Feng Huizhen smiled.

Liu Huili obviously hates gambling stones so much, but she actually works in the gambling stone shop.

It is conceivable that it is also forced by life.

"Let's forget it. I decided to take a gamble. If I win, I will be able to eat and drink spicy food tomorrow. If I lose, I will sleep on the road at worst."

Feng Huizhen had a desperate expression on her face, valiant and high-spirited, and walked in with two stones.

Liu Huili was so anxious that she followed behind her.

"You can't mess around, you only have such a little money, you will definitely lose."

"It's not easy for us to make money, you have to think about the long-term future."

"I told you nine out of ten bets."

"Believe it or not, you lose so much that you don't even have dinner?"

The two of them were walking forward when they bumped into the young man just now.

Liu Huili shrank her neck hastily.

"Little boss!"

"what are you doing?"

The young man's words made Liu Huili's face change drastically.

"I, I didn't do anything! This...boss wants... two stones."

He hesitated, obviously lacking confidence.

Feng Huizhen smiled, raised two walnut-sized stones in her hand and said.

"So you are the little boss? I don't even know, but thank you for entertaining us just now. How much are these two stones?"

The young man gave Liu Huili a hard look.

"Hurry up and go to your own job, don't make trouble here!"

Obviously, what Liu Huili said just now was heard by him, and this kind of gossip was not severely punished.

Liu Huili was startled, turned around and ran away in a hurry.

"Yes, I'm going right now!"

The little boss smiled wryly.

"As an employee, I just take it for granted and talk to myself. These two stones are worthless, so I'll give them to you."

Feng Huizhen shook her head, "Don't, even though I'm a layman, I know the rules of your business. If you don't spend money, if the stone is cut up, who will it be?"

"It's as much as it should be. Let's settle the accounts clearly."

The little boss, Lin Shaowei, was a little surprised. He didn't expect the girl in front of him to be very knowledgeable.

"Okay, just give me two dollars."

"Actually, if you really want some good rocks, you can go to the backyard. The rocks are good there."

"Boss Feng, it seems that you are quite interested in gambling stones.

Presumably not only in my shop.

Let me briefly introduce to you that in addition to selling all kinds of jade jewelry, most of the people on our street rely more on selling these rough stones to make money.

To put it bluntly, it's on the outside facade here.

Most of them are unexpected. If you want to take a better look, you have to go to the backyard. As long as you have two brushes, the general boss will open the warehouse outside to let you see enough.

I have been here for a long time, the people here are not good in character, black materials, and black prices.

No matter which one you go to, don't be polite to them, and dare to bargain.

And bring your own flashlight and tools.

Once you see a good one, the price cannot be loosened. After all, there are many tourists here, and the prices given by tourists are very exaggerated.

There are a lot of bosses here who are killing people, so don't be careless. "

Feng Huizhen was a little surprised, she had only met the little boss in front of her once, so she traded a stone.

It's a little rare for this little boss to say these words to himself so sincerely.

"Little boss, what's your surname? I think you have a good character, we can make friends."

"My surname is Lin, they call me Xiao Lin, and my name is Lin Shaowei. To tell you the truth, I tell you so much because my master told me that you are a very powerful person and want to make friends with you."

Boss Xiaolin pointed to the old master behind the counter who was still working hard.

"Is that your master?"

"To be honest, he is not only my master, but also my own father."

Feng Huizhen's eyes lit up involuntarily.

"It turned out to be Boss Dalin."

But suddenly he turned his head and pointed, and the men Huang Jingfeng and Bai Xiaowei who had just walked in were being received in the backyard.

"Who is that? I heard they all called him Boss Lin."

Just now Feng Huizhen really thought that was the owner of this Yushizhai.

No matter in terms of appearance, speech, and momentum, he is more like the owner and owner of this store.

"Oh, that's my second uncle. This store is jointly operated by our two families. This store belongs to my grandfather, but my grandfather is getting old. The only requirement is that we can't separate the family.

So the two joined forces to do business. My dad didn't want to take care of things, so he basically did manual work, while my second uncle was good at communication and liked to deal with people, so he did social work. "

Xiao Linzi glanced at the second uncle behind him, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

My second uncle and my father's business philosophy are completely different, and there are big differences in management.

If it wasn't for grandpa, the two of them would have already separated.

But now the conflict is becoming more and more obvious, I'm afraid grandpa can't hold it down anymore, and grandpa's body can no longer hold on.

It is imperative to separate the family, but it seems that the second uncle has already made preparations.

He had heard the wind a long time ago, and the second uncle kept making small movements underneath.

Da Linzi was deeply worried.

Feng Huizhen came to the back with the two walnut-sized stones.

There are three Master Jieshi in the middle courtyard.

There was a queue here, and the only vacant seat was a young man who looked about eighteen or nineteen at most.

His eyes were a little shy, dodging, and he stood there at a loss, obviously it was difficult for him to win people's trust.

All the customers don't come here to cut stones, probably because they can see that he is inexperienced.

No one wants their stone to fall into the hands of such a stone-clearing master.

In case everything goes wrong.

The stone-resolving master is a very important part of the business of the rough stone shop here.

The final value of the emerald in a stone depends on the exquisite craftsmanship and rich experience of the stone-cleaning master.

The stone master can protect the original stone to the greatest extent with a glance.

If the stone master can't cut it well, a stone worth 10 yuan can only be worth 5 yuan at most.

The boy stood there unattended, a little embarrassed and aggrieved.

Feng Huizhen stepped forward and handed the two stones to the boy.

"Little master, can you see how to cut these two stones?"

As soon as these words were spoken in layman's terms, the boy was surprised and delighted, and two red clouds flashed on his face because of being too excited.

Regardless of whether the other party is a layman or not, as long as he is willing to ask him to explain, he is willing to do it, even if the mosquito is small, it is meat.

"Boss, these two stones of yours are too small, if you cut them, even if there is meat in them, I'm afraid it will be broken with a single knife, and you won't even be able to get out a ring.

Otherwise, I'll wipe a window for you and have a look first. "

Feng Huizhen nodded, "Okay, do whatever you think you can do well."

She doesn't understand these terms, but she can roughly understand what the boy wants to do from what the boy said just now.

This one is putting himself in the customer's shoes.

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