Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 792 Stepping stones are okay?

At this moment, Boss Xiaolin came over.

"Okay, okay, everyone, hurry up and look at the stones, we bought this girl's jade naturally."

As soon as Boss Xiao Lin stepped forward, he immediately knocked down the interest of the others.

After all, there are rules in this business, but the owner of any store opened jade will naturally be under the same price, and the owner has special privileges.

Now the 1 yuan for this piece of jadeite has already topped the head, and the profit is very little. If the price is raised higher, it will not be worthwhile for anyone.

But someone rolled his eyes and booed.

Of course it wasn't to drive up prices, everyone was here to watch the fun, and when they saw that the girl was going to be humiliated by her crotch just now, when she turned her head now, the boss Huang in front of her was stupefied.

There are so many people here, it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Hey, isn't there a bet? My girl has won."

"Yes, yes, Boss Huang, a man is as good as he promises."

"Yes, yes, what bet did this girl win?"

"Boss Huang is very proud. Just now he promised the girl that if she wins, he will give the girl a stone! Choose whatever you want."

This sound was chosen casually, and it immediately made people sigh.

The rough stones in the same store are divided into sizes and prices.

There are stones worth two yuan a piece, and there are stones worth two million yuan a piece.

How did Boss Huang make things difficult for this girl just now?

That bet that was raised was insulting in disguise.

If the girl was more cruel, she turned her head and picked the most precious treasure in the store, Boss Huang would have to play with it immediately.

The most expensive thing in their jade shop is this kind of rough stone that cannot be seen.

As soon as this remark came out, Huang Jingfeng regretted it in his heart!

The face was slapped.

How could he have imagined that he could get 1 yuan of jade for a stone worth two yuan.

He has never encountered such a thing since he entered the industry for so long.

Although it is said that it is difficult for immortals to break jade, such a small size is not comparable at all, and it is not heavyweight.

For the first time, he experienced the Immortal Unbreakable Jade taught by his seniors.

It is really hard to break jade, it seems that he has been hasty.

Don't be so arbitrary, use your own experience as a reference.

At the same time, I also deeply understand that this girl is definitely not a hit and miss, if she is together, she can be called a hit and miss, and if she is two, if she has no vision, then she is superficial.

But Huang Jingfeng couldn't afford to lose that person right now.

When going out to do business, if a big man can't even afford to lose, he will be inferior and will be laughed at.

Huang Jingfeng gritted his molars and said.

"Feng Huizhen is willing to bet and admit defeat, you pick a stone."

Although the courage is commendable, compared with the arrogance and domineering just now, the tone has softened a lot in an instant.

It can only be said that Feng Huizhen hit him hard.

He can't be arrogant either.

My heart was in my throat, in case Feng Huizhen really picked the most expensive rough stone in this shop.

Then he didn't know how to die.

His uncle gave him a certain authority, but the highest authority to buy stones is only 200 million.

If the amount exceeds this amount, he has to bear it himself, and it is still given to others.

Although he has a salary of 2000 yuan a month, it is only more than 2 yuan a year. If the other party really gets tough, he decides to punish him.

Get two or three million stones out.

It is estimated that my uncle will break my leg when I go back.

He had to lower his proud head.

Although it is not so low-key, it is obvious that the attitude is definitely different from before.

Jiang Lei looked at Feng Huizhen and asked,

"They lost a stone to you, so pick it quickly."

The look in his eyes hinted that Feng Huizhen should not do anything wrong.

Under such circumstances, they rashly set up an enemy, which is not good for them.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly cheered up.

Many people encouraged Feng Huizhen.

"Oh, boss Feng, hurry up and pick a stone!"

"I heard that there is a treasure in Boss Lin's store, which is said to be locked in a safe. Boss Lin, is it right?"

Boss Lin was also a little embarrassed at the moment. He looked down on this girl just now, but from the moment the glass was cut out of the stone, he knew that she was definitely capable.

Offending such a person is not good for oneself.

They are open for business, not to offend anyone.

He secretly regretted why he helped Boss Huang to speak just now.

"Boss Feng, you can look at whatever you want, whatever stone you want, just ask."

Now that the matter has progressed to this point, Boss Lin naturally knows that it is inconvenient for him to intervene in this matter.

It depends on whether this girl wants to kill her, or is she willing to let Boss Huang go?

But according to the way we got along just now, Boss Huang is a sinner to death.

That bet that was raised, that was insulting in disguise.

But for any bloody person, if he doesn't take revenge and go back now, he will be sorry for others.

Feng Huizhen pretended to look around thoughtfully, walking up and down the store.

Huang Jingfeng's heart followed Feng Huizhen's footsteps and moved forward step by step.

Never in my life did I feel that time would be so difficult.

Feng Huizhen looked around the store carefully, pointed to a stone in the corner and said.

"Boss Lin, I want this."

Hearing this, he immediately hissed.

"Oh, Boss Feng, you are scared."

"It's no wonder it's not appropriate for a girl like Boss Feng to offend Boss Huang rashly."

"Take a step back and open up to the sea and the sky."

"Women, I still don't want to cause trouble."

"Being bullied by Boss Huang to such an extent, he still has to give in. Alas, I really can't stand it."

When Huang Jingfeng heard the stone that Feng Huizhen mentioned, he almost didn't laugh out loud.This is a stepping stone specially used as a step in the store.

Every time he came to this stone, he would step on it and go in.

But all the people who come and go in the store have never stepped on this stone.

This stone is just an ordinary stepping stone.

If there was something special, so many people in the store didn't see it, and that would be a real slap in the face.

This girl didn't know if she did this deliberately to avoid her own edge, to let herself go, or if she had eyes but didn't know Mount Tai.

But no matter what the situation is, of course he can't wait to make a decision immediately.

"Boss Lin, how much is this stone? Look at how much Boss Feng has already selected, and I'll pay you right away."

Huang Jingfeng was so anxious that he wanted to take out the money from his bag immediately.

I'm afraid that Feng Huizhen will change her mind.

Boss Lin looked at the stepping stone, thinking that with the help of this little girl, they might be able to bring a big business to their shop.

If a treasure of the store is sold today, and their store is on this jade street, it will become the famous No.1.

This gimmick alone is enough to attract a lot of customers.

Unexpectedly, this little girl has no eyes and no eyes, and chose such a broken stone.

"Boss Feng, this piece is a stepping stone in our store. It's not worth much. I can give it to Boss Feng."

As soon as Boss Lin turned his beads, he immediately had an idea, and his words showed the mentality of the old fox.

He has already called Feng Huizhen's name, this stone is worthless.

It depends on whether this girl can comprehend it herself.

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