"Feng Huizhen, you won't change your mind, will you?"

Huang Jingfeng secretly hated Boss Lin, this old fox, in order to win a big business for himself.

Actually used this method to remind Feng Huizhen on the opposite side in disguise.

He was very distressed about his pocket.

People around also spoke.

"Boss Feng, you should think about it carefully. We have seen stepping stones for so many years."

"This stepping stone has been ups and downs for decades since the old man ran the jade shop, and it is worthless at all."

But Feng Huizhen came to this stepping stone and stood on it, stood there, and jumped off again.

"Boss Lin, Boss Huang, I have my eyes on this stone. Although I am a woman, I can also say what I say. I said that choosing this stepping stone is this stepping stone."

Huang Jingfeng was overjoyed at being so decisive.

"Boss Lin, tell me, how much is this stone? I'll get it for you right away."

This is what the girl is willing to do, so he doesn't care what the girl is doing, just let him go.

As long as I can get through this difficulty now, I don't want to think deeply about what's inside.

Boss Lin had an awkward smile on his face, so he had no choice but to speak out.

"Boss Feng, Boss Huang's stepping stone is really not worth much, but according to our store's calculations, let's make fun of it.

1000 yuan, I don't want more. "

He couldn't stop this girl from buying stones again and again, that would be more conspicuous, and he didn't want to offend Huang Jingfeng.

Without further ado, Huang Jingfeng opened his wallet, took out 1000 yuan, and handed it to the waiter next to Boss Lin.

"This is 1000 yuan. You should count it quickly. This stone belongs to Boss Feng. We will pay the money and deliver the goods, and we will settle the matter from now on."

Turning to Feng Huizhen said.

"Boss Feng, I have realized the bet just now. We are clear."

He felt that the girl deliberately let him down.

That being the case, he will not embarrass this girl a little bit in the future.

Looking at it this way, he felt that this girl suddenly became more beautiful.

Feng Huizhen smiled,

"Thank you, Boss Huang. Everyone has seen that this stone is a bet. Now the stone belongs to me. Is there any objection?"

Huang Jingfeng took the lead and cupped his hands at everyone,

"Everyone present, young and old, has seen it, this is a bet between me and Boss Feng.

I lost the bet, and I am willing to accept the bet. This stone was chosen by Boss Feng. From now on, this stone belongs to Boss Feng.

Even if this stone produces dragon seed jadeite, it has nothing to do with my surname Huang. "

Boss Lin and the surrounding bosses who watched the excitement also spoke one after another.

"We are all witnesses, this stone belongs to Boss Feng."

Feng Huizhen smiled and said to Master Jieshi just now.

"Little master, please cut this rock for me. One knife cuts two halves."

Master Jie Shi sighed secretly, he really couldn't stop worrying, although the girl in front of him was kind-hearted, but her mind was not very good.

"Boss Feng, this stone is a stepping stone."

Does this girl not understand what stepping stones mean?

"Little master, just cut it, as I said, cut it from 2/3 of the place."

Feng Huizhen's expression was calm.

This confident expression conquered the master again.

The young man in front of him felt the same way.

Boss Feng is too grand, too calm to hold the place, and no one seems to be moved by this kind of aura.

What can he say?

With so many people standing here, including his own boss, can he persuade Boss Feng to exchange for a stone?

At that moment, Boss Huang had to break his leg.

I can't afford to offend you!


Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen stood side by side.

He raised his hand and gently pinned Feng Huizhen's sideburns behind his ears, "Stay back a bit, so you don't get choked by the dust."

Bai Xiaowei, who was two steps away behind her, was soaked in vinegar.

When did Jiang Lei become like this, openly not shying away from the intimacy between men and women?

I've never been so gentle with myself.

Is Jiang Lei's heart made of stone?

What's so good about Feng Huizhen?

After being abducted into the mountains by human traffickers for so long, her innocence has long since disappeared.

Jiang Lei didn't even care.

She would rather wear broken shoes than be with her, is she so annoying?

Bai Xiaowei's self-esteem took an unprecedented blow.

