Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 789 Impossible to win the bet

The Shijie master in front of him is preparing to use the machine to polish and peel the skin.

But he saw that Boss Lin was accompanying Huang Jingfeng and Bai Xiaowei, coming in front of Feng Huizhen.

Boss Lin is also called Lin Zhengye. In this store, everyone calls him Boss Lin.No one regarded his eldest brother as the owner of this shop.

Everyone only knows that he is Boss Lin.

Lin Zhengye dislikes his elder brother's business philosophy very much, he does business honestly and deals honestly, and dare not take big risks. The bosses in other shops are betting on stones.

They are the only ones who only sell stones to others, but never spend money on stones.

If the old man hadn't been on top of him, he would have wanted to split up and go out to work alone.

With the funds and people he has in hand, he can definitely soar into the sky if he starts from scratch.

Recently, he got in touch with a mine owner in Myanmar, who was doing big business, and the mine was old.

The current batch of goods he bought was produced by Laokeng.

He had seen it himself, and there were quite a few items in it, all of which were good items.

In private, he was in contact with the mine owner, planning to make a big deal.

The old man is not in good health now, and he might be gone in three to five months.

Before that, he was going to spend a lot of money on this batch of goods.

Once the old man is gone, he will immediately take the money to start another business.

And the boss Huang he received today is also one of his future clients. Every time this boss Huang makes a move, it is between 200 and [-] million.

In their place, every time the boss who buys jade, whoever doesn't sell it is not a few million, tens of millions.

A boss of 200 million is not a big boss.

But Boss Huang has someone behind him, and he knows that.

He had met Huang Youcai, who had participated in the most famous jade auction here.

It was because of this that he was polite to Huang Jingfeng in front of him.

The three of them were exchanging pleasantries just now, but Bai Xiaowei exclaimed immediately when she saw Feng Huizhen going to explain the stone.

"Feng Huizhen, do you really want to bet on stones?"

"If my parents knew, they would probably be mad at her."

Huang Jingfeng glanced at Feng Huizhen with disdain in his eyes.

"Boss Lin, do you accept all kinds of goods in your store? You can tell by looking at this woman that she looks poor, and she pays four yuan for stones when she sells it. You don't mind dropping prices for such customers. Feel cheap."

Huang Jingfeng naturally knew that the owner of the jade shop here did not have more than a dozen people under his command.

All of them can be regarded as local snakes, even if they don't cause trouble, at least they won't be afraid of trouble if others come to them.

He used these words to provoke Boss Lin because he hoped that Boss Lin would take action to drive Feng Huizhen out.

Boss Lin smiled.

"Boss Huang, you should know the rules of our business. No matter how much the price is, they are customers, and we will not turn away customers."

The three of them came up behind Feng Huizhen while talking. Boss Lin saw the young man rolled up his sleeves and was about to grind the walnut-sized stone on the machine.

Boss Lin said impatiently.

"Such a small material, what kind of skin do you want to peel? It costs two yuan to cut it, and two yuan to peel the skin. How easy it is to cut it."

It costs money to cut stones, two yuan per knife, this is the rule in the industry, Feng Huizhen's stone and the stone cutting price are actually the same price.

Generally, Shijieshi masters will not spend more effort on this.

The boy said with some embarrassment.

"Boss, this piece of material is too small. Grind a window and then cut it. Otherwise, it will collapse easily."

Boss Lin said impatiently.

"If you are asked to cut it, you can cut it! Why spend so much talking? With that skill, you can still greet other guests."

The boy didn't move, and looked at Feng Huizhen nervously.

No matter how much Feng Huizhen spent, the stone now belongs to Feng Huizhen.

Feng Huizhen said with a smile.

"This stone cannot be cut, the skin of the stone has been peeled off."

Boss Lin glanced at Feng Huizhen with a half-hearted smile, and he could tell from his sizing up and down eyes that the girl in front of him must be a poor ghost.

In particular, this girl offended Boss Huang in front of him. He actually did this to relieve Boss Huang.

"Girl, just cut it and forget it. What kind of things can two dollars buy?"

Feng Huizhen didn't even look at Boss Lin, "Open the door for business, Boss, you won't tell me that your master Shijie is only allowed to cut and not do other processes?"

