The two returned to Lao Zhang's house, opposite each other.

Jiang Lei frowned and looked at the loafing idlers who were following them far behind.

This time it was a big trouble.

He likes Feng Huizhen, this woman is so gentle and firm.

She is very beautiful, but she is definitely not as beautiful as a peerless beauty.

Not to the point of being reminiscent of a pictorial movie star.

The lines of her face are soft, her forehead is full, and her jaw is firm.

The whole person has a kind of contradictory beauty.

Her black hair just reached her shoulders, soft and smooth draped over her shoulders, and her bright red lips were full of femininity.

Soft and full.

Her eyes... Her black pupils were the gentlest eyes he had ever seen.

Those eyes made him want to stand in her way, fight the world for her.

Anyone who dares to hurt her will be shot to death.

Every time she encounters any difficulties and desperate situations, she will choose to resist.

No matter how desperate and difficult the road ahead is, she will never stop resisting.

This heroism humbled him as never before.

He thought this was a woman he really wanted to love for the rest of his life.

Go through fire and water, and do whatever you want.

Now is the most critical time.

Those little gangsters who are ready to move, once they find out their details.

Lao Zhang's family will be dragged down by them.

"where are you going?"

Seeing that Jiang Lei was going out, Feng Huizhen hurriedly asked.

"I went to find a few comrades-in-arms, they are all good at skills, we cooperate with each other tacitly, with them around, I will be more at ease.

I'm afraid we won't be safe tonight, and I won't put you in danger.Huizhen, I will do what I say. "

Jiang Lei explained softly that he didn't want Feng Huizhen to worry.

Feng Huizhen held Jiang Lei back, "Jiang Lei, let's go together!"

Doing so may not be out of concern for Jiang Lei's safety.

It's not that Feng Huizhen doesn't know what those people are rushing after them.

With her by Jiang Lei's side, Jiang Lei's life would never be in danger.

She can't say that, Tao Zigan is useless at this time.

You can't tell Jiang Lei, why eat peaches when you are in danger?

These words will definitely make people think that she is mentally ill.

Jiang Lei hesitated, thinking about the people outside the door.

In fact, he was worried about leaving Feng Huizhen here alone.

"Go! I'll take you there!"

That being the case, then together.

Life and death are shared, not talking.

The streets they came to were narrow and crowded, with ramshackle buildings and makeshift tin houses on both sides of the road.

Garbage scattered on the ground.

People passing by will be scattered like flies.

On the side of the road, men with sullen faces staring at them, making no secret of the evil thoughts in their hearts.

However, when they noticed who the man next to Feng Huizhen was, they all quickly turned their cheeks away.

Feng Huizhen followed closely beside Jiang Lei and joked.

"I'm afraid you have been here more than once!"

"I have been here many times."

Feng Huizhen believed that based on the reactions of these people when they saw him, there might have been quite a few conflicts.

Row after row of old houses, low and dilapidated.

Jiang Lei finally stopped in front of a house.

"Liang Dashan, are you still a man? You can't even support your wife and children, how dare you call me a man?

You let me go, I want to go, I don't have a man like you.I want to divorce you! "

A woman shouted arrogantly.

"Xiaoyun, you want to divorce me because of this man?"

"Liang Dashan, you don't have the ability to make money yourself, why do you want your wife and children to live a hard life with you? This man treats me well and has money! If he can make me live a good life, you just look at it as a husband and wife. I."

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei froze on the spot.

This scene seems to be the scene of a large-scale scumbag breakup.

"Xiaoyun, you can go! I won't stop you from living a good life, but Tuantuan and Yuanyuan are my sons, and I can't let you take them away. I will support my son even if I suffer hardships."

After the man was silent, deep despair broke out.

"Huh! Liang Dashan, do you really think that Tuanyuan is your son? You don't see that Tuanyuan doesn't look like you at all. To tell you the truth, Tuanyuan is my son and Lao Qin's.

How could Old Qin let Tuanyuanyuan follow you to suffer? You don't see if you are worthy of being a father, you look like a poor ghost.How dare you be someone else's father? "

"What? Tuanyuanyuan is... no, Tuanyuanyuan is my son, the child my parents took care of so hard. How could it be Lao Qin's child? At that time, you didn't know Lao Qin at all!"

what do you know?Lao Qin is my childhood sweetheart, if it wasn't for the disaster at home, he was almost arrested and had no choice but to run away.

