Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 790 Don't meddle in our family affairs

The leather shell is very thin, and it will be polished out in a short while.

The slight green mud flowed down from everyone, and a stormy sea was set off in their hearts.

"Seeing green!"

Seeing green means that the meat of the material is green.

Huang Jingfeng snorted coldly.

"Green is not the same as green."

Steady as Mount Tai.

He is not afraid at all.

Master Jie Shi continued to polish.

Finally, after the shell was polished off and washed in muddy water, a stone in Master Jieshi's hand revealed its true appearance.

"Ah, it's green!"

Huang Jingfeng looked over nervously, no way!

Really green?

This Feng Huizhen is so lucky?

But at one glance, Huang Jingfeng laughed out loud.

"That's it?"

Everyone looked at the stone in Master Jie Shi's hand. This rough stone was very beautiful after being ground.

There is a little cotton point on it, but it doesn't affect its overall color.

From the point of view of color, it belongs to the lightest kind of green, close to emerald green, but not yet sunny green, but it is already very beautiful.

Of course, laymen usually look at color, and experts look at species.

The seed water of this material is very good, ice seed, seven percent water.

The so-called planting water refers to the purity of a piece of jadeite.

The more clean, clear and transparent any kind of jadeite is, the more valuable it is.

Their material looks really nice.

The only pity is that after grinding this piece of material, it is only the size of a quail egg, and at most one ring face is left.

Calculated according to the current value, such a noodle is no more than 200 yuan at most.

People who know how to do it sighed one after another, if this stone can be polished to the size of a walnut.

If you can play two jade cards and two ring faces, the price can be at least 1000 yuan.

But obviously, this stone still lost.

Everyone knows this kind of rubbish stone, and the possibility of this kind of rough stone turning green is very small.

If two yuan is gambled, 200 yuan is considered a win.

"I knew that no matter how unlucky you are, the mine where this stone is produced has already decided its future, which is a material of 200 yuan."

Huang Jingfeng was a little smug.

His vision was still right, although the woman in front of him was lucky, but unfortunately he still had to lose to him.

Before the bet, he specifically said 1000 yuan, just to prevent it from really getting green.

After all, although it is a rubbish stone, everyone knows that it is difficult for immortals to break jade.

If it is cut with a single knife, it is really uncertain whether there will be emeralds in this stone.

"Admit defeat, even if your stone is the same as this one, it's only 400 yuan. After all, you will lose to me."

Huang Jingfeng stepped on a stool with one foot, and pointed to his crotch triumphantly.

Feng Huizhen didn't even look at Huang Jingfeng.

"Little master, continue!"

Master Jie Shi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but he knew in his heart that it was a foregone conclusion.

Even if that piece of stone is ground out to be the same as this one, at most it will be doubled.

One-knife Funa is just a fantasy, and besides, it depends on the stone if you cut it with one knife.

"Boss, still... grinding?"


Feng Huizhen's eyes are very firm, and this kind of firmness affects her understanding of Master Shi.

The boy gritted his teeth. Although this girl doesn't have much money, she has come to this point. Others don't support her, even if she just chose him for that girl.

This can be regarded as a kindness of knowledge.

He must also go down with the girl.

"Okay, I'll continue."

The grinder continued to squeak.

The boy lowered his head, and his movements were more patient and meticulous.

It's like holding a treasure of ten thousand gold in your hand.

People around began to talk about it, a result that no one could have predicted.

The girl was just stalling for time.

Jiang Lei rushed in panting, and just sent the money back to Lao Zhang.I was worried all the time, didn't dare to stay longer, and hurried back.

As soon as I entered the store, I didn't see Feng Huizhen.

He inquired with a little girl next to him, only to find out that Feng Huizhen had already arrived at the back.And something big happened right now.

Jiang Lei pushed aside the crowd and saw Feng Huizhen standing out from the crowd at a glance.

"Huizhen, how are you? Is there anything wrong?"

He was not afraid of Feng Huizhen causing trouble, as long as he was by his side.

Before coming out this time, Feng Huizhen briefly talked about her plan. Although there were many loopholes in the plan, he didn't know what kind of ability Feng Huizhen would rely on to realize it.

But as long as he is Feng Huizhen's man, he must stand behind him, no matter who can deny Feng Huizhen.

It was impossible for him to deny Feng Huizhen.

He will be Feng Huizhen's strongest support.

Regardless of victory or failure, he is always by Feng Huizhen's side.

"You see that you are sweating profusely. It's okay. I bought two stones to play with. Isn't this the master cutting stones?"

Feng Huizhen saw that Jiang Lei's forehead was dripping wet, and hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

Answer gently while wiping.

Jiang Lei took the handkerchief, wiped his own sweat, and stood beside Feng Huizhen, his heart immediately fell to the ground.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

Bai Xiaowei's resentful voice came.

Jiang Lei looked up in surprise, and sure enough, he saw an old acquaintance.

"Bai Xiaowei, why are you here?"

This is a border city. According to common sense, it is absolutely impossible for Bai Xiaowei to appear in this place.

Bai Xiaowei looked a little lonely.

Jiang Lei gave Feng Huizhen all the gentle protection she had longed for.

Since Jiang Lei appeared just now, no one's eyes fell on other people at all.

In his eyes and in his heart, there is only this woman in front of him.

Bai Xiaowei felt a heart-piercing pain. She had devoted more than 20 years of her youth to this man.

After giving her all her life's love and hope, she didn't expect that in the end this man would not even give her a glance.

If she hadn't called out Big Brother Jiang.

How could Jiang Lei see her?

"Brother Jiang, my aunt is very worried about you. She has been sending people around to inquire about you. Now that you have found Huizhen, you should go home and see your aunt.

Don't make uncle and aunt worry about you. "

"Xiaobai, don't meddle in this matter anymore. This is a matter between me and my parents. It's not suitable for you, an outsider, to point fingers in it."

Jiang Lei always knew that his mother's ideal daughter-in-law was Xiao Bai, but unfortunately he didn't have any feelings for Bai Xiaowei.

Of course, what made him even more dissatisfied was that Bai Xiaowei had been playing another role in this matter.

He is not stupid.

Bai Xiaowei took it for granted that she was exercising certain rights in a more intimate capacity, which a person surnamed Bai should not get involved in.

It was also Bai Xiaowei who created this illusion for her mother.

Jiang Lei didn't want Feng Huizhen standing next to him to misunderstand.

Bai Xiaowei said sadly, "Brother Jiang, I understand, you don't want me to disturb your life. I said long ago that I would not disturb your life, but as a child, you should think more about your parents.

I'm just sad for my aunt. "

Huang Jingfeng hurriedly handed over his handkerchief to the goddess, while glaring at Jiang Lei viciously.

"Miss Bai, you must not be sad because of other people's mistakes. Like attracts like, who can be with such a woman, who can be a good person?"

When the four of them were confronting each other, they suddenly heard someone shouting.

"'s green..."

When they heard Chulu, many people gathered around, and they were immediately surrounded by the crowd.

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