"What do they want?"

Jiang Lei couldn't figure it out, Lao Zhang was a decent person, and it was impossible for him to get involved in such a thing.

And the old Zhang family is also poor and white, and basically has no value except for the appearance.

Is it for the facade?

"You'll know if you look at it."

Feng Huizhen dragged Jiang Lei into the crowd and did not leave.

Once they go out, Lao Zhang doesn't know the situation, maybe they will influence Lao Zhang's thoughts.

It is this kind of indifference that can see the problem.

"You caused too much trouble this time. I can't help it. I really can't help it. Your brother-in-law and I are ordinary people, and we even work harder than ordinary people. Apart from making rice noodles, we can't do anything else. Nothing.

The little money you earn is barely enough to live on, not even enough to give your brother-in-law a prosthetic.What else do you want from me? "

Li Fang looked at his younger brother with pain in his heart.

"I beg you. If you don't help me, no one will help me, or you can help me again? I don't want money. I know that last year, my brother-in-law helped an old Burmese man who passed out on the side of the road. In order to repay my kindness, I gave my brother-in-law a stone, can you give me that stone?"

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei looked at each other, sure enough, the other party had plans.

Li Fang looked back at her husband. The two had long forgotten about it. The two of them threw that stone in the backyard as a stepping stone and stepped on it every day. They had forgotten about it.

"But that rock can't hold up to 8000 yuan."

Li Fang is willing, if people are willing to write off the eight, 8000 yuan account, let alone give a stone to anything.

Li Mingyuan stammered after hearing this,

"Sister, besides the stone, give our family's facade to Second Brother Fang. In this way, the account can be written off."

Li Fang was so angry that she almost fainted. This was the last means of survival for herself and Lao Zhang.

Now my younger brother actually asked her to show her face to others.

Then the couple of them drink the northwest wind, and take the whole family to drink the northwest wind.

Lao Zhang glanced at his wife, he felt guilty towards his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Although the father-in-law and mother-in-law love their son more, they have treated him well these years. When he is not at home as a soldier, all the farm work in the family depends on the father-in-law and mother-in-law to support their mother and son.

Otherwise, the children would not be able to grow up so big.

What's more, when he came back from being disabled, everyone persuaded Li Fang to divorce him and find someone else to live with, which is better than serving a disabled person all his life.

It was also the father-in-law and mother-in-law who overcame all difficulties and told Li Fang to let him take the children and live a good life with him.

At that time, his parents passed away. When he was in despair, it was his father-in-law and mother-in-law who gave him the hope of living.

He has never forgotten these all these years.

In this regard, as a brother-in-law, if he feels sorry for the store and doesn't hand it over, it's justified and unreasonable.

"If the child's mother can't do it, just give them the storefront."

Li Fang said desperately, "No, without this storefront, your legs will never have a chance to be fitted."

This is not the first time for my younger brother. He has done this kind of thing too much, and he has become a wolf. People will become insensitive and numb.

"Li Mingyuan, let me tell you how to look good, don't even think about it. Brother Fang, didn't you say that you are reasonable? My brother owes money. It is only natural to pay back the debt. Whoever owes you go to whoever you are."

Li Fang's husband and wife were about to walk into the yard.

Li Mingyuan was so far away that he grabbed his sister's arm tightly.

"Sister, I'm your younger brother. Are you really going to die? You don't have to give me the facade, but you must give me the stone. Without that stone, I really have no hands."

Brother Fang rubbed his head, and said to his subordinates with a smile.

"Li Mingyuan can't blame me for this. Look at your sister, your brother-in-law is unwilling to pay back the money for you. Then we have something to talk about.

You promised me 1000 yuan for one finger, but you owe me 8000 yuan.In other words, there are only two fingers left, and you should consider keeping those two for yourself. "

Two tall and strong men walked over quickly.

Li Mingyuan grabbed his sister.

"Sister, you can't just ignore death. Give me a stone and give me one last chance. I will definitely win this stone."

Li Fang sighed, at this juncture, the younger brother was still thinking about stones, and he was already betting on stones like crazy.

"The stone moved the stone away in the yard, and you will never be my younger brother from now on."

"I never want to see you again."

Li Mingyuan regained his energy when he heard this, and hurriedly walked towards him and said to the two men.

"Don't do it, don't do it, let's look at the stone first, I guarantee that this stone will definitely produce emeralds."

The two men looked back at Second Brother Fang hesitantly.

Brother Fang laughed and said,

"Okay, since you're so sure, I'll take another bet with you, if the jade is opened, you'll be lucky, and of course your debt will be paid off.

If you don't open it, you should know in your heart what the consequences will be. "

"I sent you to those mines to be a miner, and you will never get out in this life."

As soon as these words were said, Li Fang and Lao Zhang's hearts were suspended.

They heard that people around them went to Myanmar to work as miners. Not only did they not earn any money, but their whereabouts were unknown.

I heard that the miners in those mines had a hard life, and probably died sometimes.

Those who went in did not come out alive.

Although it was a rumor, everyone believed it.

"Second Brother Fang is sure, he will be able to find jadeite. I guarantee that this piece is from the old pit. The quality is very good, and I saw that there are mang patterns on it."

Li Mingyuan looked like he had been beaten to death.

It was completely different from the man who had a runny nose and tears just now, and he was in a state of excitement and excitement.

"I heard that your brother-in-law used to be a stone cutter. Let him cut stones for you, or should I find you a stone cutter?"

When Feng Huizhen heard this, she turned her head and glanced at Lao Zhang. Sure enough, Lao Zhang showed a vigilant look on his face.

"Old Zhang can cut stones?"

Jiang Lei looked bewildered,

"I haven't heard the captain say that."

When he was in the army, the captain never talked about his background, and he rarely talked about family affairs.

It's just that I occasionally heard that the captain's family couldn't make a living, and I heard that he went out to make money when he was very young.

All eyes fell on Lao Zhang, who had disabled legs.

Lao Zhang glanced at the stone in the yard with a complicated expression.

"Brother-in-law, please help me untie the stone."

Even if the brother-in-law is nothing, but for the sake of the father-in-law, he can't do everything right.

He had long said that he would never touch these rocks again in his life, but he never thought that he would be forced to go to Liangshan one day.

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