"Brother, we have separated, can you stop turning over the courtyard wall all the time?"

Lao Zhang was also helpless, his eldest brother didn't treat him as an outsider at all, but when he and him separated, the two brothers almost broke their faces.

At that time, the eldest brother didn't think of himself as a younger brother, but on weekdays, the eldest brother still had a preaching face.

"Although we have separated, I am still your eldest brother. I am here today to tell you and your younger siblings that you should stop working in the front shop and give it to me. It just so happens that my second child has nothing to do right now. Let them do the rice noodle shop.

You just talk about the two of you farming well at home, and you are still running around, look at your own legs.

It's not convenient for good people to do so much work, let alone your legs. "

"I'm also doing that shop for you. I'll give you 500 yuan, and it's considered a purchase."

The man didn't even look at Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen, as if he didn't feel anything about these two strangers.

Instead, he squatted beside Lao Zhang by himself.

He took out a cigarette pouch from his pocket.

Twist the tobacco leaves inside into a newspaper and roll it up, and lick the edge with your tongue, and it becomes a cigarette.

"Brother, don't talk about this matter, you clearly know that our couple can barely survive by relying on this rice noodle shop.

If you want to buy a store now, isn't that going to cut off your brother's way.You let our family drink the northwest wind. "

Lao Zhang looked at his elder brother and didn't know what to say. He thought that the elder brother he grew up with had a deep affection. When he was a child, his elder brother often fought with the children in the village because of him.

Protect yourself and give yourself something delicious.

But I don't know why he grew up and got a family. After he returned from serving as a soldier, everything changed.

The eldest brother had a sister-in-law, had his own children, his own home, and suddenly became very strange to him, not only strange, but the eldest brother began to become greedy.

He wanted to take this old house away from him several times, if his parents hadn't made it clear when they were dying, these things would be left to him.

I'm afraid the eldest brother can find a reason to drive him away.

It is impossible for the village committee to do such a thing, and this is how he gained a foothold.

In this way, the eldest brother found various reasons and insisted on dividing half of the family property.

It's a pity that the eldest brother has been thinking about this shop of his own.

I want to take it away several times.

Lao Zhang felt that the eldest brother was just adding insult to injury at the moment.

The two plots of land in their village are terraced fields on the mountain. How could he farm with his legs?

Besides, the two pieces of land add up to only an acre and a half, and the children plus a few more children.

Hurry up and hurry up, the little rice planted and beaten in a year is barely enough for them to make rice noodles.

The family's food rations are tight, and only the money from selling rice noodles can be used to buy some food subsidies from the grain store.

Relying on the little rice harvested from the field alone, the whole family may starve to death.

"Second brother, what's your situation now? Don't you know that you can make money if you go on like this? Big brother is for your own good. Don't think that big brother is thinking about your shop."

Boss Zhang glanced at his younger brother, especially at his leg with disgust.

If it is said that he and his younger brother had a deep relationship, but since he got married, his wife has been exaggerating in his ears every day.

He is the eldest, and the family property should belong to him alone, and he will take care of his parents.

The younger brother is not at home these years, and the parents are all dependent on him to take care of them. Why doesn't the family property belong to him?

Gradually, Boss Zhang became distorted in his heart, thinking more about his small family.

Just like now he feels that his younger brother is a cripple, why is he still standing in such a money-making shop?

It's better to give it to yourself.

In his mind now, he and his younger brother are already two families, and he only thinks about his own children and grandchildren.

"Brother! I advise you to give up. I won't sell that shop."

Hearing this, Boss Zhang stood up and crushed the cigarette in his hand to the ground vigorously.

"Okay, okay, if you don't sell it, if you don't sell it, just wait to drink the northwest wind.

Your brother-in-law heard that he owed a lot of debt for gambling stones outside, so he borrowed money everywhere.

He can let these people come to the door today, and he can let other people come to the door tomorrow. Let me tell you, if this continues, your shop will not be able to keep.

Sooner or later, your brother-in-law will have to take it away and pay back the debt.If you don't give it to the eldest brother, it is equivalent to trying to take advantage of outsiders, so do what you want, it's up to you. "

Boss Zhang turned around and left, but the words left behind made the family fall into a thunderbolt.

Jiang Lei hurriedly turned to look at Lao Zhang and asked.

"What is stone gambling?"

He had heard of gambling, but this was the first time he had heard of gambling with stones.

"One knife is poor, one knife is rich, and one knife wears linen."

What Feng Huizhen said made Lao Zhang nod in shame.

"That's right, ours is relatively close to Myanmar. Myanmar is rich in emerald ore, but when these ores were first dug out, they were all lumps of stone, and it was impossible to tell whether there was emerald or jade in them.

The emeralds here are very famous, so an industry called gambling stones was born.

Those rough stones pulled directly from the mine cannot see what they are like inside, so it depends on personal ability.

Experienced and seasoned people can judge whether there is emerald in this stone by virtue of the texture of the ore, and how much emerald there is!

Of course, everything is false until the stone is cut.

Many people have joined the industry.That's why there is this sentence, one knife is poor, one knife is rich, and one knife is cutting linen.

No one knows whether it will be heaven after the knife is cut, or it will go bankrupt.

Some people specialize in this for a living, and get some money from being cheated in the Tiankeng, and spend it in this stone gambling market, living on these rough stones.

If one size fits all wins, they will drink and eat meat, and enjoy all good days.If it breaks.

There are not a few people who jumped from the most famous five-story emerald trading building. "

After Jiang Lei heard this, his heart was completely chilled. Needless to say, what happened to Lao Zhang this time was a big trouble.

I am most afraid of meeting this kind of gambler. There is no end to this kind of person.

"Old Zhang, why not just do this, you sell this house, take your sister-in-law and children with you, and move to another city to live, I'll help you arrange it, don't worry. live?"

Old Zhang smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Xiaojiang, I know you mean well, but I can't leave here. The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my own doghouse. No matter how bad this place is, this is also my hometown. Leaving here is leaving my roots."

"Okay, okay, don't say more. You haven't introduced me to who this girl is. Is it the person you told me that you want to marry last time?"

Lao Zhang hastily changed the subject.

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