Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 811 Leave your last words!

"Sister Hong, do you think I care about that little money? Besides, Sister Hong, just because of your little temptation, do you think I will go through fire and water for your little money?

Can you trust it?

In case I transfer someone else's money, I will specifically trip you up.

By tomorrow, the stone I've chosen will be unknown, or notorious.

It can't be broken any more.

Everyone is not optimistic about the ore you mine, and it will not be worth the loss by then. "

What Feng Huizhen said is true.

The Hong sister in front of her is very ambitious, she obviously wants to make a big fuss in this market, and the person who wins the bid will gain both fame and fortune.

Presumably in the future, all her ore stones will be gold ten thousand taels.

However, this condition put forward by Sister Hong is difficult to impress most people. As long as the opponent has 1/3 more, Sister Hong's plan will come to naught.

Even if she was a little bit more black-hearted and desperate, she directly chose a stone that was not very good for Sister Hong, a stone that she knew could be cut.

Sister Hong can be regarded as notorious for thousands of years, and her reputation will still be greatly shaken tomorrow, but no one will dare to buy her a stone again.

How many people want to be the king.

The reason is not how much money Biaowang can make, but because of the reputation of Biaowang.

An hour later, the door of the private room opened.

Sister Hong turned around angrily and left.

Seeing this, the second brother Fang hurriedly led his brother to stand up,

"Boss, do they toast and eat fine wine?"

"Leave them all, starting today, Boss Feng. You have to be careful, there are many ways for a person to disappear silently in this world. I hope you take care."

Sister Hong dropped these words in a gloomy manner, turned around and led the people away.

Brother Fang took a deep look, and Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei, who were still calm and calm, came out of the door.

The three of Lao Liu had already guarded Feng Huizhen's side. Hearing what he said just now, even Lao Liu couldn't help feeling deeply worried. Sister Hong's reputation was too cruel.

Offending such a woman must cause a lot of trouble. Before Feng Huizhen and the future leave Kun City, their lives will be in danger.

"Xiao Jiang, why don't we buy tickets and leave overnight? You and Xiao Feng are in danger if this continues."

Lao Liu felt that it was safe to leave overnight. No matter how capable Sister Hong was, she couldn't stretch her arms that long.

At most, it can only make a little trouble in Kunming.

"No, the real show will start tomorrow. How can we leave? We won't leave until the auction is over for at least three days. Don't worry."

Jiang Lei calmly told Lao Liu that their plan this time was only partly carried out.

Go ahead to dangers.

He also didn't expect the two women to do this.

After leaving the private room and the restaurant, they didn't continue wandering around.

As the old saying goes, take it when you see it.

Things in the jade market can be one or two, not repeated. Today, the best dragon species has been cut out, and it will not be so amazing if it is cut again.

They agreed to meet at Lao Li's car.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the car, I saw only a boy leaning against the outside of the car with a little panic on his face.

The group of them quickly stood up straight.

"Boss Feng, Boss Jiang, something happened to Brother Li."

Jiang Lei's expression changed. He always thought that Lao Li's place was the least likely to go wrong. He didn't expect that something would happen to Lao Li. He instinctively thought of the stone that was opened just now, and that the stone will be sold. money.

"How is Lao Li? Is the injury serious? Who did it?"

"How many people are injured? Which hospital are you in now? Take me there quickly."

A series of words confused the young man opposite.

"Boss Jiang, no, no one was injured."

Feng Huizhen said strangely.

"If no one was injured, what happened to Lao Li?"

"Brother Li doesn't know what's wrong, just after finishing the matter, we will go back to the car and wait for you soon.

Suddenly he fell ill, his eyes turned black, and he fell into a coma. After being sent to the hospital, he was already in the emergency room, and the doctor said that the situation was very bad. "

The little young man looked a little frustrated, and it could be seen that these people of Lao Li had a deep relationship with Lao Li.

"The doctor said that Brother Li might not be able to make it through."

Both Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei were taken aback, how could they not survive by themselves?

When the three of them separated, Lao Li had a ruddy complexion, a strong body, and a strong voice in his speech.

It doesn't look like you have any disease at all.

"Take us to the hospital quickly."

Xiaonian quietly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, opened the car door, and let them get in the car.

"I'll take you there."

Outside the emergency room of the hospital.

When Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei arrived, the doctor just came out to take off his mask and shook his head helplessly.

"The family members of the patient should prepare for the funeral, the patient's condition is very critical.

The whole body seems to be hollowed out, and all the organs are failing. I have never seen such a phenomenon.

A person may suffer from a certain disease, and the concurrent decline of a person's whole body has never been seen.

It was as if something sucked all the energy from his body, and all the organs were rapidly decaying. "

"Doctor, please save my elder brother. My elder brother is still young and doesn't even have a wife."

"Doctor please."

Several big men outside the emergency room grabbed the doctor so tightly that they almost knelt down for him.

"It's not that I don't save him, it's that we can't save him now, and all the current doctors have seen him.

His condition is developing very fast. If you want to see him, go in and see him for the last time.

I doubt it will take more than 30 minutes.If you delay any longer, I'm afraid you won't even hear his last words. "

Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen looked at each other, and they both saw horror in their eyes, something was really wrong.

A group of people rushed into the emergency room.

Lao Li is completely different from the high-spirited and shameless look just now.

This period of weakness visible to the naked eye, lying in the hospital bed, especially the white sheets, made him look thinner and thinner.

Jiang Lei hurried to Lao Li.

"Lao Li, I'm here."

The voice was full of pain, Lao Li is not married yet, in fact he is not very old, only in his early 30s.

It's almost dead.

Several brothers wiped away their tears.

When Lao Li saw them coming in, he was already awake at the moment. According to the doctor, he was using medicine to help him regain his radiance.

Old Li showed a wry smile.

"Brother, this is fate. I finally ran into a dragon species, and I made a fortune. Unfortunately, I have no luck. I have no children and no daughters in my life, and I have no worries. My parents are long gone. .

I'm the only one left.After I die, you can just find a place to bury me.If I can drive to the dragon species before I die, I will die without regret. "

Feng Huizhen also followed Jiang Lei to the front, and Feng Huizhen was startled when she saw Lao Li's internal organs.

Old Li's internal organs were actually covered with black lines.

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