body was a little lighter. Just now, I felt like a heavy boulder was pressing on my body, and I couldn't move, but after drinking the water, I felt light and happy like a fairy. "

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