Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 777 I Am Your Only Brother

Before the two of them walked out of the room, they heard noisy voices from the opposite side, and the two of them looked at each other.

Old Zhang's troubles have come.

The two of them thought that his brother-in-law would be worried, but they didn't expect it to happen so soon.

The two walked out of the courtyard gate, and as expected, the opposite gate was already full of people, and the neighbors from the surrounding neighborhood gathered together.

At this time, several arrogant men were standing at the door of their house.

Lao Zhang and his wife stood in the yard with their children, and among them was Lao Zhang's brother-in-law Li Mingyuan.

The two of them could tell that this was Lao Zhang's brother-in-law because Li Mingyuan and Li Fang really looked alike.

It can be seen from the faces of the two siblings that they are almost alike that they are related.

This Li Mingyuan was kneeling on the ground right now, begging bitterly with snot and tears.

"Sister! I didn't expect that I lost again yesterday. I bought a stone. I was unlucky and lost 3000 yuan. Sister, I beg you, please save me, or they will take my money. The hand was chopped off."

"Brother-in-law, my sister has given birth to you for so many years, and she will never leave you. You can't just sit around and die."

"Sister, I'm your only younger brother. If my hand is cut off, I won't be able to do anything in the future. How will our parents take care of themselves?"

"Brother-in-law, you can save me for the sake of our Li family's kindness to you."

The tall and strong man behind him was different from the three people yesterday. These people were obviously big and round.

With a dark face, it can be seen that he has undergone physical labor.

The thick arms and broad shoulders all indicate that these people may have practiced.

<8, full of flower arms.

There are not many people with tattoos these days, but anyone with tattoos gives people the feeling of a ruffian.

Of course, it is obvious that this person has confirmed his identity.

The visitor touched his bald head with his hand, with a kind expression on his face.

After walking two steps forward, the little brother behind him hurriedly pulled out a chair and put it directly behind him.

The man sat down and crossed his legs.

"Are you Li Mingyuan's sister and brother-in-law?"

Li Fang has been panicking for a long time now. Since her younger brother just said 3000 yuan, her head buzzed. Yesterday 2000, today 3000, add up to 5000.

She didn't know what kind of bottomless pit her brother had.

But this is definitely a huge sum of money, not to mention that she can't get it out, let alone her parents.

Although the natal family built a house with their own help, the few small adobe houses were sold.

At most, it is only 800 yuan.

Where have ordinary people heard of so many foreign debts?

But seeing her younger brother crying there with snot and tears, and looking at the aggressive look of the other party, she knew that she and Lao Zhang couldn't hide at this moment.

The important thing is not to just watch my brother's hand being chopped off.

"I'm Li Mingyuan's sister!"

"Okay, what about me? My surname is Fang, and everyone calls me Second Brother Fang. I am a reasonable person in doing things, and I will never force others to make things difficult."

Li Fang immediately had a glimmer of hope, although she knew that the other party would not be able to give up the debt.

But still looking forward to people can make concessions.

"Li Mingyuan owes you this debt. Can you pay back part of it every month?"

At this time, she still wanted to help her brother pay off the debt.

Brother Fang laughed loudly.

"Yes, of course you can pay them separately, but the interest here is very high!

Let me make it clear to you in advance, what about him?Liwaili owed us a total of 8000 yuan. "

When Li Fang heard this, she almost sat down on the ground.

"Li Mingyuan, are you going to die? Why do you owe 8000 yuan?"

"You still let people live for so many years, how much did you spend on this stone?"

"Think about it for yourself, how many foreign debts have your brother-in-law and I paid off for you? And your parents have already emptied the house because of you.

You still don't want to repent, are you still letting people live? "

"For 8000 yuan, let's just tie us together and die."

Li Fang got up from the ground suddenly, rushed to his younger brother, slapped him twice, pointed at Li Mingyuan's nose and cursed.

Li Mingyuan was slapped with five finger marks on his face, but he just hugged Li Fang's leg tightly and cried.

"Sister, I really can't help it. I could have won. I saw so many stones, I could win, but I didn't expect to lose if I cut them. I was just a little bit, sister, in the future I will definitely win It will make a lot of money, and it will allow you, your brother-in-law, and your parents to live a good life."

"Sister, just save me."

Li Fang kicked his younger brother away fiercely.

"I'll save you, what can I do to save you? Look at your brother-in-law, look at our family.

You let me take the money and I will save you.Even tying us together won't be enough to pay you back.

I'm tired, let's do it Mingyuan, you can do whatever you want.If they want to chop their hands, then chop their hands, I really can't afford the money. "

Li Mingyuan was taken aback when he heard this. His sister had always defended her brother, but she never thought that one day she would say such unfeeling words.

Hugged my sister's thigh in real time.

"Sister, you can't ignore me. If you ignore me, I will be left with a dead end. Do you really want to watch my hands be chopped off? Sister, I am your younger brother."

The neighbors watching outside shook their heads, and someone whispered.

"Being obsessed with gambling stones for a lifetime will be bankrupt."

"Such a dog can't change eating shit, it will be like this all his life."

"If Lao Zhang and his wife can't be cruel now, they will probably be dragged to death by this younger brother in the future."

Jiang Lei was about to take a step forward, but was stopped by Feng Huizhen.

"What are you going to do?"

"I can't let Lao Zhang be embarrassed. I will help them pay back the money."

Feng Huizhen said with a smile.

"You are such a smart person, how can you not see that this is a game? Li Mingyuan did it on purpose. You didn't notice that when he was holding Li Fang and crying, his tears and nose came down.

But his expression was unusually calm. Does that look like the behavior of a gambler when he is cornered?The face is not red and the heart is not beating. "

Jiang Lei looked back at Li Mingyuan carefully, and sure enough, although this man seemed to be crying with snot and tears.

But eyes can't hide everything.

It could be seen in his eyes that this person was unusually calm.

Although the second brother Fang looked aggressive sitting there, under this situation, he neither forced the other party, nor punched or kicked him, nor was he extremely vicious.

It is indeed a bit abnormal.

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