"Okay, don't embarrass your brother-in-law, your brother-in-law doesn't know how to dispel stones at all."

Li Fang stood in front of her husband and defended her husband. She had been married to her husband for so many years, but she had never heard of him being able to remove stones.

"Mother, you and the boss go to the kitchen next to us, open the bag I put in the corner, and take out the tools inside."

What Lao Zhang said behind him stunned Li Fang on the spot, and looked back at her husband in a little surprise.

Isn't the husband a soldier?

When she first got married, she heard that her husband had been in the army for so many years, and she was getting older. She met her husband on a blind date, and they felt that they were suitable for each other, so they got a marriage certificate.

After getting married, I also know that my husband is a soldier, so naturally I will work harder.

The housework at home depends on her alone, and she also has to help take care of her parents-in-law.

But she had no idea that her husband had such a side.

Wu Huizhen and Jiang Lei had a deeper meaning in their eyes, it seemed that there was something about Lao Zhang.

These people forced Lao Zhang to show up.

In other words, the other party's goal was not Li Mingyuan at all, nor was it the so-called 8000 yuan debt, but to force Lao Zhang to take action.

The two stepped forward and came to Lao Zhang's side. When Lao Zhang saw Jiang Lei, he had a wry smile on his face.

"Xiao Jiang, my legs and feet are not flexible, and I need you to help me when the time comes."

Jiang Lei nodded solemnly. No matter who the captain was before, the relationship between the captain and them for so many years shows that the captain is definitely not a bad person.

"it is good!"

The spectators were at the entrance of the courtyard, and no one dared to enter the courtyard. After all, there were so many burly men in the courtyard.

They can only watch the excitement at the gate of the courtyard.

The small courtyard is actually already full of people now.

The second brother Fang and his people have already occupied most of the yard.

And Li Mingyuan was excitedly stroking the stone that they thought was a step yesterday.

It is square and square, and there is no sign of it from the outside. This is a piece of rough jadeite.

Feng Huizhen gritted her teeth, since she dared to come here, she naturally relied on some means in her own space.

Silently, he took out a dried peach from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

This is a special dried peach. After eating this kind of dried peach, you can temporarily have a pair of see-through eyes within 24 hours.

She hasn't really tried the function of this see-through eye yet.

It is the first time.

Before coming here, it is urgent to popularize the knowledge about rough jadeite.

Of course, I don't know if it will be useful or not.

After eating the dried peaches, her eyes fell on the stone in front of her.

Several people in the yard stared eagerly at the stone.

Especially Li Mingyuan was the most eager.

"Brother-in-law, let's cut this rock first."

After so many years of betting on stones for a living, every time it was time to cut stones, he couldn't help but feel like he was on the battlefield.

The feeling of pounding heartbeat, as if he was born to bet on stones.

Old Zhang glanced at the stone.

Under his orders, Jiang Lei carried the stone to the cutting machine.

A lot of dust was splashed in the roar.

Lao Zhang asked his son to pour water from the side with a ladle so that the dust would not fly high.

The son said nothing.

Just doing it silently.

With the help of several people, the stone was finally cut.

The stone is very heavy, at least two hundred kilograms.

One person couldn't lift it at all, and it was the cooperation of the two big men of the second brother Fang that finally cut the stone.

After the stone was cut, Jiang Lei slowly lowered the rope binding the stone, and the two stones fell to the ground.

There was a dull sound.

Jiang Lei is a complete layman.

Old Zhang said nothing.

Li Mingyuan rushed up excitedly at this time.

When he saw the side of the stone, his eyes widened instantly.


"Look, the cut is up. I knew it, I knew it."

The second brother Fang walked over and poured a ladle of water on it. Sure enough, the mud on the side was washed away, revealing a thick green that seemed to be insoluble.

Everyone showed a surprised look, obviously they all understood.

Cut to see what everything means.

"Old Zhang, you are such an amazing stone. What you cut out is actually imperial green! We haven't cut out imperial green for many years here. The goods in your hand are fine."

Brother Fang circled around the stone in amazement.

"Brother Fang, don't look at the surface of things. The water head is fine, and it looks like it is definitely the best in Emperor Luli.

But you can take a closer look, you can see a lot of pine flowers underneath.Stop now, you can also take out this stone and sell it for several 10 yuan. "

Lao Zhang stated the facts smoothly, and when Feng Huizhen heard such professional terms, she instantly understood that Lao Zhang was an expert.

We have also learned it, and we still understand this simple language.

However, Li Mingyuan was trembling with excitement, "No, no, cut it, cut it, I know that I will get rich in this life. If I cut it full of green, I will get rich."

Li Mingyuan obviously completely forgot that this stone belonged to his brother-in-law and sister, and his eyes were full of greed and desire.

Lao Zhang glanced at his brother-in-law indifferently, if it wasn't for the matter of the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, he really wouldn't interfere.

"It's almost done. People's hearts are endless, and snakes swallow elephants."

It's a pity that his words are obviously a fart in Li Mingyuan's eyes.

In Li Mingyuan's eyes, his brother-in-law is an honest person who will be bullied by others and who will never be able to beat a fart with three sticks.

Such a brother-in-law married his sister, and his sister was unlucky.

What's more, the brother-in-law has no money or power, and he can't even get some credit if he wants to.

If it wasn't for this time, the other party had indicated that he wanted his brother-in-law to do it for others.

It was his brother-in-law's craftsmanship that he liked, so he didn't come here.

At this moment, the brother-in-law jumped out again to stop his way of making a fortune.

"Brother-in-law, you gave me this stone just now in front of everyone. I can cut my stone as I like. Don't meddle in your own business."

He turned his head and said to Brother Fang's two subordinates,

"Put this stone on it, and we'll cut it."

"Cut up, brother will give you red envelopes in a while."

Li Mingyuan's eyes were red right now, completely covered by this stone.

In a stage of extreme excitement and arrogance.

Brother Fang took a look and said with a smile.

"Okay, just cut it, this is your stone, you have the final say."

Several people were a little excited. If the stone was cut open and it was full of green, they would really get rich today.

No wonder they are excited. In the eyes of the locals, stones are more important than their lives.

Many people have dreams of getting rich overnight.

In the eyes of outsiders, a few thousand yuan is a sky-high price, but in their eyes, it may be cut up by a stone, and it may turn over overnight.


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