Jiang Lei had no choice but to pull Feng Huizhen over to make an introduction.

Knowing that two people will live here, Lao Zhang is also a little embarrassed. Their family has five children, plus their husband and wife, two and seven people live in three rooms, which is already very crowded.

Moreover, the condition of their house is so bad now, the house is so damp, there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants, maybe a snake will crawl in after sleeping until midnight.

This is something they often encounter, how can they entertain guests?

Just when Lao Zhang was in trouble, he heard Feng Huizhen say with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, when we walked in just now, I saw that there seemed to be a family renting out a house at the door.

See if you can discuss it with the neighbor across the door. We will rent a room there first, get some things from your house, and stay in a guest house for two days temporarily. The house over there is not as good as your house.

We can eat at my sister-in-law's house even if we are close. "

Feng Huizhen naturally had her own plans. They didn't come here for sightseeing, but because they had important things to do. Obviously, the best way to find out about the mines that Ma Liuliu and others cooperated was to blend in with the locals. Who is the boss.

Besides, she also wanted to see the so-called gambling stone, and she had never been to the jadeite market.

It can also be regarded as accumulating some new experiences for one's own life.

As soon as Li Fang thought about it, it was true that the family opposite was a teacher, and their house was much better than theirs.

And the population is simple, there are only two couples with one child in that family, so I want to rent out the vacant house to subsidize some households.

Both of them are good people and easy to talk to.

Presumably, if you spend money to stay for two days, people will not refuse.

"Okay, sister-in-law, go ask!"

Li Fang is an enthusiastic person, and he greeted her soon after.

They quickly rented one of the rooms.

They need to bring their own bedding, five yuan for three days.

The room was very clean.

Feng Huizhen was also very satisfied when she saw it.

Much better than staying in a hotel.

Also down to earth.

It was mainly because I chatted with Li Fen just now that I realized that two stops ahead of them is the largest jade trading market in Kunming.

It is simply a natural right time and place.

This family is also very kind.

When I saw Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei, I greeted them warmly.

There is no one willing to pay five yuan to rent a house for three days these days.

We are only in 1980 now.

In the era when wages were only 40 to [-] yuan, five yuan was almost equivalent to saving a month's food money for others.

The project of tourism is basically not within the scope of people, and there is no concept.

Very few outsiders are willing to do so.

The couple almost responded to every request.

If it weren't for Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei being friends with the family opposite, the couple would even be willing to provide them with three meals a day.

There are really not many people who are willing to be taken advantage of when they go out.

Feng Huizhen and Jiang Lei settled down.

Feng Huizhen simply tidied up the house, and she can't ask for too much in this age.

Generally speaking, the two houses are very clean and tidy, the windows are bright and clean, the inside of the house has also been painted, and there is a double bed.

Of course, they prepared the bedding by themselves, so Lao Zhang and his wife helped them prepare some bedding.

The temperature here is still good, so there is no need for too thick bedding.

After the two of them cleaned up here, they simply rested.

It was not early when they came today.

There is definitely no chance of going out.

When Feng Huizhen woke up in the morning, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Jiang Lei staring at her with piercing eyes.

The moment Jiang Lei's Danfeng eyes saw her open them, his eyes were full of tenderness.

The big hand hooked her neck and directly hugged her in his arms.

"Feng Huizhen suddenly felt very happy. Every morning when I opened my eyes and saw you, it was probably the happiest thing in my life."

Hold the woman in your arms tightly.

The two of them lingered on the bed for a long time before getting up.

Fortunately, I didn't forget that this is someone else's house. The privacy here is not strong, and it is easy to be listened to in the corner unintentionally.

Apart from being able to kiss and touch Jiang Lei, he can't even do much.

For the first time, Jiang Lei felt that it might not be a good idea to come out to live.

When will the two of them have a private space, their intimate two-person world?

Why are there always so many people and so many things added to their lives.

Jiang Lei sighed and got up.

There was nothing he could do except to take a cold shower.

In the quiet time of the morning, Feng Huizhen looked at Jiang Lei's bare upper body, swaying in front of her eyes, without any shyness to avoid it.

She suddenly understood that their intimacy had many facets.

It is not only married life, but also includes leisurely getting along and doing daily life together.

In just a few days, the relationship between the two has become so comfortable.It's like a natural couple.

Jiang Lei watched Feng Huizhen sitting in front of the mirror while getting dressed, brushed his hair briskly a few times, and the shiny black hair quickly returned to its original order.

Like smooth satin, it was scattered behind her.

Probably for the convenience of Feng Huizhen's slender and white hands, she rolled up her black hair.

Gently swipe and pull smoothly on the hair, and immediately change a shape.

Showing her slender and smooth back neck.

Instantly added an elegant temperament.

Her slender limbs twisted and bent gracefully, making the movement of putting on clothes, which firmly attracted his attention.

Every action is full of temptation.

Jiang Lei couldn't help but think of the feeling when the two of them were together, and his waist immediately reacted.

He couldn't have her now, at least not now.

Jiang Lei's regretful eyes fell on Feng Huizhen's.

"Today, let's go to the jade trading market."

The two spoke in unison with a tacit understanding, all to change the subject.

After all, the tension between the two of them could easily lead to a passionate breakdown.

The two couldn't help showing knowing smiles.

Jiang Lei hugged Feng Huizhen, "Okay, change clothes, let's go to Brother Zhang's for breakfast. We will leave after eating."

Jiang Lei suddenly felt that his current life was very good.

Although they are not married, the way they get along now is like a couple who have been married for many years.

And the way they get along now is no longer a simple romance, nor is it a trivial parental shortcoming.

Instead, it feels like home.

It was sleeping with the same woman every night, stretching his arms for her, allowing her to digest his passion.

As they became familiar with each other's bodies, their hearts got closer and closer.

Even every movement, every look, the two of them can understand each other.

The two people did not change their relationship because of this closer distance, but the relationship between the two of them became intimate and beautiful.

His heart beat faster at the thought of the night to come.

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