Master Jie Shi excitedly held up the piece of jade that had peeled off its skin and looked a little smaller than a walnut.

The setting sun was slanting in the west, and a ray of sunlight hit the yard from midair.

A small piece of emerald glistens in the sun.

The people around had already surrounded it, it was rare for such a small piece of rough stone to produce emerald.

Moreover, it is even more surprising that such green jadeite is produced.

Feng Huizhen took Jiang Lei and left, it is certain that Jade will come out, Feng Huizhen can still confirm this.

Otherwise, I'm sorry Lingquan.

But how much the quality of emerald can reach, she has no idea.

Jiang Lei didn't know what happened, he only knew that he bought two stones, but he didn't know what happened to the stones.

"What does this master mean? Is the jade in your hand yours?"

Feng Huizhen nodded excitedly. She hadn't felt this kind of excitement and emotion for many years.

The feeling of adrenaline soaring to the extreme all of a sudden makes people instantly full of passion.

"I bought these two stones and used them to practice my hands."

Of course, she must be included in this grand plan.

Jiang Lei looked at Feng Huizhen's shining eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It has been a long time since Feng Huizhen looked so excited.

As long as she likes it, he is willing to accompany her on this walk.

"Boss, it's green, it's green."

Master Jie Shi was more excited than Feng Huizhen.

"How is the master?"

Feng Huizhen's evaluation of Jade is really based on theory. If she can tell what it is in one bite, I'm afraid she can't even tell it herself.

The combination of theory and practice still has a long way to go.

Huang Jingfeng came over, but before he saw the stone, he was already pouring cold water with a sneer.

"What good could it be? At most, it's the same as before. It's a shallow full green. According to the texture just now, even if your stone is full green, it's only 700 yuan at most.

Feng Huizhen, you still lose. "

"What to lose?"

Jiang Lei didn't see the scene just now and didn't know about the bet.

He's just a little nervous.

The arrogant attitude of the young man in front of him clearly made it clear that he was here to bully Feng Huizhen.

"Brother Jiang, you were not here just now. I have tried my best to persuade my sister not to do such a risky thing."

"Don't call me sister, we have nothing to do with each other."

Feng Huizhen's protest seemed more and more arrogant and unreasonable.

As expected, Bai Xiaowei gave Bai Xiaowei an aggrieved look.

And the resentful eyes of Boss Huang, the flower protector beside her.

Huang Jingfeng became more and more aware that Feng Huizhen had lost, and he must completely embarrass Feng Huizhen.

Take revenge on Feng Huizhen for bullying Miss Bai so much.

Bai Xiaowei's aggrieved eyes did not impress Jiang Lei.

Instead, Jiang Lei looked at Feng Huizhen worriedly.

"You can do whatever you want, but wait until I come to you, don't take the risk of betting with others."

He was not afraid of Feng Huizhen doing anything, he had already said that this trip to Kunming City was a bad thing to do.

Even if he sent people to kill and set fire, he had already made a decision, and he would stand in front of Feng Huizhen.

Whoever wants to harm Feng Huizhen, don't blame him for being rude.

But he didn't want Feng Huizhen to put herself in danger.

As long as he is by his side, he will bear any danger in front of him.

He won't let his woman carry it.

When Bai Xiaowei heard this, her expression became a little subtle, and she suddenly thought of what an upright, selfless, serious and rigid person Jiang Lei is.

If she knew that Feng Huizhen bet on stones with others, she would probably not like it.

No man would like his woman to gamble.

Although this is not gambling, betting on stones is also gambling.

Said leisurely.

"Huizhen ignored me, and instead made a bet with Boss Huang. If the two stones don't yield jade worth 1000 yuan, Huizhen will slip through Boss Huang's crotch."

Bai Xiaowei did it on purpose, she just wanted to provoke Jiang Lei and let Jiang Lei know how reckless his woman is.

Crotch humiliation is the same for women as it is for men.

It is not very harmful and extremely insulting.

I don't believe Jiang Lei can bear it.

Sure enough, Jiang Lei's eyes darkened when he heard this.

Feng Huizhen also felt a little guilty when she heard this, of course she knew that what she did had violated the principles agreed upon by the two of them.

Before coming, Jiang Lei discussed the bottom line with her personally.

Of course, there is no need to talk about the way of discussion.

Late at night, in a secluded bedroom, with a hot big bed.

Then... just tell her what the consequences will be.

After Feng Huizhen realized it deeply, she was absolutely begging to ensure that she would never violate the bottom line.

The bottom line is that no matter what Feng Huizhen does, she must pass Jiang Lei.

She only did it when Jiang Lei was present.

Jiang Lei has already promised her that even if it is murder and arson, he will definitely bear it for her.

But she was not allowed to put herself in danger.

It seems that when doing this thing today, Jiang Lei was not considered at all when he said this.

Feng Huizhen hurriedly turned her head and rushed in front of Master Shi, trying to cover up.

"Everyone, come and see."

Feng Huizhen herself couldn't explain why, but she felt that as long as someone with a discerning eye saw it, everyone was talking about it in a few words, and they could get a general idea.

In this way, she can absorb information.

Everyone gathered around. Of course, everyone didn't think that this stone could produce any good things.

But when Boss Huang said just now that it was only six or seven hundred at most, of course I still had some hope in my heart.

Two dollars can turn into six or seven hundred. This doubled value is definitely surprising.

If that's the case, if they say that this girl is called luck, it is estimated that many people will not be convinced.

You have a try with a stone of two dollars, you have the ability to do this.

Many people gathered around.

"Oh my god! Isn't this glass jadeite?"

Someone recognized it at a glance.

"The water head is excellent, especially the glass species!

"Although the size is a bit small, if you just drink this kind of water, if you make two jade cards and two ring faces, it will cost at least 1 yuan."

"Oh my god, this two-dollar stone can actually produce glass seeds?"

"Fortunately, there was no one-size-fits-all just now. If it were cut across the board, this stone would be at least half discounted."

"Such a small piece of stone can actually produce glass seeds. It would be great if it was bigger."

"Other people's hearts are endless. Such a small glass species is also a glass species."

"Little girl, have you sold this piece of glass? I'll buy it for 6000 yuan!"

"You can pull it down, girl, I will buy your piece of glass for 8000 yuan."

"Whether the girl sells it or not, give me a quick word."

Don't look at such a small piece of jade, just because it is made of glass, its value has risen immediately.

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