"That kid Li Mingyuan showed us the way and ran away early."

The three of them regretted it unceasingly. How could they have thought that what Li Mingyuan pointed out to them was not a way of life at all, but a way of death. This man and woman here can definitely take care of the three of them.

The most important thing is being beaten for nothing.

I didn't see that this woman was so skillful, she was almost crippled by a bunch of bowls, and now she was bleeding profusely, and she felt a little dizzy.

"I warn you. From today on, you are not allowed to come here to make trouble again, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Jiang Lei uttered harsh words and kicked him. The two people on the ground and the three men hurried away with their wounded bodies.

He didn't even care that his arm was still being removed.

Lao Zhang, who was sitting by the side, looked at his leg and hammered the other leg hard.

He had injured both legs.

Both legs were amputated, although one leg was kept below the knee and the other was amputated above the knee.

Without the help of prosthetics, he can only sit in a wheelchair all day long.

But the family couldn't afford prosthetics at all, so he simply cut a similar prosthetic out of wood and tied it to his leg with a belt after returning home to use it as his own leg to walk on.

But after all, it is inconvenient to move without legs, and accidents are easy to happen when you are in a hurry.

Now he can't even protect his wife and children.

There will be no fewer than a dozen such incidents in their shop in a year.

One or two hundred yuan more is enough, and more than ten yuan less is enough. Adding it together is not a small fee at all.

Isn't it because his wife and children swallow their anger because he is incapable of protecting them as a man.

Every time he went out impulsively to protect his wife and children, he was beaten in the end, maybe because he had to spend another fortune to see a doctor.

But continue to endure like this, when will this day be a boss.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. I'm a cripple, why didn't I just die at the beginning, and you can still get pensions after death, it's not as difficult as it is now."

Jiang Lei clenched the captain's fist.

"Old Zhang, you can't say that. If you say that, you're not hurting my sister-in-law."

The middle-aged woman immediately grabs her husband.

"Yeah, Lao Zhang, we are a husband and wife, how can you say that you are the pillar of the family while you are alive.

If you don't have this family, the sky will completely collapse.

It's not like you don't know.What is your brother's attitude?If you are gone, our family will not even be able to keep our house and land. "

The middle-aged woman never thought that Jiang Lei was Lao Zhang's comrade-in-arms.

"But what's the difference between living like this and being dead? It's because I'm alive that they want to bully you and your children even more."

Lao Zhang looked at his son, daughter and his wife beside him.

I really don't know what to do, he can't afford to die now, and he can't live.

"Sister-in-law, Lao Zhang, let's clean up the store first, this is not a place to talk."

Feng Huizhen saw this situation, the store must not be able to continue to operate, and it is not a thing to reminisce about the old days in the store now.

A few people reacted suddenly and looked at the mess around them.

Jiang Lei and Feng Huizhen took their two children, and their sister-in-law Li Fang, and quickly overturned the debris in the store, cleaned up all the tables, packed things, and closed the store.

At this time, there were no rolling gates, and the front doors were all boarded up.

Then lock it with a lock.

From the front of the store they came to the backyard.

The backyard is a very narrow yard with only one well.

Walking through the narrow courtyard, there are three rooms over there.

The house is a bit low and damp, and it is a bit uncomfortable for people to walk in.

It smelled musty, and most importantly, the walls in this room were falling off when the sun was not shining.

Lao Zhang took a look at the situation of the house, and his expression was a little sad.

Jiang Lei looked at the environment and couldn't help frowning.

It wasn't like this the last time he came to Lao Zhang's house. Lao Zhang's house has six rooms in total.

And the yard is very spacious, but today I saw a wall in the middle that completely divided the house into two halves.

Although he had never met his sister-in-law, he knew very well about Lao Zhang's living environment at that time.

It's not so damp and dilapidated. Could it be that Lao Zhang's life has undergone earth-shaking changes since it's been two years?

"What happened to Lao Zhang? How did the house become like this?"

After hearing this, Lao Zhang sighed and glanced at the wall with a complicated expression.

Li Fang hastily poured water for the two of them, and served a plate of glutinous rice cakes made by herself.

"That is Lao Zhang's elder brother who said that this yard is an old house left by his parents, and Lao Zhang cannot occupy it by himself, so the yard is divided into two.

The elder brother wanted the front yard, and for us, there was only the north house at the back that was not exposed to the sun. "

There were two more well-dressed guests at home, and they looked extremely eye-catching in their room.

It made the whole family a little uneasy.

Feng Huizhen took a look at the family environment, and knew that Lao Zhang's conditions were not what Jiang Lei said. It seemed that when Jiang Lei first came, Lao Zhang's conditions were still good.

"You just let your brother bully you like this. When you were a soldier, all those allowances were sent back to your family. If you didn't have those allowances, how could your family be able to build so many houses.

Doesn't the armed forces department in the county care about it? "

Jiang Lei didn't expect the life of his old comrade-in-arms to be like this.

"Oh, stop talking. I'm already a useless person. If I can't contribute to the country, I can't drag the country down.

I never went to the Ministry of Armed Forces about this matter, and the Ministry of Armed Forces didn't know about it at all, and besides, it was a family matter.

Even if the real armed forces come forward, for us, this matter still needs to be resolved internally. "

Lao Zhang beat his legs, and after removing the two homemade prosthetics, he could see the thick calluses that had been worn out.

Lao Zhang rubbed his legs with his hands tiredly while talking.

He really didn't expect to see his old comrade in arms under such circumstances.

Why did he always see Jiang Lei and the others outside and never let them meet at home.

It is because they are afraid that they will see their true condition.

"Okay, even if you don't want to cause difficulties for the country, you can't let your brother bully you in your current situation."

Jiang Lei knew about Lao Zhang's difficulties, and each of them who had served in the army was reluctant to go to others to complain about their grievances after leaving the army.

But Lao Zhang had such a tough temper in the team back then, so he wouldn't be bullied like this by his brother.

"Second boy, I heard you were fighting again, and you were being bullied again?

I told you a long time ago not to open that store, just give it up to me. If you say that you are a cripple and open a store there, that is not sincerely letting those people find trouble every now and then. "

While talking, a man turned over from the ladder on the courtyard wall.

Entering Lao Zhang's house is like no man's land.

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