Similarly, she will not make Feng Huicheng feel better.

Let's see.

She will let Feng Huizhen also taste this painful feeling.

Everyone silently looked at this stepping stone.

The onlookers didn't leave, just because they suddenly felt that the girl in front of them seemed to be unlucky.

Two stones worth two dollars can fetch such a high value.

Not just luck.

Luck is an indescribable and intangible thing, very metaphysical.

But the strength is different.

More people also want to see the excitement, will this girl have another unexpected surprise.

This piece of stepping stone suddenly offered a sky-high price of emerald, that would be exciting.

Everyone wants to see this kind of reversal. Even if you can't get rich overnight, seeing others get rich overnight is an incentive.

Ever since the sale of this stone, Huang Jingfeng felt relieved, and in an instant he regained his complacent Mr. Pianpian.

Follow in front of Bai Xiaowei.

Seeing Bai Xiaowei's angry and sad eyes looking at Jiang Lei, infinite jealousy arose in her heart.

Along the way, he flattered Bai Xiaowei in every possible way. The goddess in front of him was also gentle and pleasant to him, but he had never looked at him with such affectionate eyes.

If Bai Xiaowei could really look at him like this, even if he died for this woman, he would be willing.

No matter how much resentment there was in their hearts, they only heard thunderous exclamations from the crowd.

Thunderous applause is possible, but thunderous exclamation is a bit exaggerated.

In fact, all the people present really exclaimed at the same time.

"Oh my God!"

"It seems to be the imperial green that hasn't been released for many years!"

"What did you say? Emperor green? How is it possible?"

"Let me see, let me see, let me open my eyes!"

"I have never seen imperial green in my life, so let me take a look at what imperial green looks like."

Huang Jingfeng only felt a buzzing in his head.

Feeling black in front of his eyes, he staggered and pushed the crowd away and rushed in.

Green... there is indeed green.

Damn it, this is the first time Huang Jingfeng swears in his heart.

Green, in the middle of the stone is a [-] cm piece of green.

Huang Jingfeng pointed at the stone, and his mouth was sloppy.

All I saw was Boss Lin rushing forward and hugging the stone tightly.

Originally, that movement looked like he wanted to pick up the stone, but unfortunately, the stone was too heavy.

I had to change from hugging to hugging.

Looking at the material, there is incredible excitement in the eyes, and then disappointment.

It has been a stepping stone in their family for decades, but no one has discovered it.

As a child, he even fell down the steps.

Who would have thought that there is imperial green in this stone?

For the first time, Boss Lin wanted to cry up to the sky.

Oh my god, are you such a joker?

Who would have thought that the stepping stone of their family was actually a family heirloom.

"Haha, imperial green, imperial green!"

"This is emperor green, it's emperor green... I've opened my eyes today."

"One of his mother's stepping stones can actually produce imperial green."

"Today, I finally know what it means to be poor with one knife, rich with one knife, and wear linen with one knife."

"This is really a one-knife gold ten thousand taels."

When Feng Huizhen came to the front, Jiang Lei leaned over curiously. He never knew the various names of jadeite, but at first glance, the green streak made people feel very comfortable.

Yes, imperial green.

It is only [-] centimeters, and it is very good for planting water.

The color of this green ribbon is an indescribable, indescribably thick green.

It is the same as emerald, but this green is a little different, it feels blue in the green.

In appearance, it is more dazzling than all jewelry.

"Huizhen, what exactly is Emperor Green?"

Feng Huizhen said with a shallow smile, theoretical knowledge is absolutely fine.

"Imperial green is the green with the best color and the highest value among emeralds. It is also called "emerald green".

Imperial Green is also a unique color.

The color of imperial green is the kind of thick green, but the inside will show a faint blue under the light or sunlight.

There will be green in the blue, forming a color that you can't tell.

The waxy emperor green is almost the best among jadeites.

The piece of imperial green we opened, we can see that there is no color with blue in the green.

There is a distant light under the light, especially when you see that the bottom is so clear and dignified, and more importantly, the imperial green is priceless. "

These words speak to everyone's heart, and this is a well-known fact.

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