Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 813 How can there be any magic medicine?

Jiang Lei laughed.

"I once met an old monk who sold medicine on the road. I didn't believe it when I bought the medicine, but I felt that I was doing good every day. My wife said at the time that the medicine was less than ten thousand, so I had to and couldn't take it. Come out and use it, just now I was thinking that your situation is so bad, anyway, how bad can it go?"

In fact, his heart is still hanging in mid-air, and he doesn't know if Lao Li is really healed, or just a flashback.

Either he didn't believe in Feng Huizhen, or because he believed in Feng Huizhen, he was even more worried in his heart.

If this medicine is really so effective, where did Feng Huizhen get it?If outsiders know that they have this kind of medicine in their hands, something big will happen.

This is more enviable than that jade and emerald, who doesn't want to live forever, who doesn't want to live.

Those patients who are dying in the hospital will probably go crazy looking for this medicine.

Those rich people probably want to keep a copy for their own family, even though he thought of such a clumsy excuse, anyone who heard this excuse would think it was fake.

But that's all he can say.

All dangers can be brought to him, but he will never say that Feng Huizhen gave these things.

Besides, Lao Li is his brother, Lao Li will definitely not say it.

In the midst of everyone's intercourse, after half an hour, Lao Li was able to sit up with his pillow.

Talking and laughing with them there, even yelling there that he was hungry and asked his brother to give him whole roast chicken and spirits.

The little brothers were a little dazed, and my brother Li had returned to this level.

But since you want to roast chicken and strong wine, you have to be satisfied. When a person is about to die, his words are good.

The last requirement is not met, are they still human?

The doctors and nurses knew that the patient was hopeless, so they basically stayed outside and waited for the patient's family to say goodbye for a while before pushing the patient to the morgue.

Two hours later, the doctor came out of the office, and they were going to sort out all the work before leaving work.

Because the patient who died just now must have signed a document and sent it to the morgue.

This requires a doctor's signature on the death notice before it can come into effect.

Come to the nurse's station.

"Why is the family member already gone? Take out the death notice and I'll sign it here. Hurry up and send someone to push the corpse to the morgue before you get off work."

As soon as the nurse saw the doctor excitedly rushed over,

"Doctor, please go and have a look, we are going to find you."

"What happened?"

The doctor didn't take it seriously. Once something serious happened in the hospital, the nurses would all look nervous, but the nurse in front of him obviously still had a smile on his face.

It shouldn't be a big deal.

"I always thought those people weren't crazy enough just now. They actually went in with strong wine and roast chicken, and thought that people are so weak, how can they eat?

Who knows, we went there later to see that the man was a dragon and a tiger, sitting on the hospital bed, gnawing on roast chicken and drinking strong wine.

His face was rosy, and he didn't look like he was going to die, even if it was a flashback, it didn't look like this. "

The nurse flushed with excitement, they had never heard of such a thing.

The doctor was taken aback.

"Eat roast chicken and drink strong wine?"

What is this operation?

I haven't heard of patients who are dying and have the ability to cook roast chicken and drink strong alcohol.


The doctor's face sank, and he hurried towards the ward.

I thought the patient's family was engaging in some feudal superstition.

Behind them were two little nurses who were watching the excitement. The three of them pushed the door and entered, only to smell the smell of strong alcohol in the ward.

"What are you doing? This is the ward, and this is the emergency room. How can you drink here? Even if the patient has passed away, you are not insulting the patient by doing this."

The doctor's words stopped abruptly, because he saw the patient on the hospital bed, whom he had issued a death notice just now.

The dragon and the tiger are looking at him fiercely, holding a half-bitten chicken leg in one hand, and a bottle of soju in the other.

In the entire ward, except for the patient who was eating chicken legs and drinking, everyone else looked at him dumbfounded.

"Doctor, why are you here? Come on, come on, you came just in time, drink some wine and eat some roast chicken, this roast chicken tastes very authentic."

Lao Li greeted excitedly, he was very regretful after he came back from the death line, and he suddenly felt that his life was complete.

And it was decided that he would start a family and have children from today.

He has to leave a root for Lao Li's family, otherwise he will die in the future, and there will be no one to burn paper.

Seeing a doctor now is like seeing a relative.

Because he wasn't sure if he was healed, or if he was still in the midst of illusory reflections.

The doctor was dizzy and began to examine Lao Li.

Doctors and nurses came and went in and out of the emergency room, and doctors from various departments rushed over when they heard about the incident.

Consultation with doctors throughout the hospital.

Jiang Lei and all his family members were driven out of the door. They sat on the bench in the corridor. Jiang Lei held Feng Huizhen's hand, glanced at Feng Huizhen and whispered in her ear.

"You act as if this never happened, you don't know, and you never showed anything."

Feng Huizhen nodded understandingly, Jiang Lei said this to protect himself.

After a few hours of busy work, the doctor came out with a smile, took off his mask and said.

"I'm glad to inform your family. The patient has now fully recovered, which can be said to be a miracle in the medical world."

"The patient will continue to stay in the hospital for observation tomorrow. If there is nothing wrong tomorrow, he can be discharged the day after tomorrow. According to our current examination, the patient has no physical problems at all and is very healthy."

Several of Lao Li's brothers jumped up, cheered, and hugged each other.

What could be more exciting than escaping death.

Old Li knew the news and held Jiang Lei's hand tightly.

"Brother, I didn't expect that my body is not bad, but my self-healing ability is so strong. I can recover by myself without taking any medicine. It can be regarded as God saved my life."

This is not because he took the credit for Jiang Lei.

From what happened just now, he quickly understood that the water Jiang Lei gave him just now is definitely a life-saving medicine, but this matter must not be passed on to outsiders, otherwise he will repay his kindness with revenge.

Jiang Lei will have endless troubles.

Jiang Lei smiled.

"Lao Li, you are still the same as you were in the army before. You are an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. If you get sick, you can handle it by yourself."

This is kind of a response.

His younger brothers asked curiously,

"Didn't Brother Jiang drink medicine for Brother Li just now? Could it be the effect of that medicine?"

A slap on the back of the younger brother's head,

"Why are you so stupid? You can't even fight smartly. Have you seen any magic medicine that can bring the dead back to life once you drink it? Is that still called a magic medicine?

Is there that kind of medicine that my brother can come up with?He is not a doctor back home.

That's just fooling around, you gave me plain water, I can't even taste it, it doesn't taste like anything. "

The brothers suddenly realized that they gave Jiang Lei a thumbs up,

"Brother Jiang has yours. It was your excuse for using this medicine that aroused Brother Li's desire to survive. Otherwise, he couldn't recover so quickly."

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