When I married you, I was pregnant with his child. Do you think I want to marry you?

It is because you are a soldier and you are not at home all year round that I came to you specifically. Otherwise, I will marry someone in ten miles and eight villages, but I have to marry you. "

"Liu Xiaoyun, you are too much. How can you be worthy of my parents? How have they treated you these years? How can you do something so inferior to a beast?"

"Huh! Liang Dashan, this is what you want, and I didn't force you to marry me, let me tell you. I'm going to take the children away today. We quickly divorced, and I don't want to be with you in this place anymore. Live in a broken house."

"Why does Liang Dashan make such a fuss? It's not good for you if it's too ugly. I have 2000 yuan here, and I use it as the child support you have raised my son for so many years. 2000 yuan is a lot, enough for you to live a good life."

"Okay, Xiaoyun, let's take our son away."

"Don't go, if you don't speak clearly today, you couple, don't even think about getting out of this room."


"I beat my mother hard, you dare to fight with me, do you know who I am?"

"Ouch, you dare to hit someone! You are all dead, give it to me."



I saw only four or five tall and strong men being thrown out when the courtyard door opened, rolling and wailing all over the ground.

A short and fat man, with cold sweat on his face, retreated tremblingly.

"Don't mess around, Liang Dashan, I'm warning you."

The tall and strong man clenched his fists, his veins twitched violently, and his eyes were red.

"Liang Dashan, I beg you. Tuanyuanyuan is still here looking at you, do you want the children to watch you beat their father?"

A woman rushed forward and stood in front of Liang Dashan.

Two ten-year-old boys hugged their mother and burst into tears.

"Mom and Dad, what's going on here? What's going on here?"

The man named Liang Dashan looked at the two innocent children and then at the woman.

With a long sigh, the woman pushed away.

"Liu Xiaoyun, we're going to get a divorce tomorrow. From then on, my two loud voices have nothing to do with you. You go your way, and I go my way."

Humpty Humpty pulled Liu Xiaoyun and the two children and hurried out with the bodyguards.

Obviously afraid of being beaten up by Liang Dashan again.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei faced Liang Dashan.

Liang Dashan suddenly covered his face, squatted on the ground and cried bitterly, his shoulders shaking.

The most painful thing for a man is to be cuckolded, and the child he has loved for so many years is not his own.

Jiang Lei stepped forward, grabbed Liang Dashan's shoulders, and straddled him into the courtyard.

Feng Huizhen followed her into the yard, which was already in a mess, and everything in the house was overturned so that it was impossible to get in.

Feng Huizhen packed the things in the room silently, while Jiang Lei and Liang Dashan were talking in the room.

Half an hour later, Liang Dashan came out, his eyes were slightly red, but his expression had calmed down.

"Sister and sister, I'm sorry, I made you laugh. It's my first time here. I should treat you and Xiaojiang well. I didn't expect this."

Feng Huizhen smiled, "Brother Liang, you are Jiang Lei's brother, and you are my brother. We are a family, so there is no need to be so polite to me."

Liang Dashan gave a thumbs up.

"Jiang Lei, you have found a good wife."

"Let's go, brother and sister, anyway, I am alone now, so I will follow you and Xiao Jiang."

The three left the courtyard, Liang Dashan locked the courtyard door, and took a complicated look at this place where he had lived for nearly ten years.

They came out of the yard and quickly passed through several dark alleys.

"Let's go, Xiao Liu and Xiao Li live not far from my place, and they both have a difficult life.

Xiao Liu's mother was already paralyzed in bed, and it was up to him and his wife to take care of his elder brother. The old man fell ill several times and couldn't be sent to the hospital.It's because Xiao Liu's money is too tight.

Xiao Li has been lonely all these years, and it's not like you don't know how he looks like a fool.After I came back, I just messed around on the street.One person is full and the whole family is not hungry.

These years, I didn't have the mind to find a wife. After such a delay, it was delayed.

Don't worry, if they hear that you have it, they will definitely help. "

Feng Huizhen's heart moved slightly after hearing this, it seemed that these old comrades of Jiang Lei's life was not going well.

Soon came to Xiao Liu's house. The yard of Xiao Liu's house was completely different from that of Liang Dashan's house. The environment here was a little better, at least the house was still a normal brick house.

