Throw it in.

Huang Jingfeng fell to the ground!

Boss Lin also knelt there.

The scene suddenly looked a little awkward.

"How much can Emperor Green sell for?"

Jiang Lei is a little strange, although the green color is indeed pleasing to the eye.

But in the end, only the price can determine the worth of this jadeite.

Could it be that this piece of imperial green, like its name, has the dignity of an emperor, so that the two people in front of them were shocked and fell to the ground?

"Imperial Green is priced in gold, and 1g is equivalent to 1g of gold.

<, forty centimeters long.

As long as there are no impurities inside after cutting, such a complete piece of imperial green must weigh more than ten catties. "

A catty of gold is about 24, and ten catties is [-]!

Of course, this is only a small half of the stones, and the imperial green of the other half of the stones is still shining there.

But it is difficult for anyone to estimate how much imperial green is eaten in it.

If 2/3 of the stones are eaten by [-] to [-] centimeters, at least the price will double this figure.

Jiang Lei was secretly taken aback. He had no idea about rough jadeite. You must know that the monthly salary of ordinary workers is only 50 yuan.

There are some good jobs, and the monthly salary can reach more than 100, 200 yuan.

But a piece of stone was cut so casually, and the emerald that was cut out was actually comparable to gold.

Most people can't accept this concept, but suddenly he understood what he said.

One knife is poor, one knife is rich, and one knife wears linen.

No wonder so many people come to this place, wanting to join the game.

A stone worth 1000 yuan is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars when cut out. No one would be willing to gamble on whoever puts it on.

Jiang Lei reached out and held Feng Huizhen's hand. Feng Huizhen had never touched these rough stones before, there is no doubt about it.

After so many years, how could he not be familiar with Feng Huizhen?

He didn't know what method Feng Huizhen used to overcome this difficulty, but he only knew that from this moment on, he had the responsibility to protect Feng Huizhen.

As a man, he deeply understands how serious human greed is.

Driven by greed, how many people will covet Feng Huizhen.

From the moment Feng Huizhen showed these stones, it has already explained the value of her body.

Although he knew Feng Huizhen's plan, he didn't expect Feng Huizhen to show it in this way.

"Boss Feng."

Huang Jingfeng really couldn't hold it back. At this moment, he felt that a stone was blocked in his chest, and he couldn't get up or down.

It made the whole person uncomfortable, but he had spent money on this stone.

"Boss Huang is willing to gamble and admit defeat. This is what a gentleman does. Don't you want to admit it?"

Jiang Lei calmly looked at the man in front of him.

As a man at this moment, he couldn't quit. If he quit now, the man surnamed Huang would overthrow the promise he made just now.

In the future, more people will put their minds on them, and knowing their weakness, they will try their best to use their means.

Only if he does not back down and is tough can he protect Feng Huizhen.

This remark immediately caused a roar of laughter from the crowd.

"Boss Huang, there are so many of us who can testify, but just now you lost a stone to the girl.

Otherwise, my aunt can't pay for it herself. "

"If you are a man, remember what you just said."

Huang Jingfeng's face turned red all of a sudden, a little unwilling, but he had to give up.

This incident was a guarantee he made under the watchful eyes of everyone.

To overthrow it now means that he will not want to stay in this business.

But this is imperial green!

"Boss Feng, you have a price for this stone. I want it!"

Boss Lin had an idea. Although he couldn't control the stone, he could sell the jade to them.

"Boss Feng, I don't want too much, just follow the market price, how much do you want to pay? The other one is a rough stone with a half-open window, you should know it in your heart."

Feng Huizhen didn't take the opportunity to become proud, but her attitude was still so peaceful.

Many people secretly thought in their hearts that this girl deserves to make money, and her mentality is too righteous.

If such a person does not make money, who will make money?

Without further ado, Boss Lin finalized the two stones at a price of 50 yuan.

50 in cash is a bit eye-catching.

If the two of them dared to go out with 50 in cash, they might be robbed within two steps.

Boss Xiao Lin hurried forward to find two strong guys in the store to escort them to a nearby bank.

If this money does not enter the bank, I am afraid that these two people will not live in peace.

With so many people watching this incident, it has already spread throughout the street.

I don't know how many idlers are just around the corner.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei thanked Boss Xiaolin for his kindness.

The money is deposited in the bank.

But Jiang Lei also understood in his heart, it seemed that he had to find some of his comrades-in-arms to come out!

Under such circumstances, he might not be able to protect Feng Huizhen by himself.

Before Feng Huizhen left, she specially wrapped a big red envelope of 1000 yuan for her little stone cutter.

"Little master, thank you for cutting me a full house."

The little master held the red envelope, his eyes became hot.

I didn't expect that this girl would not forget to do good deeds every day before she left.

From today onwards, his status has long been different.

Many customers who were queuing at Master Jieshi's place just now rushed forward.

"Cut it for me, cut it for me."

"I'm also feeling happy here, just in case everything comes out with emperor green."

"Little master, just cut it, don't look at you young, we trust your luck."

Compared with the cold reception just now, it is simply hot now.

As soon as Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei went out, Boss Lin immediately said to all the guests.

"Okay, thank you all for coming. That's it for today. We have something to do at home, so we close the door today to thank you."

The other guests were in a hurry. They just saw Feng Huizhen driving out the imperial green with a stepping stone.

Now everyone is eyeing all the stepping stones in Boss Lin's shop, how could they let Boss Lin close the shop?

"Boss Lin, you are not authentic, we haven't finished our business today, how can you drive away customers?"

"It's Boss Lin, I want your stepping stone."

"Isn't it just 1000 yuan a piece? I want all the stepping stones."

"No, whoever allows you to ask for it all by yourself, whoever sees it will have a share, and everyone will have a piece."

All of a sudden, everyone competed for these stepping stones. Not only the stepping stones, but also other rough stones in the store are also very popular.

Just as Boss Lin was about to get angry, Boss Xiao Lin stood up and said.

"We open our doors to do business. Everyone is welcome to look at the stones. You can choose whatever you want, but in terms of price, these stepping stones are definitely not 1000 yuan a piece.

If it's 1000 yuan a piece, then we might as well stay and cut it ourselves.

Everyone should be well aware that the value of these stepping stones has at least doubled by a hundred times after the one cut just now.

Stepping stones cost 1 yuan a piece, and everyone can queue up to pay for what they want, and choose stones at will. "

Boss Xiaolin's words immediately curbed the psychology of those who wanted to take advantage of it.

Everyone began to choose carefully.

But there are more and more people in the store.

They all heard that the imperial green was offered at a sky-high price, and everyone came here admiringly.

All of a sudden, all the rough stones in their store were sold out.

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