How could Boss Lin accept such words.

If this word gets out, their jade shop will not do business nearby.

This line has its rules.

The guest spends money, no matter how many requests there are, Master Jieshi has to follow the request of the guest.

"If you want to peel off the skin, then peel off the skin."

"I'd like to see what flowers you can pick out today."

Boss Lin said this on purpose to Huang Jingfeng.

Huang Jingfeng laughed out loud.

"Feng Huizhen, don't humiliate yourself here. Do you think you can produce glass seeds for two yuan of stone?"

"Whether glass seeds can be produced is not up to you, but to me. It's not a good old saying, immortals can't break jade.

Can you guarantee that there will be no emeralds in this rock? "

Of course Feng Huizhen is confident, we are here to do experiments.

She saw one of the two stones.

The other piece has just been tampered with quietly.

A drop of spiritual spring dripped on this stone, and she wanted to see what the result would be when the spiritual spring dripped on this stone.

When looking at this stone with the naked eye, there is nothing inside, only a little bit of green the size of a grain of rice.

She didn't come to boast or show off, she just wanted to see if her spiritual spring could have a different effect on the stone.

Lingquan has been tested and has some properties that change attributes for other things, but it has not been used on jadeite.

"Okay, okay, if you can cut out 1000 yuan worth of emeralds from these two stones, I'll give you one of the stones in this store, and I'll give you whichever one you like! How about it?"

Huang Jingfeng was very proud.

This is not boasting, but that he is confident that the two stones that Feng Huizhen took are the rubbish that deceives tourists at the gate.

This kind of stone has almost no chance of producing emerald.

The jadeite worth 1000 yuan, the jadeite with at least sun green or above, should be almost full green according to the size.

No matter how you look at it, his bet is a sure win.

"Then I thank you, Boss Huang."

Feng Huizhen didn't get angry and refused to accept it. Someone was willing to send a stone to her door, why not?

Huang Jingfeng laughed.

"It's no problem if you win, but what if you lose?"

He came here specially to find a place for Bai Xiaowei.

"If I lose, I'll give you a stone too. Reciprocity!"

"I don't need you to give me stones, just add everything on your body. It's not just my watch that is expensive. If I ask you to give me stones, that's bullying you.

I don't bully you either, if you lose, get out from under my crotch. "

This is quite insulting.

"Okay, then I invite everyone here to be a witness."

Feng Huizhen didn't feel that she was being insulted at all, and it was exactly what she wanted if someone was willing to spend a lot of money to create publicity for her.

She was still thinking about how to make a big splash, so as to attract some people's attention.

It was like sending a divine teammate from the sky.

Boss Lin and several people around looked over one after another. No matter who looked at the bet, they all believed that Feng Huizhen had lost.

How can someone who has been in this business for many years not have such a simple vision.

"Okay, let's testify to the two of you."

Everyone applauded, in fact, more people came to watch the fun.

"If the value of the emeralds I dig out of these two stones is not higher than 1000 yuan, then I will crawl under Boss Huang's crotch as an apology to Boss Huang.

If the value of the emerald I opened is more than 1000 yuan, Boss Huang is willing to give me a stone, and I can choose. "

Huang Jingfeng nodded, "That's right, that's what I said. Let everyone be a witness, I, Huang Jingfeng, keep my word!"

Feng Huizhen looked back at Master Jieshi.

"Master, hurry up and start!"

The boy gritted his teeth, he used to follow his master to get on the computer for the first time, but unexpectedly encountered such a big battle.

But at this point, you can't back down.

Besides, these stones are not his, he just sympathizes with the girl in front of him, even he is not optimistic about these two stones.

But the girl treated him very kindly, and he didn't want the girl to lose.

Boss Lin said impatiently, "Let's start quickly, don't waste everyone's time."

The boy held the dental machine with trembling hands, very nervous, as if the stone was his own.

The boy was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. Only he knew that kind of tension in his heart.

What a fierce confrontation.

The people watching the excitement around laughed at Master Jieshi's nervousness.

Feng Huizhen ignored them, "Little master, don't worry, let's start."

The boy turned on the dental machine, little by little, put the stone under the water pipe, sprayed water, and opened the window with the dental machine.

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