But Liang Dashan's family is a single courtyard, while Xiao Liu's family is crowded with others in the same courtyard.

It's a bit like a large courtyard, with more than a dozen families living in the noisy courtyard.

Xiao Liu's family is one of them.

And when they arrived, the old man had just fallen ill, couldn't even breathe, and vomited blood profusely.

Xiao Liu rushed out with the old lady on his back.

He bumped into such a little Liu.

Under such circumstances, without further ado, the two helped Xiao Liu and carried the old lady to the hospital.

Feng Huizhen followed them all the way to the hospital. In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctor handed out the payment slip.

"Go and pay the fee. The old man should have been sent to the hospital a long time ago. Why did you delay it for so long?"

Xiao Liu held the payment slip tightly in his palm, and tears flowed out of his eyes.

He has no ability. When his mother is in this situation, he can't afford to see a doctor for his mother.

His son is really unfilial.

A hand reached out and gently pulled the payment slip from his hand.

"Doctor, don't worry, we will pay the fee right away, and you rush to rescue. No matter how much it costs, we will definitely treat it!"

The girl's gentle voice is like the sound of nature.

Xiao Liu stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

"Don't worry, Lao Liu, we are here!"

After a while, Feng Huizhen paid the fee.

Holding the payment slip, Feng Huizhen handed it to Jiang Lei.

The hearts of several people were very heavy, they didn't expect their brothers to be so poor.

When Xiao Liu's daughter-in-law and son arrived, the old man had already been pushed out of the emergency room. Everyone could breathe a sigh of relief. The old disease accumulated for many years had already been operated on.

As long as he rests well for the rest of the day, the old man will have absolutely no problem.

Xiao Liu whispered some instructions to his wife and son.

Turn around and look for Jiang Lei.

"Xiao Jiang, let's go. Just now, Lao Liang told me what he wanted me to do. I'll go with you."

Jiang Lei couldn't bear it, "Old Liu, forget it, your mother is still lying on the hospital bed, what's the matter with you walking with me now? You should take good care of your mother at home."

Old Liu looked back at the ward in the emergency room and said with a smile.

"I can't help you here, so I might as well go out with you and make a living. Earn a sum of money and return your favor, so I can take good care of my mother."

Several people left the hospital quickly.

Feng Huizhen said suddenly when she walked to the door of the stairs.

"You guys wait for me at the door first, I'll go to the toilet."

Jiang Lei glanced at Feng Huizhen, and the two looked at each other, seeing each other's thoughts in each other's eyes.

Jiang Lei nodded silently.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

This is his daughter-in-law, and she doesn't need him to say anything, she can know what she wants to do.

How lucky, he will marry Feng Huizhen in this life.

No, he hasn't been able to bring his wife in yet.

We got on the bus first, and we haven't made up the fare yet.

Jiang Lei took the two brothers downstairs.

Feng Huizhen turned around and ran to the ward.

"Sister-in-law, Brother Liu asked me to give you the money. You can keep it for your family.

It doesn't matter what the old lady wants to eat and needs, you just go and spend it.

Big brother Liu is out to earn a lot of money this time, he reassures you that with him in the old lady, you will have no worries about food and clothing, and your life will be better and better. "

He stuffed the money in the woman's hand, turned around and left.

The woman looked at the thick stack of money in her hand in astonishment.

The son hurriedly said, "Mom, who is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

The woman hurriedly counted the banknotes in her hand, and there were actually 2000 yuan.

"Why so much money?"

Both the mother and the son were dumbfounded. They chased them out but never saw anyone again.

Jiang Lei was walking on the road and tightly clenched Feng Huizhen's fingers.

My heart is warm.

"Come on, let's go find Lao Li."

Lao Liu thought for a while,

"Xiao Jiang, I know that what Lao Liang said this time requires a few people with strong skills, but I do know a few good brothers in the local area.

He is also down-to-earth and has good skills. Although he has never been a soldier, he is honest and loyal, and his skills are no worse than us.

Otherwise, I'll find you too, because their family is having a hard time.Definitely need money. "

"Okay, you can find them. We have money, and we are not afraid to spend money."

Jiang Lei said loudly.

He was ready to take out all the savings in his passbook, but it was impossible.

Call home and ask his elder brother and younger brother to send him money in person.

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